spy ace

Chapter 1278 Misleading Information

Chapter 1278 Misleading Information
What Fan Keqin is now considering is how to avoid this from happening.

After eating and drinking, Fan Keqin started to walk back. After reaching the hotel room, he took out the information and read it with Hua Zhang.

I saw the information written on it, which turned out to be very detailed, a total of three shipments, ammunition, fuel, and precious metals.The location information of each batch is marked very accurately.How many, there, guards are all there.Especially the last batch is the fuel storage information, including the time.

Behind the two pieces of letter paper, there are three pictures. Although they are also simple pictures, the routes drawn are very clear.

The two of them recorded the above information in their minds in detail, and then burned it to ashes together with Fan Keqin's records in the past few days.

After seeing it, Huazhang was very happy, and said: "Brother, with this information, we can save a lot of effort."

Fan Keqin shook the ashtray, smashed the ashes inside, and said, "You are right, but after reading this information, I am a little worried."

Huazhang was startled, and said, "Worried? What are you worried about?"

Fan Keqin glanced at her and said, "Have you noticed? The fuel information is so detailed, and it even clearly states when and when another batch will come. To get such information, I think this person must be The Japanese and puppets have penetrated deeply, even in the Songjiang cargo station, or in the agencies related to the Songjiang cargo station. If we successfully destroy these materials, then when the little devils and the puppet Manchukuo investigate afterwards, they will almost certainly It is suspected that it was an internal leak. If there are many people who can access this information, that would be fine. But now there are indications that there should not be too many people who can access such detailed information.”

Huazhang's heart moved, but he still held back and said, "Brother, there is no need to worry about this. Since he has accepted the mission and has conveyed the information, it means that he is ready for this."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Of course, a latent agent, as you said, as long as the information is transmitted, he will not know what kind of situation he may face, and he will protect it as much as possible. Myself. Or, I have already prepared to bear the worst result. However... Although the opponent is not in the same camp as ours, but after all, it is for the resistance against Japan. It is okay for us to protect such anti-Japanese fighters. Moreover, this Not too much trouble."

Huazhang didn't dare to probe deeper, but paused, and said: "Well, then... let's think of a way to make people who investigate afterwards think that we got the information through other means. Brother, you already have the answer, right?"

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "Actually, when I got the information, I was thinking about these things. Now I almost have a prototype. For example, if we want to disguise the information obtained through investigative means, So what should we do? How about setting up a few observation points not far from the Songjiang cargo terminal?"

Huazhang thought for a while, and said: "I think it's okay, so let's set up a few more, so that we can investigate afterwards. After the little devil investigates and finds these observation rooms, he will make a wrong judgment. In order to protect the leak that exists inside By."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "That's what it means. It's best to leave a little clue on purpose when we act on the spot. But this clue can't be obvious. Let the other party find out the most reliable thing. Believe it. For example, if we use ropes to climb down from the height difference, it is inevitable that we will leave footprints on the place where we climbed up and down, but only footprints are left. Nothing else is left. And the Japanese puppet investigation, It is certain that we sneaked in from there. If there is a house nearby that is vacant, and after investigation, it is rented at the same time, what will the other party think?"

Huazhang said: "As long as the time is calculated... about ten days, this time should be the best. Then one of the inferences of the Japanese and puppets must be that the other party has lived here for ten days, but before they moved here for ten days, they Why did you choose this place? There must be a prior investigation. First, it is roughly determined that this place can enter the cargo terminal, and then the house will be rented. Then start to use this time to find out the situation in the cargo terminal. After blowing up the goods in the cargo terminal , the other party immediately abandoned this place.”

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Although this may not make the Japanese puppets completely sure. But it must be misleading. Also, to observe, it is best to rent a few rooms in other places. After all, it is only in one place , it will not be too accurate to mislead the Japanese and puppets into thinking that we obtained the information through investigation.”

Huazhang said: "There are still more than [-] days before the Chinese New Year. Brother, this time should be enough for us to operate. Tomorrow we will do this first. Let the investigators after the event have one more misleading information, that is, there is The same person, or a couple of men and women, have inquired about renting a house in these places."

The two of you talked to each other, gradually perfecting the whole plan.By the time they finished their work, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening.The steamed stuffed bun was already cold through.

But it's okay, cold buns are still edible.On the way back, Fan Keqin bought a small pot and made some vinegar.So two people dipped in vinegar and wiped out the two drawers of buns.Take a shower and go straight to bed.

In the early morning of the next day, after the two of them got up, they left the hotel and began to look at the house as planned.Because Fan Keqin made a detour at the freight station before.So when researching, the approximate location has already been determined.

They are the highland drop, a residential area on the slopes on both sides of the train track, and a building in the north, which is behind the freight station.

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang put on a little makeup, of course, not the legendary disguise technique.

For example, Huazhang deliberately painted the makeup with the more fashionable flaming red lips.Makeup is heavy.But it is more popular, so while being able to cover up some of the original appearance, it will not be too different.After all, many women who pursue fashion now wear this kind of makeup.

Fan Keqin didn't shave in the morning, and washed his face and hands with cigarette water to make his complexion look yellower.And also wearing a pair of sunglasses.This thing is actually very useful. In this day and age, the number of people wearing sunglasses is not much less than that of later generations.Because this thing is very fashionable, after it is passed on, people regardless of age and ability want to buy a pair of straps, which is really not conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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