spy ace

Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366
While speaking, Tan Xin had already taken off the door chain and let Fan Keqin into the house.The heartthrob has never seen Fan Keqin, so naturally he doesn't know who he is.But looking at Tan Xin's attitude, he also knew that this was the chief executive.So I got up and said hello.

Fan Keqin nodded to her, came to the side, leaned against the wall and looked out of the window, said: "Well, this place is well chosen, even if the Secret Service Headquarters is alert, it will not easily suspect this place."

Youcai Tan Xin also took the pistol of the heartthrob, and while hiding the pistol again, he said, "Boss, why did you come here in person? Do you have a new mission?"

When several people were seated, Fan Keqin didn't answer right away, but said, "How many brothers are there that can be transferred locally?"

Tan Xin replied: "Less than thirty, to be precise, including the two of us together, there are twenty-eight in total."

"Well. That's almost enough." Fan Keqin said, "Don't move the monitoring point of Mei Agency for now. Do you have paper and pen here?"

The heartthrob was at the side, handed over his notebook and pen, and said, "Is this okay?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin took it, and drew a large circle on the paper with a pen.Then it is in the middle of the left side of the big circle, and the middle of the left side is higher.And top left.Draw three small circles respectively.Next to the three small circles, I drew two irregular lines, and finally painted a few water ripples in the blank space between the two lines.

Followed by Fan Keqin pointing with a pen, said: "You can see, this big circle is the urban area. This is the Yangtze River, and these three are the three wharves in Nanjing, Zhenghe Wharf, Longbian Wharf, and Erqiao Wharf The three piers have their own characteristics. I want you to send people now, the sooner the better. Set up surveillance points on these three piers. Mainly observe all kinds of ships, especially the two types of ships that are docked. , Of course, the boats on the small ferry can’t relax either. I’m looking for a man named Shan Daolin, with a Chongqing accent, [-] meters tall, weighing about [-] catties, and [-] years old.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said: "This person is very important now, and he is also a first-class important figure for the Japanese puppet. Therefore, the spies of the Japanese puppet are likely to enter the scene in advance. Pay attention. See if idle people, or some small buyers and sellers, stalls, etc. will suddenly increase. Or, will there be a sudden increase in Japanese and puppet police officers, and guards on the pier. This is our It is a basis for judgment that can be used. Let the brothers be more vigilant. When something happens, don’t rush to report it. You must first understand it and remember it in your heart. That’s the most important thing.”

"Understood." Tan Xin said: "Is there any other information about this Shan Daolin? If the other party comes here in a low-key manner, I'm afraid the brothers may not be able to recognize it."

Fan Keqin understood his worries very well, now apart from his height and weight, he also had a real name, and Shan Daolin had no other information.It's really not easy to tell.So he said: "His photo will be delivered tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow. We will have his video information at that time. I hope that there will be time. If he really comes in a low-key way...he will definitely be around Following people, I am afraid you can only judge whether he is Shan Daolin based on his height, weight, and age. There is really no other information."

"Okay, I understand." Tan Xin said: "Boss, I'm afraid it's a little late today. If you arrange it overnight, if you are not careful, you will easily startle the snake. See if this works, I will notify you first and let them prepare , so that when tomorrow dawns, they can be in place immediately.”

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "The distribution of personnel at the monitoring point must be particular. For example... let's talk about this Zheng He Wharf. The passenger-to-cargo ratio of this wharf is much more than that of cargo ships. However, this wharf is not It is big, and the passenger and cargo terminals are not far apart. It can be properly controlled by manpower. But it also depends on people watching all day long. In addition, the Second Bridge Wharf has a large open space around it. Arrange monitoring points It’s not easy. So you have to consider whether you can use telescopes, bicycles, or use the two nearby roads that can lead to the urban area to set up surveillance. In short, you should study these yourself and establish a secret surveillance point as soon as possible.”

Having said that, Fan Keqin returned the pen and paper to the heartthrob, and continued: "One more thing to explain is that you two need to cheer up at this monitoring point. I feel that after this incident , There must be some movement in the Secret Service Headquarters. Especially Dubin and Damon Shingo, I’m afraid there will be another move. You must closely monitor every move in the Secret Service Headquarters. If there is an emergency, you can directly contact the manager by phone , communicate in coded language."

Tan Xin nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry, these humble positions are all remembered."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and then said: "Well, that's all. The principle remains the same, try not to disturb the Japanese puppet as much as possible. Report to the manager at any time if there is any situation."

After saying this, Fan Keqin stood up and said, "Okay, that's all, I'm leaving first."

Tan Xin didn't say any polite words, just sit down for a while or something.Because of the current situation, any politeness is fake politeness.Therefore, Fan Keqin was sent directly to the door.After listening to the movement outside, there was no sound before opening the door.Watching Fan Keqin go out.

This time Fan Keqin came here in person to convey the above words to Youcai.In fact, Huazhang can also do this job, but Fan Keqin had to tell Huazhang again, and then Huazhang told Youcai again.Then there is no need.Furthermore, these things are not static, and if he has any thoughts, Huazhang can't know.

Another important reason is that the monitoring point of Rapeseed and Glamorous is, after all, monitoring the secret service headquarters of the puppet Wang in Nanjing.He had to make sure of their safety himself.What if, this monitoring point has already been discovered by the enemy?Make sure for yourself, but also for overall safety considerations.

When Fan Keqin got out of their safe house and strolled out of this safe zone, there was nothing abnormal behind him.This shows that Huazhang's surveillance from behind must have found nothing.Judging from this, Youcai's home and behind him are safe.

Fan Keqin didn't look back all the way, he wandered back to his safe house.After Huazhang came back, the two of them washed up and went straight to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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