spy ace

Chapter 1402 Finding Clues

Chapter 1402 Finding Clues

Huazhang continued in a low voice, "It hasn't changed for an hour. The wards in the three windows look suspicious to me. Counting from left to right, they are numbered three, five, and six."

Fan Keqin glanced at his watch and said: "It's just seven o'clock now, wait until eight o'clock, if there is no change, we will write it down first. The diagram drawn by the heartthrob is that there are wards on both sides .We will go to the other side to observe at that time. Maybe the ward where Dubin is located may be on the other side."

Some tasks are very boring and require hard work.It doesn't happen overnight.For example, waiting for letters, monitoring, investigating a person's life trajectory, etc.These must be accumulated bit by bit over time.

That's what Fan Keqin and Huazhang were doing at this time.After another hour or so, the ward that was originally dark on the way was turned on. A nurse, a doctor in a white coat, and two people in civilian clothes pushed a bed into the room.Then the nurse started an IV infusion for the person lying on the hospital bed.So this room can also be completely ruled out.Then there are two rooms with the curtains drawn all the time.

The two waited for a while, Fan Keqin glanced at his watch and felt that it was almost done, and said, "Don't wait, it will be time to turn off the lights in the hospital in more than an hour. Let's go to the other side to observe."

"Okay." Hua Zhang replied, put away the binoculars, and left the edge of the roof with Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin came to the courtyard, opened the gap with a little force, and then listened with his ears.As a result, there was the sound of people walking in the corridor this time.Fan Keqin had no choice but to signal Huazhang, and the two of them waited until the sound of the door opening and closing came from the corridor below, and then confirmed the movement again, and then completely opened the ceiling.

Fan Keqin held Huazhang with one hand and leaned down hard.When Huazhang's feet were the shortest from the ground, he let go of his hands.As soon as Huazhangfang landed, he immediately bent his knees and let go of his strength, keeping the sound of the landing to a minimum, and then dodged to the side to make way for Fan Keqin.

It was even easier for Fan Keqin, he jumped down directly, grabbed the iron railing on the wall, and re-covered the patio with one hand.Then he jumped down.The same procedure, point toes on the ground, retract feet and bend over, bend knees, and control the volume.

Following the two of them as if nothing happened, they started to go downstairs.After wandering out of the residential complex, they deliberately took a detour.This is the back of the hospital.

The back street of the hospital is not as good as the main road in front, it is just a two-way lane.The sidewalks on both sides are also relatively narrow.There are also fewer pedestrians.But the two of them couldn't just stand across the street and observe the situation behind the main building of the hospital.

So Huazhang held Fan Keqin's arm, and the two walked forward normally.Observe as you walk.But at this time, instead of observing the hospital, it was the residential building on the other side of the hospital.

Fan Keqin quickly locked several windows that might be empty.Because it is completely black.Of course, this point is not ruled out, the possibility of people going to bed early.

After walking for a while, the two followed suit and entered the residential area directly.Calculating the location, he entered the corridor where a window he observed when he came over was located.

This is the case for spies. The sense of space must be strong. If you locate a window on the other side of the building, turn to the back of the building and look at it. You can also estimate which corridor, floor, and which side the previously positioned window belongs to. room.

The two came to a door on the right side of the second floor.Looking at each other, Fan Keqin nodded.Hua Zhang immediately raised his hand and knocked on the door with a moderate voice.Then he stopped, put his ear on the door, and quietly listened to the movement inside.

After a while, Hua Zhang stepped up his strength and knocked on the door again, then leaned against the door and listened for a while.Shaking his head towards Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin understood that there was no movement inside.And at this time, even if the people inside go to bed early, they should be more likely to be in a light sleep state.Therefore, Huazhang knocked on the door twice just now, which should be able to wake up the people inside.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. It is possible that the people inside have been working all day and fell asleep as soon as they touched the pillow.So it can only be said that it is more likely that there is no one inside.But it cannot be said that there must be no one.

But it's worth a try now.Fan Keqin took out two iron bars, gently inserted them into the keyhole, pressed the circlip, and gently turned his wrist with a hook on it.The door lock was opened immediately.

Fan Keqin cautiously opened the door to allow people to enter and exit.Then stopped.Huazhang first turned slightly sideways, and walked in very lightly.

Fan Keqin did the same, raised his legs high and lightly lowered his feet, and entered the house.Turning back and closing the door gently again.Carefully checked the room.Well, there really is no one.

So Fan Keqin said in a low voice: "The sky is completely dark now, it doesn't seem like we have to wait for a while just now. Now we can observe for about ten minutes."

"Okay." Huazhang agreed, took out the binoculars again, went to the window, and began to look at the back of the hospital.

This time it was even clearer. After all, the back street of the hospital was very narrow, and the two people's current room was also on the second floor, so there was no difference.They also don't turn on the lights, so they don't have to worry about being able to see themselves from the outside.In the hospital room, the lights were on.It will allow them to see more clearly.

Huazhang quickly looked through every room.Most of the wards on this side are also occupied.One of the wards was darkened.Another ward draws the curtains.Including the two suspicious wards with curtains drawn on the front side, there are four in total.

However, Huazhang is now at the back, and found a more suspicious target, and said: "Brother, look at the back of the hospital, there are several wards on this side, which are different from what we saw before, they are single rooms, this is Advanced wards. If Dubin is in there, I think, in his capacity, he must also live in these advanced wards."

Speaking of this, Huazhang handed the telescope in his hand to Fan Keqin, and then said: "In addition, the ward with black lights... the chance of people is lower. I think we can not count the wards without lights for the time being. And the front of the hospital The wards in the hospital are just like what I just said. They are basically ordinary wards. The most suspicious one is the ward behind this one with the curtains drawn. Look, the right side of this ward is dark with lights. There is no light at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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