spy ace

Chapter 1416 Prepare to Contact

Chapter 1416 Prepare to Contact
Of course, it is impossible to have nothing to do with it. After all, the Shanghai General Administration has a cooperative relationship with the investigation office.Who doesn't know who's backstage in government agencies?He Jin would come to visit every Chinese New Year and holidays, sending this to where, although others don't know what kind of work he does.But He Jin is one of his own, and some high-level police officers must know about it.

Fan Keqin said: "Old He, there is no need to do this between us. For dinner, I will treat you in two days. This time, I want you to do something for me."

"Oh?" He Jin asked, "Say, what are your orders?"

Fan Keqin said: "Secretly, please help me to check a list of the latest entry into the police system. Among them is a man named Lu Shi, who is [-] years old this year. He used to run a private detective agency. He also worked in the Shanghai Police Department I have worked in the business system for nearly ten years."

"Sir." He Jin lowered his voice obviously, and said, "Is there something wrong with this person?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "No, no problem, I want to use this person. Do you understand?"

"Oh. Understood." He Jin didn't ask any more questions, and he couldn't ask about this matter, so he said, "Don't worry, as long as there is this person, I will definitely be able to find you. Then... after you find it, what will you do?"

Fan Keqin said: "Old He, first of all, remember one thing, keep it secret, and don't let others know. As long as you meet this requirement, you can tell him to go to the Xinhua Hotel next Wednesday night."

"Understood." He Jin said: "I will definitely not let outsiders know. You can see if this works, I deliberately brushed him off the list, so that he has nothing to do with the police system, and no one will pay attention Yes. If you are not in a hurry, wait for two or three days, and things will cool down completely. At this time, Beizhi will find him and inform him to go over."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, this line of thinking is indeed quite secretive, and I am indeed not bad for a few days, so let's push it back, and let me know when the matter is settled."

He Jin said: "Okay, okay, I estimate that it will be completed before next Wednesday. Then, sir, wait for my news."

"Success." Fan Keqin said, "You can call my home. I'm usually here at night."

A few days after the call with He Jin ended, things proceeded as planned.But at the beginning, Lu Shi was very troubled.He believes that with his resume and ability, it is really not difficult to enter the police system.

In addition, his brother-in-law entrusted someone to find a relationship. He personally took him and handed over the list to the police station. He wrote the registration form himself, and he also saw it handed in with his own eyes.

It stands to reason that no matter what I am, I can be selected by this batch of police officers, but the news has been silent for several days.Lu Shi continued to inquire for several days, and his brother-in-law also asked someone for a few days. As a result, the new batch of police officers have reported for training, but no one has notified Lu Shi.

After Lu Shi and his brother-in-law found out the previous relationship in the police system, the other party actually thought that Lu Shi was already in training, but when they asked, Lu Shi's list was not passed when the General Bureau entered the file.

This made the relationship in the police system a bit confused.Isn't this charging the other party's money for nothing?But he didn't dare to inquire about it at the Police Headquarters. If he offended some chief officer, wouldn't he be fucked?Furthermore, the General Administration has already made a decision, and even if he intervenes again, he will not be able to intervene.

He told Lu Shi and his brother-in-law the news bluntly, and refunded the money very carefully.Lu Shi and his brother-in-law were also stupid. After all, Lu Shi's quality, even if he was a newcomer, would not be unqualified.

Did my family offend someone?This is not possible.When he got home, his brother-in-law fell into self-doubt. After all, he was also a small head of a business company. The smiling face that greeted and sent off never stopped seeing anyone, so there was no possibility of offending anyone.

As a result, the family was in a state of depression, which was the next day.He Jin went to find Lu Shi in person, of course he came secretly.And while Lu Shi's sister and brother-in-law were not at home.

As soon as you go in, don't say anything, first reveal your identity.He Jin's words were quite polite, after all, this was the person Fan Keqin had his eyes on, and if the relationship was established first, there would always be nothing to lose.

He Jin told Lu Shi that he made the selection list by himself.But the reason is that someone has taken a fancy to him, and let him not worry.He Jin didn't know what Fan Keqin meant, so he didn't disclose anything about the security bureau.Just tell He Jin that this is an opportunity, hope he can seize Yun Yun.

Lu Shi's current livelihood is problematic, and it is impossible for him to let his sister and brother-in-law's family support him.So I thought about it in my heart, and after asking a few questions, I said that I don't know anything now.But definitely willing to meet with each other.

He Jin didn't say anything, the other party didn't agree, it didn't matter to him at all.What matters is Fan Keqin's attitude.If Fan Keqin said that this person wants to work for him, it doesn't matter whether this person wants to or not.

So He Jin immediately made an appointment with him on the time and place, and left.But I told him not to disclose this to anyone in advance, because it was a secret mission.But I didn't mention the specifics, so Lu Shi was even more confused.

But this kid Lu Shi really held his breath and didn't tell his sister and brother-in-law about it.What he considered was nothing more than two results. First, the person who wanted to meet him was very energetic, because he could see it when he was able to intervene in the selection of the police system.Therefore, the possibility of a liar is ruled out first.

Now Lu Shi is worried about two things.The first point is what work does the other party want to do for themselves?The second point is, if the work is not in line with my principles, is there any possibility of refusing it.

Lu Shi was also thinking deeply. He even thought that the other party might be using him as a weapon, or even that he was unlucky and was targeted by the puppet government's spies lurking in Chongqing?But at the same time, with his strong criminal investigation ability, he knows that he can't do anything now, because his idea is really established, and if he takes some actions, it is likely to implicate his sister's family.

Of course, this is just the worst idea.If it is really a spy or a spy of the puppet government, who can't you find?How did you find yourself?I have no value.According to Lu Shi's judgment, the most likely thing is that when he signed up, someone fell in love with him and had to complete some secret tasks by himself.Other than that, the possibilities are very low.

(End of this chapter)

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