spy ace

Chapter 1462 Start an ambush

Chapter 1462 Start an ambush

A brother's voice on the dock rang through the receiver, saying, "Hey, brother, I've asked you, there's a ship the day after tomorrow."

"There is news at sea." Zhang Zhikai said in a low voice, "It's probably in the near future. If there is a situation, contact us as agreed."

"Ah." The voice said, "I checked, it's in the afternoon. Oh, I forgot to ask how much it is... Okay, you're welcome."

What the other party said was completely different from what Zhang Zhikai said.But Zhang Zhikai knew why. The situation on the pier was rather complicated. The brothers who were in charge of monitoring there were hawkers.

Although there are public phones on the Guangzhou pier, they are all the phones in the grocery store or the pier restaurant.Someone was watching, so the natural way to say it was wrong.

Unless the other party calls him, he can speak code words that he can understand.But if Zhang Zhikai himself informed the pier of the situation, the other party would "speech nonsense." For example, it was like once, as if he was helping relatives and friends to find out the time of the ferry ticket.

After Zhang Zhikai notified the news, the person on the pier finally replied: "Okay, you're welcome." That means the other party already knew about it and would pay attention.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Zhikai made another call.This time he contacted the team operating in the urban area.That is to say, the people in charge of the new central bank, the devil's confidential office, and the puppet government material coordination office.

The news must be communicated in a timely manner. After all, all kinds of equipment are ready at any time. As long as you receive an order, you can start action immediately.Especially those who monitor the pseudo-government materials coordination office.

The last time the material was transported, it was the people from the Material Coordination Office.And this time, they are likely to be responsible.The telegram signal intercepted by Han Qiang was the same as last time, and some evidence could be obtained.At the very least, they were in charge last time, and the source of the telegram signal this time is also the same, so there is a high probability that it will still be in charge of the Material Coordination Office.

Therefore, the military command agents who are monitoring here must also cheer up to monitor the situation of the overall organization.Maybe, through observation, other information can be grasped.For example, the time when the supplies arrived in Hong Kong this time.Seeing that the coordinating office is organizing manpower, transport vehicles and so on, although I can't be [-]% sure when the ships will enter the port this time, I can still see some clues.

Finally, there is Jiang Bin's blasting team. From now on, they will start lurking at the preset location.They even carried a spy radio to keep in touch with Zhang Zhikai at any time.

As long as the people on the dock saw the convoy finished loading, they would immediately report it to Zhang Zhikai, and the latter only needed to get in touch with Han Qiang's communication team immediately.Send Jiang Bin the agreed action signal again, and the latter will know that the devil's transport team will enter the ambush area at any time.He just needs to follow the plan.

Although the whole process will go through two relays, it will never waste much time, unless the convoy of supplies can fly, otherwise Jiang Bin and the others cannot miss it.

After Jiang Bin received the notice, he immediately relayed the situation to Yu Dehai and other agents.Since they planted the bomb at the ambush point, they have been hiding in the safe house very low-key.And eating and drinking step by step have prepared a lot these days.Just waiting to be able to act at any time.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Bin notified them at this time, he immediately acted.He took the package containing food, clothes, etc., and went straight out the door.

Once again, it was broken into parts and came to the fork in the Qiangbing Warehouse, after entering the small woods.Jiang Bin took the lead to check the line again.

After confirming that there is no problem, let a few people find the ends of the wires and connect them to several detonators.Then camouflage the detonator with twigs and grass stems.

Two people were separated, one ran to the top position of the big straight, and the other was at the end.They specialize in lookouts.

These two observation positions are very important, since it is necessary to be able to see the situation of the straight road ahead.It also needs to be able to hide itself.At the same time, it must be within the sight of Jiang Bin and there should be no trees or the like.Otherwise, when the signal was sent, Jiang Bin couldn't see it, so he couldn't grasp the timing of the detonation.

There are also two people who are dedicated to the reception of telegram messages.There are batteries in this year, but the volume is relatively large.So it's like the wilderness now, without electricity.Batteries can only be carried to power the radio.

It looks like an oversized iron lunch box, with a handle on it, which is quite inconvenient.But in this day and age already belongs to higher technology.Basically only the military or government departments are useful.

The power supply of radio stations in this era is nothing more than a few situations. For example, Jiang Bin and the others use batteries now.There is of course no problem with a fixed power supply.There are also hand generators, diesel generators and the like.

But fortunately, Jiang Bin and the others were very well prepared. In addition to the battery, they also prepared a hand generator.The principle of this thing is the same as the electrocution in some tortures.They are all shaken by hand, and they make a "humming" sound when they shake.Of course, the sound is not too loud.

After all these things were prepared, everyone didn't gather together in the forest. Although they all knew their positions and could even see each other, there was a certain distance between them.

In addition, this is a military-level operation, the importance of which is self-evident, and it is impossible to talk about gathering together.So in their respective positions, each person carries a package of food.If you are hungry, just take a bite on the spot.This difficulty is not a problem for them.

Jiang Bin met with Shuangjie again. Now Shuangjie doesn't need to investigate the Qiangbing warehouse. After the mission is completed, they can just retreat directly.

Yang Dongjie said, "Is everything ready?"

Jiang Bin nodded, and said: "Well, everything is ready, and I will wait for the little devil's supplies to arrive, and then explode and destroy them."

He Jie asked directly: "If the two of us can help you, just ask."

Jiang Bin smiled and said, "I'm not welcome to that brother." As he spoke, he picked up a twig next to him, drew a few very simple strokes, and then pointed at one of the positions, saying: "This is the wharf. The road connecting with Guangzhou City is a fork in the road. Our location is in the woods next to the fork in the road."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bin changed the pointing position and continued: "If the supplies come from the pier, they will first follow this road to this fork before turning in..."

(End of this chapter)

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