spy ace

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340
The vehicle entered the No. [-] warehouse compound, and then, the people hidden in the compartment behind the truck immediately got out of the vehicle and began to dump things on the truck.Just follow a calm retreat. In the whole process, except for killing the two guards, which was a bit more intense, the rest of the situation was almost handled in a gentle and gentle manner.

Fan Keqin looked at the plan from beginning to end, and felt that it was pretty good. Although Yankees participated this time, it was still dominated by Zhao Debiao's action team from the Security Bureau. Even with the exception of some minor accidents, Fan Keqin believed that , with Zhao Debiao's ability and experience, he can also be under control.

After reading it, Fan Keqin exchanged it with Zhao Debiao, saying: "The overall plan is very good, but there must be a backup plan, for example, the guard at night. Maybe only one will come out to check the situation. At this time, the other one is inside. If you do it, there may be some unexpected situations, at least not so safe. So you have to have a backup plan to deal with this situation; the transportation of materials is handled well, but it is not safe enough, two trucks... well, it will do. But the goal is a bit big. The timing of building trucks must be right. From now on, we need to investigate the situation of some trucks. Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be trouble later.”

"Yes." Zhao Debiao nodded, and said: "I will revise the plan when I look back, and at the same time start to screen and investigate the mobile vehicles."

"Well, fine." Fan Keqin said: "After it's done, you can direct and execute it. In addition, there are many foreigners in Shanghai. I think Clark's subordinates can also participate in the investigation."

"Understood." Zhao Debiao said: "The humble job has already done this. We sent seven people from our allies to go there. The investigation these days has their share of credit."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "That's enough. You will be in full command when the time comes. If you need any supplies, please apply to the headquarters."

"Yes, I'll go back to the humble job." After Zhao Debiao said, he got up and walked out of the office with Clark.

The current warehouse at No. [-], Adam Road in Shanghai, and the Great Bank of East Asia in Beiping, two plans for action goals have been submitted.The water transport trading company in Fuzhou is missing.

Fan Keqin already had a certain understanding of this Fuzhou water transport trading company when he saw the target screening for the first time.

The full name of this company is Shing Ping Trading Company.Mainly by water, all kinds of materials are transported to various warring locations.They are all military supplies.

The company itself was established near the wharf near the sea in Fuzhou. It occupies a relatively small area, and there are even some gunboats from the little devils to escort them.

However, the warehouse of this shipping company has a lot of supplies in it.Although there is no money, things like precious metals are valuable.But whether it is banknotes or gold and silver, is it edible or drinkable?both are not.But the materials in this water transportation company are all kinds of food, military uniforms, quilts and other things, which can be transported to the front, and the little devil can use them directly.And transform it into combat power to deal with us.That's why Fan Keqin asked the analysis team to hand over this target directly to the General Administration for targeted strikes.

Kang Changming's group is actually relatively quiet. His current adjutant is Douglas#Noah, a captain.This guy is much more stable than the previous Clark and Lewis, probably because of his older age.He is forty-five this year, and he is an old captain.Therefore, he is the most modest one, an officer who is willing to cooperate with the instructor of the Security Bureau.

Up to now, Kang Changming and I have just handed in the overall action plan.

Fan Keqin read the proposal from beginning to end.I have to say that this action plan is quite good.The reason why they did not act a while ago is that almost all of Douglas' men have been sent to Fuzhou.Fuzhou is also one of the coastal port cities, so there are actually quite a few foreigners in Fuzhou, and many of them are businessmen.It is not conspicuous for these foreigners to pass by.

Through observation during this period, they have basically grasped the situation of Shengping Trading Company.It was originally close to the pier, so there were many patrol teams at night.However, there are not so many guards inside the company's land.After this period of investigation, the security situation inside at night was only guarded by eight people.

Similarly, the model is the same as that of the No. [-] warehouse on Adam Road in Shanghai. If there is any incoming or outgoing goods, for example, when they are transported to the dock, there will be trucks with stevedores driving into the company's land for transportation.

The main body of Kang Changming's plan is the word "infiltrate".At the same time, he also needs the cooperation of the frogman troops, and wants to blow up the cargo ship of the freight company in one fell swoop.

You know, this freight company is backed by a puppet government and little devils.Therefore, there are many vehicles for transportation.And these ships are like blood transfusions to the little devil's troops in front, transporting various materials repeatedly.Therefore, part of Kang Changming's plan is aimed at the ships of this freight company.If these transport ships are blown up, then the puppet government will not be able to transfuse blood to the front in a short time.Of course, the blood transfusion here only refers to the freight force of this company.

But as the saying goes, one bite cannot make a fat man.The tactic of accumulating small victories for big victories is still very useful.For example, if you joined the army, even if you killed one devil a year, you killed fourteen devils in total during the fourteen years of the Anti-Japanese War.It seems that the efficiency is not too high.

But if you beat the devils away, count the fourteen devils, oh, if you add up the results of all the battles, your results can’t even be counted as a fraction, so let’s forget it!Can you do that?In the same way, if you destroy a batch of materials today, and another batch of materials tomorrow, then the actions of all people during the War of Resistance, when added together, will be very impressive.

Another part of the plan is to use arson bombs and bombs to be placed where they should be placed silently.For example, if there is a lot of rice, if only a bomb is used for this thing, the destruction effect will not be ideal.It's different with arson bombs. In a short period of time, a large amount of food can completely lose its edible value.Now that the operational troops of the War Situation Bureau are here, the equipment of the War Situation Bureau can also be used by the Security Bureau during operations.So there are a lot of arson bombs and smoke bombs in stock now.Use what you need, isn’t there a saying that only money spent is money...

(End of this chapter)

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