spy ace

Chapter 1417 Absorption

Chapter 1417 Absorption
Fan Keqin has not been idle for the past few days, and has figured out Lu Shi's living conditions at this time.He now lives with his sister and brother-in-law.Based on this one, the possibility of him having a problem was basically ruled out.

Soon, in He Jin's contact, the date set by Fan Keqin arrived.When I got off work in the evening, I drove directly to the entrance of Xinhua Hotel, parked the car and entered, and entered the reserved box.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that He Jin was talking with a man in his thirties.Fan Keqin had seen this man's appearance in the file, and it was Lu Shi who was right.

When He Jin and Lu Shi saw Fan Keqin, they got up immediately, greeted him and said, "Little Lu, come on, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Fan who invited you here." Keqin needs to conceal his identity, so He Jin just calls him Mr. Fan.

"Mr. Fan!" Lu Shi also stood aside, nodding politely to Fan Keqin.

He Jin then looked at Fan Keqin again, and said, "Sir, I brought you Xiao Lu. In two days, I must give you a chance and let me treat you well."

Fan Keqin immediately smiled and said: "You're welcome, I'll invite you in two days. There's nothing to do at night these days, just wait for my call."

"Hey, good." He Jin also said with a smile: "Then I'm looking forward to your call." As he spoke, he picked up the briefcase next to him and said, "I'll go back first and I still have some business to deal with. The two of you are busy. Slow down."

Seeing He entering and exiting the box door, Fan Keqin turned to look at Lu Shi, um, as stated in the information, about [-] meters tall and thin.Judging from the clothes he was wearing at the moment, he should have paid more attention to this meeting.Shirt and vest, and a beige long windbreaker outside, but at this time it was draped over the back of the chair next to him.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin stretched out his hand and said, "Let me re-introduce, Fan Keqin, the latest director of the Hong Kong Security Investigation Office appointed by the Security Bureau."

Lu Shi was slightly taken aback, but his reaction was not slow. He shook hands with Fan Keqin and said, "My humble Lu Shi, now...is a private detective."

"I know." Fan Keqin said: "I probably haven't eaten at this point, let's have some together."

In the end, before Fan Keqin pressed the electric bell next to him to call the waiter, there was a knock on the door, and he said, "Sir, Mr. He has ordered the food to go. Can you come in?"

"Come in." Fan Keqin replied.The door was pushed open from the outside, and it turned out to be the waiter, who first served two cold dishes and put them on the table, then served half a dozen beers and a bottle of old Dukang wine, and then backed out.

This is not surprising, if it wasn't arranged by He Jin, the bodyguards who secretly distributed inside and outside the hotel couldn't let them in.

Let's wait until the dishes are served. Fan Keqin didn't get right to the point, but asked about Lu Shi's family situation, and asked him how his English was.He even had a conversation with Lu Shi in his half-baked English.

Sure enough, Lu Shi's English accent had a London accent, but he was not very proficient.This is quite consistent with the situation in his information.A person who can only say hello and say a few words of dialogue is thrown into London for more than half a year. If he has perseverance, it is actually not a problem to learn basic spoken English, but it is impossible to master it.

In addition, he studied in the big environment of London, although it is impossible to have an authentic London accent like the old Londoners.But after all, he learned there hard, and the people he usually comes into contact with must be Londoners, so it will naturally have some London flavor.

It seems that many foreigners came to China in later generations. If they live in the three provinces of Heiji, Liao, and Northeast, they will naturally speak with a Northeast flavor.If you live in Guangzhou for a long time, you must speak Cantonese Mandarin.The principle is also the same in reverse.

In fact, after all, Lu Shi was forced to live in England for more than half a year, and he was forced to speak English, which is much better than Fan Keqin's.But this does not prevent Fan Keqin from being able to understand the other party's English proficiency.After all, they are all in Europe. I have lived and studied in Germany for a long time, and I have also met many British people.

Listen to Lu Shi's English accent, proficiency and other questions.Fan Keqin was even more relieved, it was in line with the situation written in the file.

When the waiter brought the dishes together, Fan Keqin began to pick up the topic directly, saying: "I have just introduced that the Security Bureau intends to secretly set up an investigation office in Hong Kong, and I will be the director. But now everything is newly built, and I am in The Security Bureau has other jobs, so I want you to work in the Security Bureau. Recently, there is no need to go to Hong Kong. It’s hard to say in the future. I see that you have signed up for the Police Department, so you probably don’t plan to work in private Detective."

Lu Shi paused slightly, and said: "Mr. Xie is interested. I have worked in police work before. Although I have never been in this industry, I know the rules of this industry. So I would like to ask Sir, if I Entering the Security Bureau, is it a formal entry or... a peripheral member?"

Fan Keqin appreciated the straightforward question from the other party, which meant that once the other party agreed, he would definitely take corresponding responsibilities.So he also answered directly, saying: "To be precise, it should be a secret entry. As I just said, the investigation office established by the Security Bureau in Hong Kong was also secretly established. You must know that it is now an enemy-occupied area. After running away from the little devil, it is also the concession of the Yinggualan people. It cannot be made public either.

But not an official Security Bureau member?I can tell you, of course it is.It's not peripheral.Especially you, I am going to make you my liaison officer now, it is impossible for peripheral members to take this position.In addition, a certain anti-reconnaissance ability is required, so I found you. "

Lu Shi nodded, and finally said procrastinatingly: "The humble job is naturally willing, and I also want to thank you for your kindness."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "I will handle all the entry procedures. But you must also know the meaning of secret entry and secret establishment."

"Yes." Lu Shi said: "The humble job knows how to measure."

Fan Keqin said: "I'll give you a few ways to contact me, the first one is to call me..." He had already considered a whole set of contact methods before.At this time, after Lu Shi agreed, he naturally told him directly.

Lu Shi repeated it, expressing that he remembered it, and then asked: "The next step of the humble job, please give me instructions."

"No rush." ​​Fan Keqin said: "Your files, to be precise, the files belonging to all agents of the Investigation Office in the future will be stored separately in the file room of the Security Bureau headquarters..."

(End of this chapter)

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