spy ace

Chapter 1277 Information

Chapter 1277 Information
After the two sat down, Fan Keqin asked, "How is it? Have you been contacted?"

Huazhang nodded with a smile, and said: "We got in touch. Besides, I went back to the bureau and told the bureau chief about the situation. After all, you are right. It is still necessary to make a normal report. Otherwise Afterwards, it turned out that we were guilty. The Bureau Chief agreed very happily. Then he secretly dispatched Captain Wang Zhanyuan of the Field Service Corps to Changchun with a team of field workers. They were responsible for investigating the State Council Building in Manchukuo. Captain Wang and I also agreed Here are a few ways to get in touch."

Speaking of this, Huazhang first told Fan Keqin the contact method.Then he went on to say: "Brother, the response from the Red Party was very quick. I secretly contacted Mu Enmin, the director of their office, and I told him what kind of information I wanted to get in the Northeast. He said he would contact The superior. Then I also agreed on the code and method of contact. Unexpectedly, the next night, I got a reply. They asked the agents in the Northeast to find out the situation as much as possible. If they have definite news, they will send the information In the way of a dead letter box, put it in the Tianjin Baozi shop on Daoli Street. There is a depression in the middle of the toilet upper beam."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, I see, it looks like we're going to try the famous Tianjin buns in the future."

Huazhang paused, and said with a little worry: "Brother, the efficiency of the Red Party is much higher than that of the National Government. One is south, one is north. I only waited for a day for a reply."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, yes. Their efficiency must be much higher than that of the national government. This is due to their beliefs and crisis awareness. They are prepared for danger in times of peace. However, answering you is the same thing. After agreeing , the information is sent to the north, and the specific task is sent. It takes a little longer, and you can't tell it. However, from the time, before you come, there must be an underground party active in the north, which has already received the task. Said Maybe, when you were on the road, someone was already inquiring about this matter."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Yes, yes." Then he looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Then I'll go to the steamed stuffed bun shop on Daoli Street tomorrow, maybe the information has already been obtained."

Fan Keqin said: "That's fine, but I'll go. You've been driving too hard this way. Let's talk about it after a good rest. Besides, I haven't been idle these few days. I found two places where I can enter the Songjiang cargo terminal. .”

With that said, Fan Keqin got up and walked to the bookshelf, and took out some papers written in the book.Fu went back and sat down, one of which was a picture he had drawn.According to this simple picture he drew, he explained the situation to Huazhang, and finally said: "These are the circumstances of my investigation these days, and all the information that I think is more important is written on it. When you are resting at home tomorrow , you can take a look."

"Actually, I'm not very tired." Huazhang said: "I've been sitting all the way, but I'm a little tired. I'll sleep well tonight, and I'll stay with you tomorrow."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "It's up to you, it's still early today, I don't think we should wait until that day to eat Tianjin buns. You wait at home and read what I wrote. I'll go out and take a look Is there any information in the dead mailbox? By the way, bring the buns back, and let's eat together tonight."

Huazhang nodded, suddenly smiled and said, "Well, brother, it's best to bring some vinegar back."

"No problem." Fan Keqin replied, got up and put on again.out of the room.When I got downstairs, I called a taxi, and it didn't take long to arrive at Daoli Street.

It is said that the Tianjin buns here existed before the little devils invaded.It is also a time-honored restaurant, very famous.So when Fan Keqin came, although he didn't catch up with the meal, there were quite a few people inside.At least [-]% of the diners can sit.

Fan Keqin came to a table, ordered two small dishes, a jug of old wine, and three drawers of the most famous steamed stuffed bun, and told the waiter to take two drawers away.Then I asked where the toilet was, and I had to go to a toilet first.

According to the staff's instructions, Fan Keqin walked through the dining hall on the first floor, turned around, and entered the toilet.It is said that this is an old restaurant.The toilets inside are also old fashioned.However, this is a restaurant after all, and the old-fashioned toilet is inside the house, so the smell is relatively strong.In addition, the business was in good condition and it made a lot of money, so the toilet was rebuilt later and turned into a flush toilet and a sink.

However, the overall layout is still old-fashioned. After entering, Fan Keqin began to wash his hands non-stop, pushing away a kid who was peeing.Quickly came to the middle position, raised his head, there was a girder on it, Fan Keqin jumped hard, grasped the girder with both hands, then touched it with one hand...huh?There is something.

Fan Keqin quickly took out the paper inside and dropped it to the ground at the same time, then quickly glanced at the paper.Although it was continuously folded into a small piece, he could still tell that it was the most common type of letter paper.And it should be two stacked together.

Putting it into his arms, Fan Keqin washed his hands again to remove the dust on the girder, and then went out of the bathroom and began to eat and drink.

In fact, Fan Keqin really didn't expect that the Red Party could send news so quickly.When he just took out the information, although he didn't look carefully, he still glanced at it and sensed it with his hand.Judging from the dust on it, in fact, this information has not been placed on the beam for a long time, at most it has been down for three days.

If so, the time is indeed very short.After Huazhang went back, he immediately contacted the other party.Then it took some time to come back.But information always travels faster than people, just like what I told Huazhang before, maybe when she was on the road, the other party had just issued a task.But as long as a task is issued, such as a radio station, the radio waves will be transmitted to the northeast quickly in the air.

Therefore, the red agent who specifically took over the task must have been almost a week faster than Huazhang.If the information on the information has already involved specific content, then Fan Keqin can reasonably infer that the red agent who carried out the mission is likely to work in a department that is closely related to the Songjiang cargo terminal.

While eating, Fan Keqin thought about it carefully.If it is what I inferred, if I complete the sabotage task, will it bring danger to the other party?You must know that the little devil and the Puppet Manchukuo will definitely launch an investigation afterwards. If they suspect an internal leak, the red agent who provided the information may really be suspected.

(End of this chapter)

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