spy ace

Chapter 1272 The Next Goal

Chapter 1272 The Next Goal
Huazhang went on to say: "However, if we make good use of it, it will be able to form a cover that is beneficial to us."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Well, it's more clever. I should send some good scouts over here to do some scouting around here. It doesn't have to be on this street, as long as you can see the Manchukuo Anywhere in the State Department building..."

Huazhang asked: "There is almost no possibility of success in a close-range assassination, and poisoning can't get in at all. There are too many variables in the arrangement of organs along the way. Finding the opponent's home... I'm afraid it will be difficult to track this level. The residences of high-ranking Manchu officials must be heavily guarded."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said in a deep voice: "We still have to rely on long-distance sniping. The chance of a single shot is about [-] meters. Let's see the situation of the investigation first."

Next, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang studied the surrounding terrain and discussed several possibilities for the assassination.But still like the problem mentioned before, they know very little about the scope of action of these high-ranking officials of the Puppet Manchukuo.I can only rely on my own observation for most of the day, and roughly speculate that there are too many variables.

Therefore, Fan Keqin decided to send someone to observe the State Council Building in Manchukuo first, and then to learn more about the situation, depending on the situation.

Fan Keqin took out a silver shell lighter, burned the blueprints he had drawn, and lit a cigarette again.It's not that he is too addicted to smoking, but simply burning paper, the taste is different.

If you light a cigarette, the smell is completely different.Because paper burns faster and cigarettes burn slower, the smell of smoke will be greater, unless you have a very keen sense of smell.Otherwise, in a room with a stronger smell of smoke, it is almost impossible to tell if any paper has been burned.

Watching the paper burn, shaking the ashtray with your hands, shaking the ashes into a powder and mixing them with the ash.There were still a few cigarette butts thrown inside, and even if someone saw it, they wouldn't be able to see anything wrong with it.

Fan Keqin said: "Tomorrow we will observe for a day, and then set off for Harbin. See if there are any targets there. Maybe there may be an attack point that we can complete in the near future."

Huazhang said: "Harbin is a special city. Although its status in Manchukuo is not as good as that of the capital of Manchukuo, it is also very high. It is an important transportation hub in the Northeast and a place where materials are collected. Brother, when we arrive in Harbin, why don't we go to see Manchukuo and Manchukuo? The goods station of the little devil. If there is a chance, if you make a vote, it will also cause serious damage to the little devil and the puppet Manchukuo."

Fan Keqin gave a "hmm" and said, "The last time I was on a mission, I planted a bomb near the Songjiang freight station in Harbin. According to the investigation at that time... the guarding situation of the Songjiang freight station is probably better than that of the Puppet Manchukuo. The State Council Building is not bad. Although Manchukuo is a puppet supported by the little devil, it still has two management systems in name. But the Songjiang cargo station is under the vertical jurisdiction of the Kwantung Army Command of the little devil, and the little devil regards the Songjiang cargo station as his own. The site is quite heavily guarded. There are at least two squadrons of the Kwantung Army guarding it."

Having said that, Fan Keqin took another puff of cigarette, and continued: "However...we are not without chance. The Songjiang cargo terminal has a larger scope and a larger place, which means that there must be loopholes. But I haven't thought about it yet. Well, if we really have a chance to be able to...for example, sneak in, what can we do? Press and release the bomb? I'm afraid it won't blow up too many things."

"What about arson?" Huazhang said: "Arson bombs are very easy to make and easy to carry... But there is also one thing, that is, the speed of burning. If it is thrown on non-flammable goods, I am afraid it will not be effective."

Fan Keqin looked at Huazhang and said, "Actually, I have an idea. The power of our government is here, it is really not good. The wolves and other teams formed a few years ago are only more destructive. In terms of intelligence, the Northeast region , still not very bright. If our information is accurate and we can know the cargo information in the Songjiang cargo terminal, it will be much easier to handle. For example, the ammunition of the little devil is piled in that area in the cargo terminal? Or, the little devil Where is the fuel stored? If we can know these two situations and have a specific attack target, just one bomb can play a huge role."

Huazhang frowned, and while thinking about it in his mind, he said: "Songjiang Cargo Station is an important transfer station for the devils in the Northeast. Inside the warehouse, it is impossible to store it in an open-air snow storage area. If there is no major renovation of the internal situation of Songjiang cargo terminal after the invasion of the little devils, can we ask an old man in Harbin to ask. For example, in the original Songjiang cargo terminal How about asking someone who works as a patrol inspector, or an order clerk?"

"Well, that's a good idea." Fan Keqin said: "After we arrive in Harbin, we will first inquire about the residents in the area around the Songjiang freight station, and ask for the kind of locals who have lived there for a long time. The station has undergone a massive makeover, and I think they should be able to figure something out."

Huazhang smiled and said: "Yes. If there is a large-scale reconstruction, a lot of manpower must be mobilized at that time. It is impossible for the people around to know nothing about it. It would be better if it was rebuilt. Will the little devil repair it himself? Of course he will Many local people were recruited to participate. We can find a few workers who participated in the renovation project back then to understand the internal situation.”

Huazhang said here, but seemed to think of something again, frowned slightly, and said: "I understand the internal situation... We still don't know where the specific devil's goods are placed. This information is the key, otherwise, Even if we sneak in, it will not necessarily achieve good results as you said."

Fan Keqin flicked the cigarette ash and said, "That's why I said I have an idea." After speaking, he also frowned and began to think carefully.

Until a cigarette was about to burn out, Huazhang helped him take off the cigarette butt, put it out in the ashtray, and asked, "Brother, what do you think, can you tell me?"

"Ah." Fan Keqin said: "This does not involve confidentiality, so I don't want to hide it from you. It may contact the Red Party again. I am considering the possibility of this matter. You also know that although the National Government is now in contact with the Red The party reached an agreement, but the attitude has always been... I am worried that it may be inappropriate to contact the Red Party again."

Huazhang raised his head, looked at Fan Keqin, and asked, "Brother, do you think the Red Party is inappropriate. Or..."

(End of this chapter)

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