spy ace

Chapter 1442 Very difficult

Chapter 1442 Very difficult
Fan Keqin knew a lot of information or photos on it.It was gathered by the Security Bureau in the past two days, or some information was found.

The other part was collected by the Intelligence Department.Comparing the two, it becomes clearer.Qian Jinxun lifted the covering curtain, pointed at a photo and asked, "Does this look familiar?"

Fan Keqin took a look and saw that this photo was a "landscape photo".To put it bluntly, there are no main characters on it.It's a bit like when a reporter arrives at a certain place, suddenly comes to the composition inspiration, and presses the shutter of the camera facing some streets.

But this "landscape photo" is a two-story building, a very ordinary kind of concrete building with a square shape.But this concrete building is not the main part of the photo. In the area on the right side of the center line, there are several similar concrete buildings and a street in front of the concrete building.

Fan Keqin looked at it and said, "It's a bit like some small buildings in a factory."

"Almost." Qian Jinxun smiled and said: "The brothers in Guangzhou found out that the batch of goods was delivered to the Qiangbing Warehouse. This is a video taken after the construction of the Qiangbing Warehouse. The brothers in Guangzhou responded He said that the situation of the Qiangbing Warehouse was not much different from the one after it was built. So I asked someone to check in the reference room and found this photo. These small buildings actually look small, but in fact, It's really not that small."

Qian Jinxun paused at this point, and continued: "As you said, it looks a bit like some buildings in a factory. Although it looks like two floors, the buildings in the factory are generally taller than civilian buildings. There are a lot of them. Look, I also posted a piece of text information I found next to the photo." As he spoke, he pointed with his finger.

Fan Keqin came close and bent slightly to have a look.I understand, as Qian Jinxun said, warehouse buildings must be much taller than civilian buildings, and there is no obvious reference in the photos, so it looks like a two-story building .In fact, although it is also on the second floor, there are no floors inside, but there is a layer on the outside that looks like a window on the second floor.

These warehouses are very high inside, at least ten meters high.The area occupied by such a small building can reach hundreds of square meters if only the internal use is counted.The smallest is nearly [-] square meters, and the largest can reach thousands of square meters.

Qian Jinxun expressed his feelings, and said: "We used to store supplies there in this strong warehouse, but now... it's cheap for the little devils. A small two-story warehouse like this is everywhere in the entire warehouse area." A total of twelve were built, and when they were built, they were all built according to the military grade."

It turned out that this Qiangbing Warehouse was just like his name.When it was first built, it was used to store military supplies.But the little devil's navy is indeed much stronger than the government's navy.It is precisely because of this that the little devil did not attack this warehouse before the fall of Guangzhou.Because they used investigative methods to find out before that the warehouse was already being emptied of supplies.

After all, the little devil is not an American guy, and his supplies are relatively scarce, so he pays attention to saving.Knowing that the warehouse may have been emptied, why bomb it?Therefore, the Qiangbing Warehouse was preserved like this.In fact, the same is true, after all, the strong warehouse is military-grade and very strong.Even if it is bombed by plane, a lot of aerial bombs will have to be wasted.

Qian Jinxun said: "Now it's our own problem. The worst thing is that it's not a big place, but there are two infantry squads of devils defending it. The number is nearly [-] people. And what I said Yes, the guards inside the Qiangbin warehouse. There is also a small team of devils outside the warehouse. They are responsible for patrolling, guarding, and guarding the outposts. Therefore, it should be said that the guards of the Qiangbing warehouse have a total of A squadron of devils. The total number is around [-]."

Fan Keqin said: "I'm not familiar with the terrain of Qiangbing Warehouse, is this a warehouse built in the city?"

"No." Qian Jinxun said: "This is built between the urban area of ​​Guangzhou and the port. But it should be closer to the urban area." He pointed to the largest map of Guangzhou, and after looking for it, he found a location Nodding, said: "Probably here."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Could you introduce the situation around the Qiangbing Warehouse?"

Qian Jinxun said: "Firm walls and clear fields, brother. How can I say hell. From the downtown area of ​​Guangzhou to the port, there is a fork in the middle of the road on the northeast side. Go north of the fork and go for a section, about two miles away." , I arrived at the Qiangbing Warehouse, not far away. But there is a rare open space around this warehouse, and anyone who is there can be seen at a glance. Except for a strong attack...it is really difficult to have a chance to attack."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "It's okay. The supplies from the devil's homeland can't be piled up here all the time, right? They have to be transported to the front line. During the transport, it's our chance to strike."

"Well." Qian Jinxun said: "I thought about it with me. The reason why they transported here is to transport to the front line. If they are being transferred to other places, it is better to put the goods directly in the port warehouse. "

Fan Keqin agreed, pointed to a photo and said, "What does this person mean?"

Qian Jinxun said: "The image database we established, this is one of them. And it is related to this incident. A brother saw this kid during the investigation and reacted, and the Guangzhou station reported it in the telegram Intelligence Department."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "You mean, we can make a wonderful move through this guy named Chai Mingming?"

"Wonderful chess, I really didn't think so much." Qian Jinxun said: "It's instinctive to put all the information that can be found. But I really think this kid should be useful."

Fan Keqin said: "Have you resorted to tricks on this kid now?"

"It's up." Qian Jinxun said: "As soon as the report came up, I asked the people at Guangzhou Station to use tricks on him. The latest information hasn't been reported yet. Just wait."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, the amount of information is still insufficient, but based on the current situation, it is impossible to carry out special strikes on the strong warehouse. After all, we are not from the United States, and we do not have a large number of aircraft and navy."

Qian Jinxun naturally understands what he meant. Now they have to rely on people to fight everything. If it is really like the Meidi family, the Qiangbing Warehouse is not far from the water, and the naval guns can directly attack the Qiangbin Warehouse. area to attack.There's no need to be so troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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