spy ace

Chapter 1426 New Company

Chapter 1426 New Company

For the next half an hour, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin studied the matter again, and finally confirmed that there was no problem.Sun Guoxin used a special line to call the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau, but Dai Yunong was not in the Military Command Bureau.Due to the principle of confidentiality, the whereabouts of intelligence personnel cannot be touched.Therefore, it was naturally impossible for Sun Guoxin to ask Boss Dai where he had gone, so he just left a message to Dai Yunong's confidential secretary, and he had to explain to Boss Dai face-to-face any important military information, and when Boss Dai came back, he must notify himself.

Fan Keqin was fine for the time being, and it was natural for Sun Guoxin to handle the communication with Boss Dai himself.So after he went downstairs, he started normal work directly.

Now the reorganization of the Security Bureau headquarters has basically been completed, but he still needs to confirm some follow-up situations.Of course, this refers only to the Investigation Department and the Field Service Corps.Other places, or departments, are also in charge of the chief officer, and it is not his turn to stretch his hand so far.

Fan Keqin will sign the signature, the arrangement of the arrangement, mainly because after the reorganization, there will be a lot of running-in problems between newcomers and old people.Especially the field work.How to run in?There is only one way, training, through a lot of training to achieve the purpose of running-in.

After all the arrangements were made, Fan Keqin went straight out and drove Zhuang Xiaoman to Kuatu Street in Xinnan District.This is also a new area that was expanded after the capital was moved, and a large number of people flooded into Chongqing.

Kuatu Street is on the edge of the new district, and the suburbs are not far away.What about the road conditions here?It's okay, it's no problem for cars to come and go.But it is definitely not that kind of hard road surface. In order to save trouble in the expansion, the road was simply repaired, as long as it was connected.It is not said that it is constructed with cement or asphalt.Just simply organize it.

Therefore, the road conditions are not smooth after years of traffic.The car must be able to go, but it can't be driven too fast.

And a not-too-small three-story building on Kuatu Street recently accommodated a commercial company.But in fact, this commercial company is the local liaison headquarters of the Hong Kong Island Investigation Office.Just like Fan Keqin's previous plan, use a commercial company to handle some things, such as sending some people or some equipment to Hong Kong Island.It is more convenient and more secretive to use commercial behavior to cover up.

As for why Fan Keqin brought Zhuang Xiaoman, that's naturally normal.Zhuang Xiaoman is a confidential secretary, and Fan Keqin is in charge of the Hong Kong Island Anti-Investigation Office, so he naturally needs a confidential secretary as a supervisor.It's fine if you're looking for one, but what Fan Keqin thinks is that one more person will bring more risks, so it's better to let Zhuang Xiaoman come alone.

In this way, if something happens in the future, the Hong Kong Island Audit Office needs some operations. When it is inconvenient for me, I can ask Zhuang Xiaoman to come forward to contact Lu Shi.

In other words, although Lu Shi is at this stage, he is only the liaison officer of Fan Keqin, the director of the Investigation Office.But it will definitely not be just a liaison officer in the future.Now it is because the Anti-Investigation Office has just been established, and he needs to be in charge of contacting some new people, just like when Fan Keqin contacted him in the first place.After all, it is impossible for Fan Keqin to come forward to do this in person.

And Lu Shi himself is still an old criminal investigator, and his ability is not bad, so after the development of the investigation and investigation office, it is impossible for him to work as a liaison officer.Who to investigate, what purpose to achieve, and even to do some secret business, it is for people like Lu Shi to do it.After all, he is a professional, so there is no problem with criminal investigation and returning to criminal investigation.

It is the local branch of the commercial trading company under the cover of the Anti-Investigative Office.The three-story building is of course not that kind of very large, but medium-sized. The three floors together have a usable area of ​​more than [-] square meters, which is close to [-].

The first floor is reception, security, consultation, canteen.As well as the office area for some salesmen, the second floor is a normal large office area, some middle-level offices of the branch, and some business elites are all on the second floor.The third floor is the meeting room, as well as the office area of ​​the branch managers and financial supervisors.

But in fact, the third floor has been remodeled, especially the communication room.Although it looks like a normal commercial radio station.But in fact, it is the communication room of the Criminal Investigation Office.

In addition, including the third floor and the second floor, they are basically all people from the Investigation Office.The real work they actually do is the business of the investigation office.For example, the establishment of safe channels at this stage, the dispatch of personnel, the receipt of secret messages from intelligence personnel on Hong Kong Island, and so on.

But on the first floor, there are still a few real outsiders.Especially the salesman, basically all of them are real salesmen hired.However, these staff members run business outside all day long, and rarely return to the company.

This approach is undoubtedly correct. In order to deceive people, commercial companies must have normal commercial operations.Otherwise, it is an office building, without any business, and the people inside stay in the office building all day, so there must be a problem.

However, there are still "our own people" on the first floor, such as the receptionist.These people are actually guards, belonging to sentries.They have to distinguish whether everyone who comes in is one of their own.If not, guide the company's salesperson normally.If it is one of your own people, you will be guided directly to the second floor.

After Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman entered the company's gate, the receptionist stood up directly behind, just like the receptionists of some real companies, and asked with a smile: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Fan Keqin said: "Is Manager Yu Zhiguo here? I have a business with him about clothing and food, and we are already negotiating. My surname is Wan, the general manager of the ocean shipping company."

The manager Yu Zhiguo he was talking about was the person in charge of the local investigation office.After hearing this, the receptionist basically knew that Fan Keqin might be one of his own.But in order to appear to be a professional business relationship, he replied with a smile: "Please wait a moment, I will contact Manager Yu."

With that said, the receptionist picked up the internal phone, dialed it, and got in touch with Yu Zhiguo after a while.Originally, the other party wanted to come down to greet him. After all, Fan Keqin's name was an internal code word.In addition, he was looking for himself directly, and it must be an important person.

But Fan Keqin refused, and took Zhuang Xiaoman directly upstairs, but still met Yu Zhiguo on the stairs on the second floor.The people selected at this stage are all secretly selected by Fan Keqin.So he knew all of them, but these people might not know Fan Keqin.

(End of this chapter)

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