spy ace

Chapter 1401 Observation

Chapter 1401 Observation
Fan Keqin and Huazhang came out of the bar and directly entered the previous buildings again.This time, both of them entered the corridor and went upstairs.

Always pay attention to the movement in the corridor, after confirming that there is no one there, Fan Keqin jumped up and grabbed the iron railing above, and then Fan Keqin reached the top in three or two steps.

Reach out to open the patio.Sometimes control depends largely on strength, and in some cases, the posture of exerting force will make you uncomfortable.But a person with great strength doesn't care much, because his own strength is sufficient, so he can control things that need to be moved more easily.

Fan Keqin was like this at this time. He lifted the lid of the patio. Since his strength was completely sufficient, he controlled the lid and did not open it all at once and fell outside.So there was no sound at all.Following him, he ran up directly, turned around and reached out to meet Hua Zhang.

The same is true for Huazhang, he jumped straight away, grabbed hold of the railing leading to the patio, climbed up a few steps, and reached out to grab Fan Keqin's hand.As soon as the latter struggled, he directly pulled her up.

Followed by Fan Keqin, he squatted down and closed the manhole cover again without making a sound.Picking up the binoculars, He Huazhang bent over and came to the side of the building next to the road.

Basically, the vast majority of floors with a certain height, even whether they are later generations or previous buildings.There must be a wall around the edge of the roof to block people.It is nothing more than that some buildings have higher roof walls and some have lower roof walls.This is a protective measure to prevent someone from going up.For example, make waterproofing, repair some rain leaks and other workers to avoid accidents after they go up.

At this time, the edge of the building where Fan Keqin and Huazhang were located was naturally no exception.The building the two of them chose was naturally not without care.It happened to be across the street, slightly tilted, and the hospital opposite could be seen.This is what Fan Keqin planned when he hid the telescope during the day.Hidden here, just come up and use it.If you save money, you have to pick it up elsewhere, tossing back and forth.

Another point is that this place was chosen because the houses in this area are all about the same height.There are no tall buildings nearby, so they can see the situation on the roof of the building at this time.Although it is evening now and the light is not so bright, it is still necessary to guard against it.

The two of them squatted on the edge together.Fan Keqin took out the binoculars and looked towards the opposite side.This building has five floors, and the opposite hospital has two floors, with a slanted angle.But there is a flower bed between them. Of course, this flower bed is not really a flower bed, it is a bit similar to the green belt of later generations.But it is rougher, that is, a circle of trees.

Then there are sidewalks on both sides of the green belt, followed by a main road, followed by sidewalks, and then to the gate of the hospital yard.It takes a while to go inside the gate to reach the main building.

We all know that although the height is different, the angle of sight is also different.For example, if you are upstairs looking down, and a person is standing against the wall, you can't see clearly.But if this person is a little further away, you can see it more clearly.

The same is true at this time. Although the hospital is only on the second floor, Fan Keqin and the others are on the top of the fifth floor, but after the distance between the main road and the sidewalk, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang can clearly see the various parts of the hospital. windows.Even the line of sight can see into the relatively deep position of the window.

Especially when it was already evening, the hospital needed electricity [-] hours a day.Even the patients who live there don't think about saving electricity for the hospital. This is not their own home, right?Therefore, as long as the prescribed rest time is not reached, the lights in basically every ward are on.

After looking at it, Fan Keqin handed the binoculars to Hua Zhang, and said, "Take a look."

Huazhang took it and looked towards Nanjing Hospital across the main road.Fan Keqin said: "Now the area we mainly observe is divided by matt squares, which is the upper left position. Now the sky is getting dark, it is dark outside, and there are lights in the hospital, which is very beneficial to us." thing."

Fan Keqin also looked at the situation on the other side. Although he didn't have a telescope, his eyesight could still allow him to see some situations more clearly.He whispered again: "Look at the area on the upper left. You can see hospital beds through most of the windows. There are also patients in hospital gowns moving around, which shows that this area is indeed the ward area."

Huazhang looked at it and said, "Well, I saw it. This hospital has only two floors, but it's not small. In the upper left area, I can definitely see more than a dozen windows. .”

Hospital wards are generally relatively large, and each room has two windows.Of course, if the hospital of future generations, it can only be bigger.But the Nanjing Hospital they were looking at at this time is not small in this year. A ward has more than six beds, and two windows make up a ward.Therefore, this Nanjing Hospital is the kind of building that has only two floors but is very long horizontally.

Fan Keqin said: "You can first look at the wards that have not drawn the curtains and have other patients in them. If this is the case, you can rule it out. The curtains are drawn, or there is no one in the ward, a separate ward, This kind of thing is suspicious. We stay here until it gets darker, so we can see more clearly. After all, there are no people in some wards now."

"Understood." Hua Zhang replied.Of course she knew what Fan Keqin meant.It is like a row of ten windows, and each window is a room.But eight of them had lights on and inside were normal, people in hospital gowns.Then these eight rooms can naturally be matched and excluded.The remaining two, one with the light on and the other with the curtains drawn, are suspicious.

That's it, Huazhang observed every window very carefully.After all, there are two windows in the hospital ward at this time.She needs to carefully distinguish whether the two windows are a ward or not.After all, occasionally some wards will add a few beds, resulting in unstable beds.There are also individual large wards with three windows.So she needs to carefully identify it.

It took about an hour to see it this way, and the sky was completely dark.Looking at the room with the lights on outside, it was even clearer.Huazhang said: "There are two windows with curtains drawn, and one with a dark light..."

(End of this chapter)

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