spy ace

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273
Huazhang then asked: "Brother, or are you worried that someone in the government will give us the impression that we are close to the Red Party?"

Fan Keqin glanced at her, paused, and said, "It should be the latter. In the Northeast, we have not effectively established many intelligence channels. But on the contrary, the Red Party has secret channels in the Northeast. This point, from It can be seen from many aspects. So I thought, since this is the case, why not contact the Red Party to see if they have a way to get the distribution of goods inside the Songjiang cargo terminal."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin was slightly worried, and said again in a low voice: "I'm afraid... the government will have associations in this regard."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Brother, what if we...how about contacting the Red Party in private? In the Kuomintang-controlled area, the Red Party now has several offices. It is not difficult to contact them."

Fan Keqin thought about it and asked, "Tell me what you think."

Huazhang said: "Contact them through these offices, but we don't go through the official procedure. It's just that... just in case the Red Party and the others might misunderstand, don't think that we are playing some kind of conspiracy."

"That's not enough." Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "I understand the people of the Red Party. If the firmness of belief and the determination to resist the war... Hehe, many high-ranking officials in the government may not be able to compare. Go to them. The key point is that they are very principled. Now that the guns are all on the outside, it is impossible for them to reject us for things that are beneficial to the War of Resistance.”

Huazhang looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Then...how about this. I'll contact the Red Party, of course, in a secret way, and convey our needs to the other party. If the government finds out afterwards, just say, this This operation must be kept strictly confidential, and the rules of our Security Bureau are also the same, so no one can say anything."

After hearing Huazhang's method, Fan Keqin leaned back on the chair, thought about it quietly, and said: "Well, when we act, we must keep it secret. This is a basic principle of the intelligence department. For The source of information also needs to be protected... I think it can be done. Then how do you want to contact the Red Party?"

Huazhang said: "In the last operation, didn't we cooperate with the Red Party once? I know a contact point of the Red Party in Shanghai. I just don't know if this contact point is still there. If not, I will go back to the Kuomintang-controlled area for a while." Let’s take a trip, and then use a private method to convey our intentions to the staff of the Red Party’s office there.”

Fan Keqin said: "It's a waste of time."

"It's okay." Huazhang said: "At least it won't delay our actions for too long."

Fan Keqin understood what she meant, because as long as Huazhang returned to the Kuomintang-controlled area, he would be able to convey the situation to the other party without too long a delay.After the Red Party learned the information, when Huazhang rushed back, the information must have been faster than others. For example, the Red Party could pass the matter to the higher-level organization with a telegram.The Huazhang people are still on their way back. It is estimated that the specific task has already been assigned to the underground party in the northeast region.

Fan Keqin finally made a decision and said: "Okay, I will do it according to the method you said. In addition, when you come back, come to Harbin directly. Let's make an agreement on how to contact you."

Next, the two of them did further research on Huazhang's return and contacted that office.Fan Keqin gave specific suggestions on how to contact, and even how to speak.Advice is, of course, a suggestion, not an order.

Because there is no way to order this matter, sometimes it needs to be adaptable.The most important thing is that Fan Keqin knows that Huazhang is an underground member of the red people.She has a [-]% way to pass this message to the Red Party.

But the difficulty lies in how to make Huazhang, a highly talented red agent, not feel that he has discovered her.That's why Fan Keqin lit a cigarette after saying "I have an idea", and after only taking a few puffs, he forgot about the existence of the cigarette.

Sure enough, after expressing his own thoughts, Huazhang began to speak out to test himself.

However, Fan Keqin understood that after he paved the way for Huazhang, no matter what Huazhang said, it would become very reasonable.After all, she is also a senior party-state agent on the surface.Dedicated to fighting the war, when the chief came up with a solution, he actively helped his chief to find a way. What a logical behavior this is.

In addition, Fan Keqin is still paving the way for the future.He believes that these foreshadowing will eventually be useful one day.

What about Huazhang?It has to be said that her talent is high.But still the same sentence, whoever masters the core secret of the opponent will take the absolute initiative.She didn't know that she had no secrets in front of Fan Keqin.In fact, this is a very terrible situation in the intelligence war.

From the perspective of God, it can only be said that she is facing Fan Keqin.Of course, with Huazhang's talent, hard work, and Fan Keqin's unreserved teachings.Her current ability is actually very high.If Huazhang had the heart and ability now, even Fan Keqin might not be able to discover her secret.

In fact, Huazhang also knew in his heart that Fan Keqin, his immediate chief, was really fighting the war.The other party is like a robot, almost never resting, and is always on the secret battlefield, making things difficult for the little devil.And the ability is really too high.Whether it is anti-espionage or action.As long as it is field work in the field of secret agents, it seems that there is nothing he can't do.

It is precisely because of this that Huazhang longs for such a person to be red.She even planned to take the risk of dyeing the opponent's body red at a certain point.

But Huazhang was worried again, and this worry was also due to Fan Keqin's too strong ability.She was afraid that if she was careless, she would not see Fan Keqin's true thoughts.Because if the effect is the opposite, with Fan Keqin's superb means and ability, then the party organization may suffer a very serious blow.This is a risk that Huazhang cannot afford anyway.

Fortunately, Fan Keqin expressed concern about this matter now, so Hua Zhang suddenly felt that this was an opportunity, and she knew that the other party only had to worry about this matter.Then no matter what I say next, it is in line with my identity.So Huazhang asked, "I'm worried about the Red Party, or..." words.

Fan Keqin's answer was still not positive.Huazhang understood that this was Fan Keqin's habit, and it was also a subconscious reaction of an excellent special agent.But the answer is to reassure Huazhang.At least, she felt that Fan Keqin...

(End of this chapter)

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