spy ace

Chapter 1274

Chapter 1274
At least Huazhang felt that Fan Keqin was not always wary or hostile towards the Red Party like some people in the government.

But Huazhang also can't ask deeply.Fan Keqin was too perceptive, so Huazhang gave specific methods instead.This is the normal behavior pattern of a subordinate...

The vinyl records have been changed three times, and I have to say that the collection of this German owner is very good.It took about an hour for the three discs to be played.

According to Fan Keqin and Huazhang's setting of opening a house.When the first vinyl disc was released, the two of them were in the house, having a little flirtation, dancing, and bouncing around.The second vinyl disc is for the two of them to add to the fun when they are doing serious business.And the third vinyl disc, after finishing the work, talking about love after the event, smoking an after-event cigarette, etc., the time can be said to be just right.

For ordinary people to do things, from the beginning to the end of the business, in fact, twenty minutes is considered a long time.Talking about it for an hour or two at every turn is actually just an exaggeration.That's pretty much impossible unless you're on drugs.In particular, Fan Keqin and Huazhang's setting is still the kind of dry wood meeting fire, otherwise how would they open the house, right?

As for the encounter between dry wood and raging fire, the two parties must be very devoted, and the more devoted, the less it will last.Because they are all too excited.

So now Fan Keqin and Huazhang could spend more than an hour in the room together, which would be very reasonable.When the two of them came out, Fan Keqin exchanged pleasantries with the German boss, and then they left with Huazhang.

Before returning to the hotel where they were originally staying, the two found a restaurant on the street and had dinner.After returning to the hotel, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang kept a low profile, studied their previous discussion again, and took a rest directly.

Early the next morning, when the sky was getting dark, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang got up and finished washing.And dressed neatly, went downstairs and checked out of the room normally.

Following Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang, they got into the carriage and arrived at the train station.Huazhang is going back, while Fan Keqin is going to Harbin.In addition, they don't have to worry about not having a train ticket.Although the New Year will be over in a month or so, there is no Spring Festival travel wave this year, and even if there is, it is not as vast as the later generations.What's more, they are not short of money, and all of them are first-class seats, that is, private rooms.This kind of seat is generally unaffordable for ordinary people who want to travel.

First put Huazhang on the truck, and after waiting for a while, Fan Keqin also boarded the train bound for Harbin.

Speaking of the railway situation in the entire Northeast, in this year and month, it is very developed in China.There are more trains than other places, and the speed is... not bad.Furthermore, it is not too far from Harbin, so at noon, in the afternoon, the train whistled the last whistle before entering the station.

After a bang, bang stopped, Fan Keqin got out of the car wearing a top hat and a long fur coat, looking stylish and rich.

Just after leaving Harbin Station, I boarded a taxi directly in the square outside.After a while, after a big uphill, we came to the International Hotel not far away.

Still the same words, not bad money!Directly opened a senior suite.Fan Keqin took the elevator up to the fifth floor, found his room, opened the door with his key, and walked in.

Although Fan Keqin came to live in Harbin randomly, but out of caution, he checked all the key parts of the entire suite.Well, fine, nothing wrong with that.

Honestly stayed in the room for a day, and early the next morning, Fan Keqin got dressed and had breakfast in the restaurant below the hotel.Then go out directly and rush to Songjiang cargo terminal.

Speaking of which, the location of Songjiang Cargo Station is in the southeast direction of Harbin Central District.It used to be a transshipment center for materials.However, after the little devils invaded, because they wanted to support the front-line operations, they requisitioned this place not long after.It has become a territory under their complete control.

The area of ​​Songjiang Freight Terminal is very large, almost catching up with the average town.There are all kinds of goods in it.And after the little devil takes control, as soon as all kinds of supplies arrive, they will be pulled here directly from the train station.The same is true for the goods to be transported to the front. First, they will be stored in the Songjiang cargo station, and then they will be transported to the railway station as a whole.

Therefore, there are a lot of vehicles at Songjiang Freight Station, whether they are cars or horse-drawn carriages.Fan Keqin was not in a hurry to inquire about the situation inside the Songjiang cargo terminal.Instead, after arriving here, they walked around the Songjiang cargo terminal like a pedestrian.

After one lap, it took Fan Keqin a full three hours. Although he was not walking fast, he walked at a normal pace.Sometimes I have to stop, hide in a small alley, or in the corridor of a residential building, and observe the situation.But it can still be seen how huge this Songjiang cargo terminal is.

The entire cargo terminal is not in a regular shape, such as square, trapezoid and the like.Fan Keqin, who walked through the main entrance on the front, knew that there must be no chance here.There are too many people and too many people.In addition, the Police Department of Manchukuo is only five streets away from the front of the Songjiang cargo terminal.

The fence around the main entrance is covered with barbed wire.Using the height of the fence as a reference, Fan Keqin estimated that the height of the barbed wire above was also about [-] meters, [-] meters.Every ten meters, there is a supporting triangle.

If a person climbs up the wall, it must be difficult to climb over such a high barbed wire fence.Unless you throw a quilt directly over the barbed wire.However, there are no tall buildings in the Songjiang cargo terminal.Even at night, if someone is looking at the fence, it is more obvious that you throw a quilt over the barbed wire.

In addition, Fan Keqin was at the front, and when he walked forward, he heard the voice of slogans shouted in Japanese from inside the fence, and he knew that the place not far from the front must be the army of little devils guarding inside.

On the side of the Songjiang cargo terminal, of course, the cargo terminal has an irregular shape, so let’s call it the east side.The further you walk here, the quieter it becomes.Although Fan Keqin couldn't see what was going on inside the freight station through the fence, but he could hear the sound of rattling trains.Come to think of it, there should be rails inside, which can directly pull the goods onto the train and transport them to the train station?Although Fan Keqin became an agent, he has studied all the relatively large cities and streets in the country.But he really didn't know the situation in Harbin Songjiang Station.

(End of this chapter)

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