spy ace

Chapter 1443 Mastering Information

Chapter 1443 Mastering Information
As the saying goes, you cannot hang yourself on a tree.You have to try hanging on several trees around.This principle is also applicable in the present situation.

The photo of Chai Mingming comes from the image database.And how is the impact data in the database established?It is through the spies caught one by one, through interrogation, what the other party knows and has seen in the mind of the other party, and everything that can be remembered, will be drawn by an artist.

You must know that a spy has a relatively strong memory, so each spy can provide more or less impressions of spies.In addition, this is not the case in one place in Chongqing, but in all places. Anyone who catches the spies must do the same.

This is like a snowball. After the initial establishment, the image database has been rapidly enriched.

And this Chai Mingming was recognized by the military command agents operating in Guangzhou, so it's not surprising.Because this will happen sooner or later, and it has even happened in some places.

Chai Mingming's information is also established in this way, so along with this photo, there is also a written information, but there are not many introductions in the written information.

What the spies who provided this information learned was that the other party was indeed called by this name two years ago.It was half a year ago when the spies who confessed him provided the information.In other words, at least Chai Mingming was called by this name about two and a half years ago.

Not sure what it's called now.The memory of the spies who confessed him is also a bit fuzzy, or they don't have a deep relationship, but they only provided some very basic information.For example, they all received training in Honshu Island for a period of ten months.Then they separated, and they no longer knew where they were going, so the information provided was just like this.

But Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun had good luck this time.That is to say, when the two brothers were studying all the information on the blackboard and wanted to see if they could open the gap in other ways, it was around [-]:[-] in the afternoon.Kong Xinran, Qian Jinxun's secretary, knocked on the door and entered.

The chick still had a telegram in her hand, handed it to Qian Jinxun, and said, "President, this is the telegram just sent by Guangzhou Station."

"Okay." Qian Jinxun reached out to take it, and said, "I see, you should be busy."

Kong Xinran agreed, turned around, and walked out again.After Qian Jinxun looked at it, he said with a smile: "It really gave us pillows as soon as we fell asleep. Guangzhou station did a good job this time."

While talking, Qian Jinxun also pinned the free-translated document next to the photo of Chai Mingming hanging on the blackboard.

Fan Keqin came closer and began to read the telegram.It turned out that after Chai Mingming was reported by the people at the Guangzhou station, didn't Qian Jinxun give an order to continue to follow up and investigate Chai Mingming.Now with the latest scouting news.

A Guangzhou station agent named Fei Guangwen was in charge of following up and investigating Chai Mingming.Thanks to the previous witnesses and follow-ups, it is basically certain that after Chai Mingming went to the Qiangbing Warehouse, he took a car and entered the central street in the central district of the city, the municipal office building.

Therefore, Fei Guangwen led two other agents to monitor the municipal office building.Because of the guards near the municipal office building, or the patrols of the pseudo-police, etc. are relatively intensive.Fei Guangwen could only use a stupid method, that is, in the morning and evening every day, that is, when the normal office is on and off work, he pretended to be passing by, or had breakfast, dinner and other methods to monitor.Otherwise, if you stay around here all day, you will definitely attract attention.

After all, although there are restaurants and other businessmen around Central Avenue, the sightlines are not very good, and the vicinity of the municipal office building is basically all related municipal units.It is impossible to establish a surveillance point, and it is impossible to guard it nearby for a long time.

Hard get off work pays off, when one time off work, Fei Guangwen and one of his accomplices were diagonally opposite the municipal office building, dressed very professionally.It seems that two acquaintances who ran into each other greeted each other with a cigarette, and began to talk.They were using this as a cover to observe the situation in the municipal office building.

In the end, they really saw Chai Mingming walking out of the municipal office building.So Fei Guangwen and the others followed immediately, and found out the address of the other party's residence, which was on Dongma Road in the east of the Central District.This area cannot say everything, but many people work in the puppet government.

In addition, since Chai Mingming's home is the investigation center, it will be easier to follow up later.It was discovered that the other party really did not work in the municipal office building, but in the material coordination office of the puppet government.But he has to go to the municipal office building frequently.In addition, Chai Mingming went to the Guangzhou confidential office of the little devil's garrison successively for the surveillance these days.

After learning about the situation, Fan Keqin said: "From the trajectory of this kid's activities, it looks a bit like a spy secretly dispatched to break into the puppet government. Or an important liaison officer."

Qian Jinxun is quite familiar with the two possibilities mentioned by Fan Keqin.The former is because the little devil is actually not at ease with the puppet government, so he dispatched a large number of spies, disguised as locals, to break into some organs and units of the puppet government, to monitor some important departments of the puppet government, and to supervise work .

The latter is easier to understand, just like the original Shanghai No. [-], there are many special high-level courses or liaison officers sent by the secret service.

Qian Jinxun said, "Yes." He said, "No matter which of these two possibilities it is, this kid is really important. What should we do...how about some means to capture him secretly?"

Fan Keqin asked: "What do you mean by some means?"

Qian Jinxun said: "For example, just catch him when he comes home, and then, immediately conduct criminal training on him. Ask about the situation of that batch of goods and so on. That's right, the time difference is not good. You have to act randomly, and you need a certain element of luck."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "However, if we are more patient, for example, keep an eye on him."

"Keep an eye on him?" Qian Jinxun asked suspiciously: "You mean, we don't take the initiative, but learn more things by observing him. So we are making plans?"

"That's almost what it means." Fan Keqin said: "Think about it, this guy once went to the Qiangbing warehouse, and he also went after a batch of goods were delivered. This situation is definitely not a coincidence. Basically It can be concluded that his going to the Qiangbing Warehouse is related to that batch of goods..."

(End of this chapter)

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