spy ace

Chapter 1262 Identity Game

Chapter 1262 Identity Game
Trigger went on to say: "When I went out and came back, I paid special attention to the stairs, the door of the building and so on. There was no blood. So don't worry."

No. [-] nodded, still a little worried, and said, "I don't think I can stay in this place for long. Tell me, you just said that you found two safe houses. What's the situation, tell me about it?"

Trigger is actually very concerned about safety, so he immediately introduced it, saying: "The first one is about ten miles to the northeast of this house. The street is not too busy, but... it's okay. On Tongchuan Road, It is a six-story building. There are quite a lot of buildings in that area. I inquired a little bit, and it is a worker’s dormitory area built by several large factories, or a family building. One of the six-story buildings is slightly on the periphery. In Room [-], there is only a woman in her fifties, who can easily be controlled by us. I think there is no problem after we go in and live safely for a few days."

As he said that, Trigger ate some pancakes, drank some water, and said, "The other one is on the west side. It's called Shanghe Road. There is one of the residential buildings. On top of one of the four-story buildings, there is a private building. The attic, I went up to have a look, it’s ok, the area is quite large, there are some old furniture and other things piled up, it is estimated that some house has replaced the new ones, the old ones are reluctant to be thrown away, so they are all put on it, It’s just that if the wind is stronger, it feels like the air is leaking everywhere. It’s been a long time since no one went up, and this is the season, and it’s probably less likely that people will go up in the future.”

After listening to No. [-], he said: "When you go out to investigate in the afternoon, I will find two more safe houses. Both of you seem to be in bad shape."

The trigger laughed, and said: "Brother, with your current small body, you should be more honest, move around casually and then break the wound away. When I go to investigate the situation, I will just find a few safe houses by the way. You Just get some rest."

No. [-] nodded and said, "It's a good thing you said that, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get off the stage, and I have to go. Hehe."

The two of them finished their meal, and after a while, No. [-] took the anti-inflammatory medicine. Trigger helped him to lie down gently, and said, "Okay, you should go to sleep for a while and try not to move around as much as possible. I'm going out already."...

Wang Dasheng and Li Zhi finished ordering their subordinates, and came back to meet Osuga Yingshi and others again.Wang Dasheng was a little embarrassed, and said: "Mr. Osuka, besides the police station, we also have a secret location on Huisong Road. It has the same function as the special cell on the basement floor here. Hey... I am ashamed to say that people were also rescued. The six brothers inside were also brutally murdered. Can you please go to the scene to take a look?"

Eishi Osuka did not hesitate at all, and said: "Of course, please also Director Wang and Director Li, please tell me about the situation in detail on the way. Who are the two rescued people, and why are they locked up in the prison?" The police station and Huisong Road, I hope to introduce them to me in detail."

"Mr. Osuka, don't worry." Wang Dasheng said: "On the way, we will introduce everything we know to you in detail."

A group of people walked out of the police station, Osuka Yingshi and Wang Dasheng, Li Zhi in a car, and others in a car.On the way, the two of them told Osuka Yingshi in detail what they knew.

Finally, Wang Dasheng said: "Mr. Osuka, that's all we know. The rest of the situation was arranged by our director Xue Zhining, so if you want to know all about this plan, Mr. Osuka can only ask our director." .”

Li Zhi and Wang Dasheng are both professionals. Although they don't know the details of the whole plan, they can actually guess the general situation based on part of their contact.For example, Li Zhi, although Xue Zhining only asked him to lock him up in the police station.It is required to keep it confidential, and to eat, drink, entertain, and buy what you need.Don't be afraid to spend money.In this case, Li Zhi can guess the general idea after hearing it.

But Yingshi Osuka is a little devil and a Japanese.In addition, he is also the general counsel of the Nanjing Secret Service Headquarters.It is said that it is the general counsel, but in fact, it is like the emperor.

Eishi Osuka is very polite, without the domineering and superior feeling of other Japanese devils.But they are Japanese after all.It's his business to be polite, but as a traitor, do you dare to hide the situation from him?So although the two of them didn't express their guesses, they still explained what they knew to Eishi Osuka.

When Osuka Yingshi heard it, he also understood what was going on.Although he has just come to Nanjing, he has only contacted Xue Zhining, the director of the Nanjing Secret Service Headquarters, a few times.But through his own observation, Osuka Yingshi discovered that this Xue Zhining was not a simple person.And this not simply refers to ability.But the identity of the other party.

But Eishi Osuka has lived for nearly sixty years, and is an expert in this field, so why don't you understand?Although the other party's identity is not simple, but he has no intention of getting to the bottom of it.Because he felt that Xue Zhining's loyalty to Japan far surpassed that of others.Not even below yourself.Therefore, for such a loyal person in Japan, Eishi Osuka naturally would not delve into the issue of his identity.Even, in his subconscious mind, he didn't necessarily think that the other party might be Japanese.He just played a very clever trick of disguising his identity, turned himself into a Chinese, and now he is the director of the Nanjing Secret Service Headquarters.

In fact, if Fan Keqin knew Xue Zhining's situation, especially his appearance, he could answer Osuka Yingshi's question.Because Xue Zhining looked exactly the same as Wang Ning, the only person who was the first to investigate and hadn't been caught yet.It's just that there was no news from Wang Ning after that, and he never showed up again.

After Osuka Eishi and his party arrived at Huisong Road, martial law had been imposed here. After getting out of the car, Osuka Eishi, Daimon Shingo, and Asano Kazuo entered the scene under the leadership of Li Zhi and Wang Dasheng.

After carefully observing the yard, the ground, the door, the keyhole, the situation inside the house, the distribution of blood stains, the state of the dead body, the arrangement of furniture, etc., Osuka Eishi carefully observed.He came out again and walked around the surrounding environment twice, then began to meditate.

Seeing this, Li Zhi and Wang Dasheng didn't dare to interrupt, they just waited quietly aside.However, Daimon Shingo has a straightforward temper. After waiting for a while, he first asked, "What is Mr. Osuka thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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