spy ace

Chapter 1407 Hospital Action

Chapter 1407 Hospital Action
Just as Fan Keqin finished the necessary things, the key sounded at the door, and Hua Zhang followed him in.The latter understood something when he saw the things on the ground, and said, "Brother, are you trying to break the window?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin replied, picked up the end of the rope, and used his other hand to move the flying claws back and forth with a little force. Well, the ones I made by myself are still very strong, and the flying claws won't fit together without wobbling. That's very important.Asked: "How is it? Are you all ready?"

Huazhang walked over, picked up the helmet casually, gesticulated on his head, and said: "It's all done, I have placed food, clothes, shoes, socks, baggage, etc. in several safe houses. If it is true In the event of an accident, after arriving at the safe house, you can change clothes quickly. In addition, there are people living in the house. I have placed Dong XZ near the safe house as agreed. You can change clothes."

"Okay." Fan Keqin reached out and took off the safety helmet on Huazhang's head, put it on his own head, tightened the strap underneath, and then shook his head twice.OK, no signs of loosening.He took it off directly, and said: "I haven't eaten yet. When I came back, I bought some food and drink. Let's chat while eating."

The two came to the dinner table and began to eat and drink.Huazhang began to ask Fan Keqin where these things came from.As for the plan, they already knew it well.Talking about it again now is just for reinforcement.

Soon, one day passed.And tonight is the time they agreed to act.Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang deliberately slept late last night.Didn't fall asleep until early morning.The purpose is to be able to sleep more during the day today.It is best to sleep until noon.In this way, the evening will be more energetic.

Fan Keqin's physical fitness is naturally unnecessary, so he told Huazhang to let him sleep with peace of mind and don't have to worry about oversleeping.He'll listen and count the time.

Huazhang also trusted Fan Keqin, so he relaxed and fell asleep without thinking about anything.

Fan Keqin was also sleeping.However, what is the peak of the human body?Just having strength is not the peak.All the senses are far beyond ordinary people, and the comprehensive quality, every item is awesome, this is called the peak.

They agreed that if something happened, they could communicate directly by phone.Because the action is about to take place, so if you call before the action, it will be fine.Of course, what is said here is that the enemy does not know about your actions.Otherwise it will backfire.

However, the agreement between Fan Keqin and You Cai was that they would only call in special circumstances.If the calls keep coming, it means business as usual.Just stick to the plan.Besides, they are about to act soon, and they are all hiding at home waiting for the appointed time.There are so many accidents, unless the house collapses.

Fan Keqin didn't sleep that much, but he didn't move, and didn't open his eyes, he was always in a state of rest.It doesn't mean that you feel good about yourself.As the saying goes, the lion fights the rabbit and goes all out. Even if he closes his eyes and rests his mind, it doesn't help Fan Keqin much, but it is a little bit to increase his state.There is no harm in all.

Sure enough, there was nothing to do during the day, and the phone didn't ring.At five o'clock in the evening, Fan Keqin opened his eyes.In fact, there was no need for Fan Keqin to call, Huazhang woke up by himself after a while.Biological clocks are very punctual.

In fact, Huazhang didn't sleep that much. He slept in the middle of the night last night, and it was impossible to sleep until this time all at once.It's just that the state of sleeping during the day is definitely not as good as the quality of resting at night.But Huazhang deliberately kept herself in this situation. In the afternoon, she was already in a half-dream and half-awake state.At this time, as long as there is an external stimulus, she will wake up instantly.It's just that Fan Keqin didn't move, so he didn't trigger the sobriety switch that Huazhang set for himself.

This is better, and the mental state of the two can be said to be the best time.After Fan Keqin got up, he went directly to the toilet to deal with personal problems.The same is true for Huazhang.

Without the shackles of the garbage in the body, the two of them were in better condition. After they came out, they ate something.Don't be full, [-]% full is enough.Otherwise, it will have a certain impact.

In this way, they waited until about half past seven, and took the bags that had already been packed.Dressed neatly, he went downstairs and headed for the agreed place.

The two of them don't take the main road, they just pick up the trails, or pass through the middle of a certain residential area.Do everything possible to avoid running into patrols and such.In fact, it's not bad even if you take the road.It was not too late at this time, and there were still many pedestrians on the street.Patrol isn't something everyone checks out either.As long as the behavior is generous and not so sneaky, basically nothing will happen.

That's it, the two arrived at the agreed place at the appointed time.That is the street behind Nanjing Hospital.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang came here on time, so they were very punctual.But Tan Xin and Ji Mina were obviously also on time.When the two people were still about [-] meters away from the back of the hospital, two cars drove up behind them, slowly passing by the two people.One of them drove for a while and stopped on the side of the street beside the hospital.The other car turned right, and then reversed into the building opposite the hospital.

Then from the cave in the building, Ji Mina came out.She was wearing a suit at this time, and she tidied up very neatly, regaining her ladylike demeanor.After crossing the road, I went directly into another car.

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang also walked up to them, opened the car door and got in.Sure enough, this car was driven by Tan Xin.The car had no lights on.It's just that the engine was not turned off, so the car made a slight sound.However, this kind of voice must not be heard in the hospital.First of all, the hospital has a courtyard, and in addition, there are barriers on the walls of the building.In addition, there is no bang on the accelerator.So it is impossible for people in the hospital to hear it.

Furthermore, the location where the car is parked has been studied in advance.Facing the back of the hospital, it stopped on the left side.The key target is facing the back of the hospital, the right half of the second floor.There is also a certain distance.

As soon as Fan Keqin and Huazhang got into the car, Tan Xin, who was sitting in the driver's cab, opened the package.He directly handed two of the pistols and magazines to Ji Mina.Then he handed Fan Keqin a handful of Thomson and two grenades.

(End of this chapter)

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