spy ace

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271
"Hey." The foreigner glanced at Huazhang, showing envy, and raised his eyebrows at Fan Keqin, saying: "Oh, of course. I know you are impatient."

Fan Keqin handed over a banknote and said with a smile, "Then hurry up, friend."

The foreigner happily took the money, turned around and took a key from the key rack on the back wall, handed it to Fan Keqin and said, "Have a good time, both of you."

Fan Keqin said: "It will definitely." Then, with his arms around Huazhang's waist, he went upstairs directly from the stairs next to him.After finding their own room, the two opened the door and went in.

The layout of the house is not bad. Although it is not as big and luxurious as a big hotel, a room of [-] to [-] square meters is enough.It was fully furnished and there was a record player for vinyl.

Fan Keqin didn't want to shake the legs of the bed, so his eyes lit up when he saw the vinyl record player, and he came directly to him, turned on the switch, chose a jazz piece from the side, put it on it, and pushed down the head.After a while, beautiful music came from inside.

Fan Keqin turned the knob to make the voice slightly louder.Turning around, he said, "Now there is no need to shake the legs of the bed."

Hua Zhang was happy, and sat on the sofa next to Fan Keqin.Fan Keqin took out a cigarette and gave one to Huazhang, and the two of them immediately started tinkering with cigarettes.

Fan Keqin found paper and a pen on the desk next to him, and sketched out the State Council building in Manchukuo little by little.Then mark the direction of the three gates.In the end, I used very simple lines to mark the situation of the street around the paper.Said: "Help me to see, it should be right?"

Huazhang looked down, and after a while, said: "Yes. That's what I remember." Following her, he looked up at Fan Keqin and asked, "Brother Zun, our mission is the State Council Building of Manchukuo? It's a bit too difficult."

Fan Keqin exhaled smoke and said, "It's a bit high, let's study it first. See if there is any chance."

Huazhang said: "I wandered around for a long time today, and there are many Puppet Manchukuo agencies around here. On the street to the south, there is a military police squadron barracks of the Kwantung Army stationed here. The straight-line distance...about four hundred meters The surrounding streets are in very good condition. If something happens to the State Council Building in Manchukuo, I believe that even if you run forward, you will be there in a few minutes. If you run fast, it will take more than one minute, or less than two minutes.

Fan Keqin marked the location of the barracks on the street to the south with a pen.Then he pointed to a street on the left side of it, and said, "I remember that there is a puppet police office here, right?"

"Yes." Huazhang affirmed: "There are more buyers and sellers on both sides of the street here. It is estimated that they are specially set up here to maintain law and order."

Fan Keqin drew a circle on the corresponding position with a pen, and said: "This kind of police office should not have many people in it. Can there be four or five? Five or six people? It's almost the same."

Huazhang flicked the cigarette ash and said, "Yes, this is similar to our City Patrol Office. There are only a few people in it. When on duty, two people go out and wander around. Two people are also kept in the office. .It’s only four to six people.”

That's it, while recalling, the two of them marked all the possible support points of the puppet Manchukuo in the surrounding area, followed by checking that there were no omissions, and began to study how to attack.

Fan Keqin said: "If you want to kill all the people inside...it seems too difficult."

Huazhang also directly admitted that it is almost impossible to kill everyone inside, unless hundreds of people attack inside.It is really difficult to clean up the entire building with a lightning attack of special operations.

Huazhang said, "What if we don't clean it up? How about some cleaning up?"

Fan Keqin pondered for a while, and said: "You mean...for example, to clean up the main building in the middle. This must be the most confidential among the secrets."

"Yes." Huazhang said: "It's not the entire main building in the middle. The main building in the middle also has five floors. It would be a lot of trouble to clean it up. Can we follow what you did in Guangzhou and blow up the load-bearing on the first floor."

Fan Keqin shook his head, and said: "It's not possible. This building covers a huge area, and there are many rooms inside. Just from the outside, you can know the interior space, which is wrong and complicated. The building in Guangzhou Although the building of the Co., Ltd. has four floors and is not low, it does not occupy such a large area. Although I don’t know much about architecture, I also know that the larger the building, the more load-bearing it needs.”

Huazhang frowned and thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and said: "This is really a bit like an iron turtle."

Fan Keqin didn't answer, but thought quietly for a while, and then said: "Then, shall we change the target to one?"

"Huh?" Huazhang stubbed out his cigarette, looked at Fan Keqin, and said, "Brother, one? You mean, Xiqia and his like?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "But it's not Xiqia, what do you think of Zang Fengjiu?"

Huazhang thought for a moment, and said, "We don't know where this guy lives. Brother, your idea is to attack the State Council Building in Manchukuo, and change it to kill Zang Fengjiu?"

Seeing Fan Keqin nodding, Huazhang continued: "This guy is not easy to kill. The main reason is that our strength in the Northeast is limited. We know very little about the situation of these high-ranking officials in Manchukuo."

"There's a saying? You can't run away from the temple if you run away from the monk." Fan Keqin said: "Isn't the State Council Building of the Puppet Manchukuo here? Take a closer look, unless he quit. Otherwise, he We will definitely get the whereabouts."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin clicked on the map, and said: "This is our street. I see that there are two little devils running a business on the street, but if you go a little further, on this side of the street, you can find a Observation room. Then use high-powered binoculars to monitor the situation of the puppet State Council building at all times. This building has no yard, it is independent, and there is no shelter at all. So as long as someone comes in and out, the entire front can be seen.”

When Huazhang heard what he said, he lowered his head and looked again seriously, and said, "Well, the angle is a bit slanted and small, but this will allow the observers to hide on the side of the window, I think it will work. But I guess the secret whistle around here There are not many. The business of the two little devils at the intersection... I think there are nine out of ten out of ten, it is the secret sentry they set up. Or the little devil merchants deliberately set it up here, in order to form a blinding vision."

(End of this chapter)

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