spy ace

Chapter 1409 Air Conflict

Chapter 1409 Air Conflict
"Come on." Fan Keqin let out a low cry, and once again assumed the posture of riding a horse and squatting on the crotch.

A loud "boom" came from a ward on the second floor, and Ji Mina ignored it.He rushed a few steps, just like when he came in, and stepped on Fan Keqin's hands that were folded in his dantian.The body "flyed" directly out of the hospital's courtyard wall.

Almost at the same time, at the other end, Tan Xin also quickly came to the bottom of the wall, stepped on the wall with one foot, and at the same time jumped up, put his hands on the top of the wall, and walked out directly.

It is said that Tan Xin followed the plan before, sticking to the building on the left side of the back of the hospital, and walked quickly to the front.Stealing a peek, sure enough, there were two guards in full military uniform with guns on their backs at the main entrance of the main hospital building.

However, the two guards obviously set their sights on the courtyard gate directly in front of them.Tan Xin counted the time, leaned out half of his body slightly, aimed the gun with his right hand at the guard on his side, and then made a move in the air with his left hand.

This is the code agreed upon before.If Ji Mina on the other side is in place at this time, the opponent can shoot at any time.All you have to do is shoot along.Of course, if Tan Xin made a mistake in calculating the time, just wait a while and wave again.

However, Tan Xin has almost understood what kind of person Ji Meina is through getting along with Ji Meina during this period of time.I also believe that it is impossible for the other party to see that I am waving.

So Tan Xin, who finished his moves, turned his attention directly to aiming. There was a "touch" gunshot, as expected.Gunshots rang out directly from the opposite side.

Because Tan Xin still had great confidence in Ji Mina, he was also very focused, and the gunshot from the opposite side directly touched his nerves.Almost immediately after the first gunshot, Tan Xin's fingers moved rapidly again and again. "Bang bang bang bang" several bullets flew out of the gun.into the body of the guard on his side.

Tan Xin could see clearly that he had definitely hit the opponent. The blood spattered on the ribs of the torso, the arms on the side, the chest and abdomen, etc. could not be faked.

So Tan Xin immediately retracted his gun and took out a grenade from his pocket.Pull the safety ring with the left hand, control the strength with the right hand, and aim for a second or two. In fact, this is an intentional delay.Then with a flick of his arm, the grenade flew over.

The sound of "clang" just landed on the entrance of the hospital, because the grenade was delayed, so as soon as it landed, it exploded with a "boom" not long after.

Regardless of the shouts coming from the hospital door, Tan Xin took out the second grenade in an instant, and the moment he pulled the pull ring, he immediately roared, saying: "Go!!!" At the same time, he shook his hand. , This grenade was also thrown by him at the door of the hospital.

rush!Naturally, it wasn't really rushing to the hospital, but a secret signal they agreed upon.Straightforward translation, it means "retreat!"And there is another advantage of saying "Come on!", that is, if there are guards in the hospital who yearn to come outside at this time, it will have a certain amount of psychological interference and deter the other party.

After all, the grenade has already sounded just now, so it is really possible for the follow-up people to rush in.Therefore, the word "Rush!" is an excellent psychological tactic, which can suppress those who want to come out in the hospital.

After shouting and rushing, Tan Xin threw out the second grenade at the same time, turned around and ran back. This time, there was no intentional delay, and it happened that the grenade exploded, so he could at least cover himself and wait for others for a few seconds.

When Tan Xin ran over, he heard explosions almost indiscriminately from the other side behind the second floor of the hospital and the first floor in front of the hospital.If Tan Xin was not a professional agent, he was very familiar with and sensitive to the sound of gunshots in battle, grenade explosions, etc., and would have thought it was an explosion.

Amidst the explosion, Tan Xin turned his head and saw Fan Keqin on the other side of the backyard of the hospital.Seeing this, Tan Xin was determined, no longer caring about other things, and started to climb over the wall.

Fan Keqin was still the same as when he came here, and jumped over the wall with the same posture as in a vault game.At this time, all the flying catches, ropes and the like had been left in the hospital, so it was easier to run.

It's not about how heavy the rope is, but that even if you carry an unsinkable burden on your body, your running will definitely be affected to a certain extent.It's just a matter of size.It's always good to have something less on your body.

However, it is also very simple to use the flying catch.After Fan Keqin hung up the flying catch, held the knot in his left hand, and prepared to sprint.With a high degree of concentration, just after hearing a gunshot, Fan Keqin swished two strides and rushed straight forward.

Because he rushed quite fiercely, his body flew directly out of the range of the building, but because he was holding a knot in his hand, he paused slightly in the air. He directly used this strength to twist his body and control his body to turn over Come over and face the front of the building.

And it was also because of the reason he rushed before.Just like a swing, the stronger the force of swinging forward, the greater the force when swinging back.

He held the knot with one hand, and put his feet together, as if he was using a "Shuangfeiyan"-style flying kick.He slammed into the curtained window directly.

When his body "flyed" to half the distance, he held the handle of the gun with his right hand, and directly pulled the trigger towards the window. "Tata Tata" a series of voices sounded like an intensified typewriter.The windows were swept out in a row of holes.

In other words, he didn't do it specifically to open the window out of the eye.This is for two tactical purposes, so he will do this.The first one is through his observation in the past few days, although the window is always with the curtains drawn, so the layout of the house cannot be seen.

But don't forget, the curtains were not drawn in the advanced wards next to it.Therefore, Fan Keqin used the layout of these high-end wards as a reference, and he could roughly guess where the hospital beds were placed and where the door was located in this room with the curtains drawn.What he shot was most likely the hospital bed, and the continuous shooting around the door.

In this way, it is possible to use a blind shot to kill the guards inside.After all, if there are guards in the ward, the most likely place to appear is the door and the wall next to the door.and the area around the bed.

The second tactical purpose is to punch holes in the windows, so that it can be easier when the windows are broken.

(End of this chapter)

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