spy ace

Chapter 1425 Methods

Chapter 1425 Methods
Immediately, Fan Keqin introduced the ins and outs of the matter to Sun Guoxin in detail.Finally, he described the situation in the morning in detail, and finally said: "Boss, now that we have investigated the chief executives, all the materials on paper have been destroyed by the humble officials. However, we still have I don't know, Chief Sun Jiachen, what is going to be done by the little devil..."

Sun Guoxin narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "L1B first appeared a year and a half ago, and he was already being targeted by little devils at that time. Why? Because of his character of wanting to have both sides. In fact, he is really enjoying this kind of bonus. I want to be tactful. There is nothing wrong with that in itself. However, if a person is tactful for a long time, especially when he is standing at a certain height, after he is already on the mountain, if he is still in this state, it will become a flaw. Now he has reached After arriving in the Luxi area, I believe that the little devil is about to make a move."

Fan Keqin said: "The previous three choices will soon be decided. Now L1B, in fact, still has a chance, but I feel that this chance is not great. Maybe, he has been in contact with the little devil before."

Of course, Sun Guoxin understood the meaning of Fan Keqin's words.According to the telegram, Sun Jiachen was targeted at least a year and a half ago.And for such a long time, will the little devil drag on until now?There must be a reason.Then the possibility that the little devil had contact with Sun Jiachen became very high.

And assuming that Sun Jiachen had indeed come into contact with the little devil's people, then in Sun Jiachen's previous past, it was never heard that he had caught the little devil's spies, or someone who instigated the rebellion.Therefore, his attitude is somewhat ambiguous.

Sun Guoxin said: "Three options? No, the first option has been abandoned by us. Now it seems that Sun Jiachen cannot be free from problems. Therefore, we only have two options."

Fan Keqin said: "Boss, now is the time. In fact, judging from the situation we have now, the safest suggestion is not the suggestion provided by the humble official. After all, there is no definite evidence that Mr. Sun Jiachen is definitely They will rebel. If you pull the army into the game and take some risks, it’s actually no problem.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "Boss, at the beginning, we were worried that if we investigated a certain member of the military committee, it would be detrimental to our security bureau, and it would probably arouse dissatisfaction from some chief executives. Our Security Bureau may be monitoring them.

But now, the humble job begins by taking over the investigation of the matter.It started from deciphering the little devil's secret message, and it was determined from the interception of the little devil's latest secret message.We can explain that we have been trying to decipher what L1B means in the little devil's code.

After we deciphered it, it was revealed that it was Chief Sun Jiachen.That's much more reasonable.And we have never monitored the actions of members of the Military Commission before.I believe that with the mentality of these chief executives, they would not think of this. "

After Sun Guoxin heard this, he didn't speak immediately, but thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Well, we just tried to crack the secret code of the little devil, but after the successful cracking, one of the code names in the secret code of the little devil was indeed Sun Jiachen. Sir... This statement is logical. After all, all the intelligence agencies are trying to crack the secret code of the little devil. Even before, we had the time to crack the extremely important secret code of the little devil's attack on Pearl Harbor. Hmm …It’s okay to drag the military commander into the water and bear the risks later.”

Speaking of this, Sun Guoxin looked up at Fan Keqin, and continued: "What about after that? We may have to show some evidence after we get involved in the military command, and we can't just talk about it. How did you crack the code? This point Need to do some articles."

Fan Keqin also understood what Sun Guoxin meant.For example, if we really chose to pull the army into the water, we were only working on deciphering the secret code of the devil, and finally found out that the little devil might start his strategy with Sun Jiachen as his target.But Boss Dai will definitely not just listen to it.

After all, when this matter developed to this point, a member of the military committee was involved, and Boss Dai had to go to see Old Jiangtou.And when you see Old Jiangtou, you don't care whether Lao Jiangtou asks or not, but you have to be prepared for the other party to ask.How did you decipher it?What is the process? You have to say that it is in line with cleaning.

When the time comes, I will say, oh, we judged after first controlling the life trajectories of all the big bosses of the military committee through monitoring means.Old Jiang may have no objection to monitoring these people, but this said, the Security Bureau will also be considered by these bigwigs as being monitored.

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Secretary, I feel that this can be done. When we deciphered the code, we finally left a very mysterious L1B, and we have not yet grasped what it is. Therefore, we have been keeping an eye on the little devil's secret message. I am very interested in the L1B, and have been keeping a high degree of attention. Until yesterday evening, we intercepted the last devil code with L1B again. Since we have mastered other contents, only L1B is left. The content of the encrypted code is that L1B has gone to Luxi in the middle of the month. So we naturally thought that in the middle of the month, only Chief Sun Jiachen went to Luxi."

"Yeah." Sun Guoxin said: "That's a good idea. We're not sure whether Chief Sun Jiachen is L1B. But if we say so, Chief Sun Jiachen is indeed very likely to be L1B. After all, it's impossible to pay attention to the whereabouts of a small person with a secret message from a little devil. Bar."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said with a smile: "Then do it... But Keqin, the deciphering team can't have problems, right?"

"No." Fan Keqin was very sure of this point, and said: "Boss, think about it, even if the military command sends professionals to verify, the analysis team will give all the intercepted secret messages and analysis data to the other party. After analyzing these things in the end, they will definitely come to the same conclusion. In the end, it will only prove that everything we said is just deciphering the secret code of the little devil. And deciphering the secret code of the little devil is the foundation of all intelligence personnel. Responsibility. No one can say anything."

"Hmm." Sun Guoxin leaned back relaxed when he heard this, and said, "That's good. But it's not too late, I'm going to call Boss Dai for an appointment now. Think again, do we still have time?" What an omission."

(End of this chapter)

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