spy ace

Chapter 1461 Intercepted Telegram

Chapter 1461 Intercepted Telegram
After reuniting with Yu Dehai and the others again, everyone in Yu Dehai had already changed into their clothes.After all, when they laid down the bombs on their stomachs, their previous clothes would inevitably be stained with dirt. If they just went back like this, it would be more eye-catching.

After waiting for a while, two cuckoo owl cries sounded, and He Jie came over from the woods on the right.Seeing that Jiang Bin and Yu Dehai gathered together, they said, "Have you finished burying?"

"Yes." Jiang Bin said, "There is no movement on your side?"

"The little devil's secret post has changed." He Jie said: "The rest didn't find anything." He paused, and continued: "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Bin said: "Tomorrow... within the day after tomorrow, finish all the work on this side. I'm afraid I will trouble you two brothers. I will continue to help tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"It should be." He Jie said: "Then tomorrow night... no, it should be tonight, or the same time and place, shall we meet?"

"Okay." Jiang Bin said: "Old time and old place. Then we will withdraw first, and ask the two brothers for a favor. If you find anything wrong, leave us a code."

"No problem." He Jie said, "I will throw two fallen tree branches to the side of the road at the place where you pushed the bicycle. Before you come in again, you see two tree branches with leaves on the road, and If it is in the shape of a slingshot, you can know that I will give you a warning. Otherwise, it is safe." He said, and drew a Y shape on the ground.So that Jiang Bin can better understand what he said.

Jiang Bin nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, brother, we are leaving now. Come back tonight and continue working. See you then."

"Okay." He Jie said, "See you then."

After parting with He Jie, Jiang Bin and Yu Dehai started walking back with a group of spies.After finding the bicycle placed behind the boulder, Jiang Bin began to arrange the evacuation again, and everyone dispersed according to the method of breaking up the whole into parts.

That's it, rest during the day and work at night.According to the plan, on the second night, Jiang Bin and the others had already planted all the bombs.And in the second half of the night, most of the wires were pulled into the woods, and the wiring along the way has been covered.

On the third night, Jiang Bin and Yu Dehai came again. This time they brought the detonator and other things. After all, this thing is not small. Small.

Wrap it in moisture-proof linoleum and find a place to hide in the woods.Now the wires, parallel wires and so on have been prepared.At that time, as long as one end is connected to the detonator, TNT's thunder array can explode at any time.

On the other hand, Zhang Zhikai has not been idle these days, receiving intelligence from various monitoring points, and starting to customize plans according to the purpose of the mission.

Before that, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun had already supported the general skeleton.Zhang Zhikai customized the action steps in detail after the report from the monitoring point.One for the new central bank, one for the little devil's confidential room, plus the preparatory office for the puppet government.How to attack during the day and how to retreat after attacking.How to attack at night and how to retreat after attacking.

In addition to these, Han Qiang also asked several technicians to establish a connection between Zhang Zhikai and the dock and the safe house where Jiang Bin was.Of course direct contact is inappropriate.For example, stealing a telephone line or something, this is not very safe.

However, near the safe house where Zhang Zhikai is now, such as in a residential building, he secretly inserted an extension line on a telephone line, but he did not connect to the phone.There is no problem using it this way.When there is an emergency that is really needed, Zhang Zhikai only needs to carry a telephone, and he can contact him at any time as soon as he connects the extension line.

If someone else is looking for Zhang Zhikai, just call the public phone downstairs.This is almost the same as Fan Keqin's contact method when he was in Nanjing. It has already been made an appointment.

That way, though, they don't have access to instant messaging capabilities.But the ability to communicate quickly is still there.

About ten days after Jiang Bin planted the bomb, Zhang Zhikai got up early and washed up as usual, and was going to go to some dead mailboxes that he had agreed upon in a while.

As a result, while he was eating the rest of last night's meal, he heard a burst of jingle bells coming from downstairs.First it rang and hung up.Then it rang three more times and hung up again.Then it returned to calm.

This is the reminder ringtone, and it is from Han Qiang's contact team.One beep, three beeps after hanging up means that if there is a situation, call back the agreed number.

Zhang Zhikai didn't dare to neglect, got dressed immediately, carried his briefcase and went downstairs, he didn't use the line that Han Qiang's technical team had connected to him privately in the next building.Instead, I found a public phone and called the agreed number.

After the other party picked it up, it was indeed a member of the technical team.I heard the other party say: "There is news about Ah Hai. Just now his mother sent her a message, but it is not certain when Ah Hai will come, but it will probably be the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Zhikai said: "Okay, I understand."

Of course he knew what that meant.It means that Han Qiang's telecommunications team intercepted the telegram, which said that the next batch of cargo ships for the little devil may arrive the day after tomorrow, but the exact time is unknown.

Han Qiang's communication team had released the content of the little devil's telegram before, so now they have finally discovered the telegram signal of the other party.And according to the previous reverse derivation results, compare the content intercepted this time again.Although there is no signal from the ship.However, a signal in Guangzhou sent content.Moreover, Han Qiang and the others have already deciphered the content because of the previously reversed information for comparison.

After Zhang Zhikai put down the phone, he thought quickly.The day after tomorrow means that there is still time to fully prepare.However, the telecommunications team also clearly stated that "approximately" is the day after tomorrow, and the time of the day after tomorrow is not exact information.In other words, you have to be vigilant on your own side.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone again and dialed a number.Hang up after two rings, then hang up after two more rings.Then Zhang Zhikai turned sideways, secretly pressed the phone ring with his right hand, and held the phone receiver in his left hand, as if making a phone call, pretending to open his mouth and keep silent.

About five minutes later, the phone finally rang again...

(End of this chapter)

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