spy ace

Chapter 1339 Advanced Plan

Chapter 1339 Advanced Plan
Equipped with all Thomson submachine guns, all equipped with fifty-round drums and two spare drums.Each person is also equipped with a suppressed pistol.In fact, whenever possible, pistols are used at the outset of operations, such as when disarming security forces.The submachine gun is more for emergency needs.And the pistol is equipped with a silencer, when solving security, the sound will not travel too far like a normal gunshot.Of course, if you encounter support, you can use the extremely fast firepower of a submachine gun to relieve your crisis in an instant.

Fan Keqin looked at the plan carefully and thought it was still possible.It's just that the choice of the retreat route is a bit inappropriate.Because the time they chose can be said to be the time with the most money.Therefore, if it is successful, the funds obtained must be a lot.How to transport so much money.As long as it encounters an inspection, it will basically be exposed.Thus, the other party knows the evacuation route.It's the same reason if you break through hard.

Therefore, Fan Keqin read the plan and handed it back to Bai Fengtai and Lewis, saying: "The whole is still possible. If the implementation is in place, I think you can succeed. But success means that you will get a lot of money." Funds. There are eight executors entering the bank, right? I dare not say that each of these eight people will carry a full backpack when they come out. But at that time, it was the time when the Great East Asia Bank was transporting money to various branches. The prepared funds will never be too little.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin looked at Bai Fengtai and Lewis, and then said: "In this way, how will the money be transported to the rear? There are too many, so I personally suggest that you find a very secret place outside the city in advance. location, transfer these funds to this secret place, and then break them into parts and return them scattered. Your safety will be higher. At the same time, I will let our people in Beiping wait for the wind to pass, and then return Take out the money. At that time, it was transported, or it was scattered transport, and it was replaced by materials, so there would be no problem at all.”

After hearing this, Lewis nodded and said, "You are right, sir. I think this attention is great."

Bai Fengtai smiled silently and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin said: "Okay, modify it according to my suggestion, and then hurry up and implement it. Don't delay the matter for too long. It has been ten days now. Count it all. In total, the Bank of East Asia will be completed within one month. Plan completed."

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said standing up.Then he and Lewis turned and left the office.

The next person who came to report was Zhao Debiao, who came with a lieutenant named Clark #Anderson.When assigning targets before, Zhao Debiao and Clark got the Shanghai Adam Road warehouse.This warehouse is based on local informants and the investigation of the branch.It was almost an accidental discovery.

What's the situation?It was when the puppet government officially listed and opened in Nanjing, the warehouse on Adam Road, although it was also a normal commercial warehouse.But slowly, some high-ranking members of the pseudo-government, as time goes by, search for more and more private properties of the people's fat and people's anointing.

Among them, the No. [-] warehouse on Adam Road is a transfer station for stolen goods of the puppet government officials.The materials that have been transferred inside are known to include antiques, calligraphy and paintings, foreign exchange, gold, and various luxury goods.Of course, I don't know what's in it now.After all, this warehouse is a transit point for officials of the pseudo-government. A batch of goods goes in, and if it is slow, the stolen goods will be sold out in a month.It will be a few days if it is fast.Therefore, the liquidity is very strong.Maybe one day it was full of antiques, but the next day it would be jewelry.

Previously, the plan for the No. [-] warehouse on Adam Road was customized by Clark, although it was not as outrageous as Lewis' customized bank robbery plan.But in Fan Keqin's eyes, it was still full of loopholes.It's really an action force, let your team members go in with firepower, and before that, set up obstacles in the streets around the warehouse.Then arrange wired controllable detonators on the roads on three sides, so that no matter whether there is support coming or not, they can directly blow up the support as long as they press the detonator.Then calmly evacuate the contents of the warehouse.

how to say?Fortunately, what Fan Keqin first looked at was the robbery plan of the Great Bank of East Asia.Otherwise, if you look at the plan first, Fan Keqin will also feel that this plan is outrageous.

The same problem, a sudden attack with heavy firepower will certainly be able to occupy the entire warehouse and allow you to move things, but how long will it take you to move them?How many cars are needed for transportation?If there are many, just drive on the avenue and retreat like this?To describe it in English, this is simply: "Bullshit!"

At that time, Fan Keqin didn't even give an explanation, and directly sent the plan back to Clark.The latter looked bewildered, and after thinking about it for a long time after going back, he asked Lewis what was going on. Although he couldn't tell the specific situation, Lewis suggested that he ask the immediate officer.Ever since, Clark began to ask Zhao Debiao for advice humbly.

The current plan is much better.The warehouse at No. [-] Adam Road did not need to be robbed openly, but Zhao Debiao's plan focused on the word "steal".After so many days of investigation, Zhao Debiao and Clark have grasped the guarding situation of warehouse No. [-].There are only four guards in this warehouse during the day.If the goods are shipped in, there will be cars pulling people like stevedores.These four people are just normal warehouse managers, keeping accounts, ordering goods in the warehouse, looking at the warehouse door and so on.

At night, warehouse No. [-] has fewer guards, only two people in total.From various indications, these senior members of the puppet government wanted to set up a memorial archway even after they became cousins.That is to say, although they are greedy for money, in order to keep a low profile, it is impossible to send a large number of puppet troops with great fanfare to watch.So it has become what it is now.But this is also normal. If you think about it differently, if you are these high-ranking members of the puppet government, you will not come here to collect money with great fanfare.

Therefore, Zhao Debiao's plan is to drive directly to warehouse No. [-] in a grandiose manner at nightfall.Seeing the truck approaching, even if the guard was suspicious for two nights, it is impossible to immediately call the police when he sees the car, he always has to ask about the situation.This is the opportunity to start.

After taking down the two guards, Zhao Debiao and the others had almost one night to act.Of course, for the sake of safety, it is still necessary to go as fast as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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