spy ace

Chapter 1410 Gunfire

Chapter 1410 Gunfire
After all, a whole piece of glass is intact, and a piece of glass full of holes, which one is easier to break through?This multiple choice question is very simple.

Almost in the next instant, Fan Keqin made a "crack" sound, and his feet were already firmly on the window. He was wearing leather boots on both feet, and he was wearing a three-layer canvas overalls like a matryoshka doll.Unless the glass stubble is vertical, it is like stabbing someone vertically with a knife.Otherwise, it is almost impossible to hurt him with just a horizontal stroke.

In addition, he also wears a hard hat on his head, which can protect his head by lowering his head slightly before entering.

Then, is this room the ward where Dubin is?It really is.When he lived in Dubin, he paid more attention to safety, such as sniping at the window.

Therefore, the curtains are drawn whether it is day or night.But unexpectedly, Fan Keqin locked his position instead.However, if you don't close the curtains, it's even worse. Maybe Fan Keqin is hiding somewhere outside, so you don't even need to come in. With his precise marksmanship, he can be killed with a single shot from a distance.

In addition, Dubin's security work is relatively strong, and there are at least four guards from the Secret Service Headquarters guarding the door at all times.There are also two guards in the corridor on the side of the second floor where it connects with the stairway, and there are also two guards at the door of a partition in the middle of the corridor on the other side.And in the middle of the stairs on this side, that is, where the half-floor turns, there are also two guards.

It can be said that if someone downstairs attacks upwards, they will almost certainly become very passive.Because these people can support the past no matter where the incident happened, and they can see each other.As long as there is an accident in one place, it means that all the guards know it in a very short period of time.

By the way, Dupin's secretary was also in Dubin's room at this time, and was just peeling apples with him after reporting on the day's work.Dubin was lying on the hospital bed because his injury was on his back.Fortunately, after several days of treatment, the wound has closed together.As long as there is no external force or strenuous exercise, there will be no recurrence, and everything will move towards recovery.

Dubin's secretary finished peeling the apple, sat on the chair beside the hospital bed, and said with a smile: "Director, come, it is said that this apple is a new variety, you can try it."

Dubin had just finished his dinner and felt like he was eating some fruit to clear his mouth.So I reached out and wanted to take it.But at this time, suddenly, the two of them heard a "touch" between the front of the hospital and the downstairs, and a series of gunshots rang out.Although his little secretary looked so graceful and charming, he was also a spy, and he was very vigilant, so he immediately turned to look at the door.

Du Bin's outstretched hand also stopped immediately, his hands slightly supported the bed, his upper body straightened up a little, looked towards the door, and said anxiously: "Why..."

What he originally wanted to say was: "What's going on, quickly confirm the situation." Then, maybe Dubin would immediately order the establishment of a defense line or other orders.But he had just uttered half a word, when he heard a series of more rapid and intensive gunshots from the direction of the window.

Following Du Bin, he saw two flowers of blood gushing out from Xiao Mi's shoulders and lower abdomen.On the small table next to the bed, the dishes and chopsticks that hadn't been cleaned up were also directly shattered.The next moment, Dubin felt a pain in his thigh.Ah, screamed out.

That's right, there was no time for the next reaction at all, the window "squeaked" and a figure flew in, head first and then the other.

Fan Keqin's left hand had already been sent away when he was halfway into the body, so he adjusted his posture directly in the air, and his feet landed firmly on the ground.That is, before landing, his muzzle stopped for a while, after all, he had to adjust it a little.But this process didn't even take a tenth of a second, and he had already determined the situation in the house through a short observation after breaking through the window.

With a slight push of the finger, the muzzle of the Thomson submachine gun spewed out flames again.Du Bindeng on the bed was shot at the vest, the head, the back waist, the side ribs and other fatal parts at close range.Blood spattered all over his body from the bullets, and he shivered.

Following Fan Keqin's slight movement of the muzzle, Ta Tata fired another three bursts.The beautiful little secretary had been shot twice before, and was falling down on the chair.But Fan Keqin moved too fast, until the three bursts of bursts fired, and when the bullets hit her chest and abdomen again, her body hadn't landed yet.

Following Fan Keqin's muzzle moving again, facing the door of the ward, "Tatata!" Two bursts of "Tatata" came, and sawdust flew across the door of the ward.

When Fan Keqin shot the first burst at the door, he had already taken off the grenade with his left hand and took a step back.When the second burst shot was fired, he had bitten out the pull ring of the grenade with his teeth, and he flipped his palm and threw the grenade on Dubin's bed.Follow him to stop shooting.Turning around and kicking the ground suddenly, the body has already jumped out of the broken window again.

Fan Keqin, who was in mid-air, heard a "boom" from the position behind his head.But he wasn't affected at all. After all, the window was that big. He had already landed halfway, and he had already avoided the impact range of the shock wave.

Slightly twisting his waist and straddling his legs, he adjusted his posture in the air, and the next moment he landed firmly on the ground.Just in time, Ji Mina who was on the side had withdrawn.Without further ado, Fan Keqin took out the grenade again, pulled off the tab, swung his arm at the window on the second floor, and threw the second grenade up with a whoosh.

The tactical purpose of this second grenade is the same as the second grenade thrown by Tan Xin before.It was all to avoid running into someone who wanted to die, rushed into the ward and the window, and shot himself and others.

After throwing the grenade, Fan Keqin went directly to the base of the wall and posed as if riding a horse and squatting on his crotch, helping Ji Meina "fly" over the courtyard wall.Following him, he himself was also in the roar of the grenade explosion, and he turned over easily.As soon as Fang landed on the ground, Fan Keqin threw off his long legs, and ran to the side of the car with all his explosive power.When he opened the door of the driver's cab, Fan Keqin saw a figure rushing over from the door opening on the opposite side of the street, it was Hua Zhang.

This time, Huazhang was lucky. During the period of operation, there were no accidents such as patrols on the street.So when she saw Fan Keqin and the others turned over on the wall, she immediately ran over from the door opening.

(End of this chapter)

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