spy ace

Chapter 1367 The Law of Ghosts

Chapter 1367 The Law of Ghosts
"After the last report, I have not heard of anyone being arrested in Chongqing." Sitting on a single sofa, Damon Shingo said, "This shows that everything is under control."

Dubin glanced at him and said: "That's for sure. If we have captured the target, our people don't have to escape with burdens, and the safety factor will naturally be greatly increased. Up to now, there is no news that our people have been arrested. Then It means that everything is going well with this plan. Is there any action in Chongqing?"

"Yes." Damon Shingo replied: "The next day, Chongqing's stations, highway intersections, docks and other places have all set up checkpoints, checkpoints and the like. I haven't heard of our people being arrested. According to their last report According to calculations from the news back, the probability of their being caught is very low, they completed their plan to make the target disappear that night, and they left Chongqing before dawn the next day, and it was too late for them to set up the checkpoint.”

Having said that, Damon Shingo reached for the teacup, took a sip, and continued: "The group that pays attention to the follow-up situation, can you also confirm this?"

Du Bin understood that the reason why the other party said this was because there must be a direct force of the Mei organization in Chongqing.So he replied: "That's right, a latent group is operating, and a group is responsible for paying attention to the various developments of the Chongqing government the next day. Neither of them knows each other's existence. So the news is still very credible. Anyway, my people are No suspicious person was found and was detained by the other party."

"Very good." Eishi Osuga, who had been silent all this time, slowly opened his mouth and said, "We can proceed to the next stage of the task. Since there are key figures, those of great value must defect to us. Then we naturally have to pay more attention to it. Please, Director Du, send people to the pier for activities, and take two protective measures, light and dark."

"I will do this." Dubin said: "I will directly increase the number of patrols at Zheng He's Wharf. In addition, I will also secretly send an operation team there. Pretending to be someone who should appear at the wharf. It's just that ... When is it appropriate for the people who defected to show up? I think it depends on what kind of actions the ghosts have. But we don't know whether the ghosts participated in this operation or not."

"No." Eishi Osuga waved his hands and said, "Whether he participates or not, we must follow the established plan. This is the normal way of development of a situation. If we deliberately make some Even if the ghost comes, with his ability and prudent personality, there is a chance to see our flaws. The more we do this, the more likely he will see through. Said Uncertain, at that time, some situations will be used to counter our army."

Damon Shingo put down the water glass and said: "I agree with Mr. Osuka's point of view. But...Mr. Osuka, do you think the ghost will appear this time? I am very worried now! Because from all the things we know Look, there is indeed no news of ghosts."

"Ah." Eishi Osuga said with a smile: "Damon-kun, don't worry, but I understand you too. When Asano-kun and I were studying the actions of ghosts in the past, we discovered a situation. That is, all kinds of actions in the past, the actions of ghosts The action is too secretive, so that some of our important settings, departments, personnel, buildings, etc., were suddenly hit without warning. Please remember the words without warning. This is in line with the ghost behavior is regular."

Following Eishi Osuka, he looked at Kazuo Asano and said, "Asano-kun, please tell Damon-kun and Director Du briefly."

Kazuo Asano nodded, and said: "You two, what Mr. Osuka said is very correct. After studying all the previous actions of ghosts, my husband and I have indeed discovered this pattern. For example, two years ago, the Northeast region The secret weapon research institute was working normally, but it was hit suddenly the next day. All the people in the secret research institute died, and the research facilities were blown up. Guangzhou dock, two seaplane motherships of the empire were bombed , I think you all know. Similarly, there was no warning before. At the end of last year, the police station was raided at night. Oh, it didn’t take long for this incident to happen. But you should also know that at the time Similarly, in Nanjing City, there is no rumor about it. Therefore, in our empire, or among the secret agencies of Mr. Wang's new government, it is generally believed that there is no law in the actions of ghosts. But In fact, this is exactly his rule. Just like Mr. Osuka said, there are no warnings. But now, don’t you think that the actions of the Chongqing side seem to be normal? ? But what about Nanjing? There is no sign of trouble.”

Speaking of this, Kazuo Asano seemed to have a little hope, and said: "Although I can't be sure, I can't be sure. But I believe that, judging from the current situation, it is in line with the law of ghosts. I also hope that ghosts can really Make a move. But having said that, when we first made this plan, we were already invincible. There are no defectors, so the one who made the move in the end is a ghost, and we have nothing to lose, right? Say Not sure, I will make a lot of money. So everyone, don’t worry about this at all.”

Damon Shingo nodded, and said: "I understand. Just like Asano-kun said, this time we are the ones who set the trap. At most, there will be no prey, but there will be no loss." Looking at Dubin, he found that this guy was still the same as before, and he didn't seem to be worried at all.Although he was a little unhappy because of being compared, he immediately adjusted his mood and asked: "Director Du, how is the preparation for the defector?"

"The time is still short." Du Bin said: "People in Chongqing can't send back the specific appearance of the target. It would be a waste of time. Several of you know this. So we can only The latent team in Chongqing came to find someone who matched their description. But the description is bound to be different from the specific appearance. I can only say that the person I am looking for now can basically match their description. Right on."

Having said this, Du Bin got up and went outside the door, said a few words to his secretary, and then walked back.After a while, his secretary also came in and handed a document to Dubin.Dubin took it, and then opened the file bag...

(End of this chapter)

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