spy ace

Chapter 1406 Preparation for Action

Chapter 1406 Preparation for Action
"Two submachine guns." Tan Xin replied, "Three pistols."

Fan Keqin made an estimate in his mind, and said: "Enough. You and I, we both use pistols. Heartthrob and Madam use submachine guns."

"Actually, I don't need a submachine gun." Ji Mina said, "I use a pistol in the same way. There are two guards in the hospital, and Lao Tan is throwing grenades on the other side. Giving me a submachine gun is a waste of money." .”

Fan Keqin didn't force it. In fact, he felt that what Ji Meina said was right. She was on the side of the hospital. Basically, she had the opportunity to fire a few shots at the very beginning. The rest of the time was really not very useful. .

However, for the sake of rigor, Fan Keqin still asked: "Are you sure? I can tell you now that I use a pistol, and I have great confidence in completing the task. So you don't have to be modest."

Ji Mina said: "There is no humility, but I feel that the task you entrusted to us, boss, is actually quite easy to complete. Besides, we are only more than [-] meters away from the entrance of the main building on the side of the hospital. Such a short distance. I'm pretty sure I can shoot fast and accurate with a pistol. And most likely, it's only in the first round."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, then give me the submachine gun." Then he looked at Tan Xin and asked, "Old Tan, where are the grenades? Are there any?"

"Yes." Tan Xin said: "There are about four, which is enough. Because when the Four-Arch Bridge is in operation, it is not needed at all. So the brothers just got the guns. Instead, the grenades are left."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "It is indeed enough. You will carry two and I will carry two. Heartthrob, you are not left-handed, are you?"

"No." Ji Mina raised her right hand and said, "My right hand is better."

"That's it." Fan Keqin clicked on the simple map, and said: "After entering the hospital, you are on the right side, so when you shoot, the hospital wall is on the left side, and it is more comfortable to shoot. Old Tan, no problem. "

"No problem." Tan Xin said: "Although I'm not left-handed, I only shot in the first round. The rest is to throw the grenade. I think it will be very easy."

Fan Keqin said: "Prepare for a day tomorrow, and act on time at [-] o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow. Is there any problem?"

Seeing that everyone said it was okay, Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, let's study the details again. First, where do we meet..."

Fan Keqin made a total of two plans, in fact, the breakdown is five plans.One of the main plans is exactly what he arranged just now.The remaining four can also be said to be one.That is the question of how they can leave safely and soundly once something goes wrong and the operation fails.

In short, there is only one way to break it down to zero.The four of them acted separately, and he tailored a route that could temporarily guarantee safety for each of them.That is, through these few days of observation, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang not only observed the hospital, but also observed and evaluated several suitable safe house locations in the city.

These safe houses are either unoccupied, or people live alone.Once the mission fails, they will be broken into pieces, and as long as they find a way to reach the safe house, they can immediately change their outfits.Get some time to be safe again.Therefore, taking advantage of this time difference and the flexibility of acting alone, he tried every means to get out of Nanjing.

At the end of the discussion, various details of the entire action plan were agreed upon.After everyone remembered everything, Fan Keqin also told Tan Xin and Ji Meina about these safe houses.And told the other party, once these places are really to be used, the action must be fast.You can't stay in these safe houses for too long. Only when you really leave Nanjing City can you be considered safer.

By the time Fan Keqin and Huazhang bid farewell to Tan Xin and Ji Meina, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.The two of them crossed their arms, found a better restaurant to have a meal, and even drank a little wine before returning to their current residence.

After washing up, go straight to bed and start to sleep, because tomorrow, Fan Keqin and Huazhang will not be idle.Huazhang had to go to the street to prepare some things, such as various clothes, shoes and socks, and even some food, and put them in those safe houses for later use.And Fan Keqin also wants to go to the streets and prepare some special equipment.

In the early morning of the next day, the two of them got up very early and got out of bed at about half past six.After finishing their personal hygiene, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang went out respectively.

When he came to the street, Fan Keqin turned to the right, walked for a while, and turned left following the aisle.After walking back and forth between the two buildings, I found a small restaurant and began to eat and drink.

After he finished his breakfast, he strolled to the generation of Guangzhou Road in the Central District. There was a construction site here, so he went straight in.When he came out, he already had a good idea, and he secretly hid two steel bars as long as arms, a pair of steel bar pliers and a safety helmet.

Don't be surprised, there are hard hats these days, but it's not like the material of later generations.It is made of bamboo and rattan.The protection ability is actually quite strong.

Then Fan Keqin came to the store again, bought a big bag, and then bought three full sets of canvas clothes in several stores.Also includes a pair of string gloves and cowhide boots.

Followed Fan Keqin around a few more times, and finally bought a section of strong rope, which was also packed in the bag.Then I went back home, put down my things, and went out again with a big bag after four o'clock in the afternoon.

When he got to the construction site, he just smoked two cigarettes outside, and saw the smoke rising from the construction site.He slipped right in again.I found the steel bars, pliers, and safety helmets that I had hidden before, and put them all in the big bag. I turned around and went out, and went straight back home.

When we got home, Huazhang hadn't come back yet.But it's normal. Although Huazhang's task is to prepare things, he has to go back and forth all over the city, which is relatively trivial and time-consuming.

Fan Keqin didn't care about it for the time being. After all, although Huazhang bought a lot of things in the street this time, none of them were sensitive contraband.So the chance of something happening is really very small.So he took off his coat and got to work.

First, Fan Keqin cut each steel bar in two with stolen steel pliers, and then folded each section of steel bar with his own strength.In this way, each piece of steel bar has two heads, and then measure the appropriate distance for each head, and bend it into a big hook.Finally, overlap each section of steel bars together.In the folded part in the middle, several ropes were wrapped back and forth, and a dead knot was tied at the bottom, which turned into a flying catch with eight hooks.

(End of this chapter)

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