spy ace

Chapter 1468 Crazy run

Chapter 1468 Crazy run
A few cars that hadn't turned off started in an instant, and within a short while, they had disappeared within the scope of the devil's confidential office.This scene has virtually become one of the most classic pretentious plots: a real man never looks back at the explosion.

The devil's Guangzhou secret, the situation he faced could only be waiting to be burned.The material coordinating office of the puppet government in Guangzhou suffered almost the same blow.Even more tragic.

After the muffled thunder outside the city spread into the urban area, the same two teams of wolves began to rush towards the material coordination office.The tactics are the same, quick assault, sweep all the offices.

However, the office building of the puppet government's material coordination office is larger than the devil's secret office.It is the method of quick assault, but also pay attention to it.

After each group, after clearing the first three offices, will throw two grenades in the room below as they attack the room below.Then it will rush in.The main reason is that this place is relatively large, there are many offices, and there are many people, so it will naturally waste time to clean it up.

And the longer the time, the more difficult the natural attack will become.Throwing two grenades in there can destroy any defenses that might exist in the office.Then the attacker rushed in, and things would become much simpler.You can even complete a thorough cleaning with just a touch-up of the gun.

However, Zhang Zhikai also missed one thing in his plan, that is, the people who work in the pseudo-government materials coordination office. Although there are guards with guns inside, most of them are "civilians" who sit in the office. There are no guns.Therefore, in the second half of the cleaning, the plan of throwing grenades and then rushing inside slowed down the pace of cleaning.

After all, for these civil servants, if you say you can't shoot a gun, it's nonsense.The reason why firearms have eliminated a lot of cold weapons is that apart from their great power, the most important thing is that they are very simple to operate.The secret of operation is: aim at the target and pull the trigger.Nothing else.

This is also the reason, so the group of people attacking the coordinating office of the puppet government is a little slower than the people who attack the devil's machine.But having said that, slowing down a bit is only relatively speaking.When they withdrew, it was still relatively smooth.

Generally speaking, as Zhang Zhikai predicted before, the little devil's secret office and the puppet government's material coordination office are actually simpler than the people who robbed the new central bank. .

Zhang Zhikai was outside the city, having changed his clothes.Came to the water's edge.In later generations, this place is called the West Passage.That's right, the characteristic of the vicinity of Guangzhou City is that there are more water networks.

However, the terrain with many water networks presents certain difficulties for Zhang Zhikai and others.That is, every time you walk in one direction, you will encounter a waterway, and you may have to detour for a long distance before you find the bridge.However, due to the well-developed terrain of the water network in Guangzhou, it has also led to these water networks, and there are people who depend on water for water almost every other section.There are basically boat owners everywhere.

If Zhang Zhikai and the others wanted to hire a boat to cross the water, it would be very conspicuous before they were broken down into parts.But they are scattered now. Even if the little devils and the puppet government have great powers, it is impossible to control all the "relying on water" people around Guangzhou City in an instant.

After all, there are too many people who live by pointing at the water net, unless they rely on luck and hit it in an instant.Otherwise, it would be really difficult to catch Zhang Zhikai and the others.

Zhang Zhikai was more worried about crossing the water before.After all, every time you cross the water, it will take a long time.But the reverse is also the same. If the puppet government or the little devils want to chase the water, they will also spend a long time.

Come and go, in fact, it is still in the lead.Moreover, the people pursued by the little devils and the pseudo-government must not be a single person and start to chase, at least a team or several teams.

With a large number of people, it is actually more troublesome to take a boat or hire a boat to cross the water than Zhang Zhikai and others.So invisibly, this distance will become a situation of chasing further and further away.

In addition, the new central bank, the devil's secrecy, and the puppet government's material coordination office had an accident, and they were not caught.They had to investigate and collect enough information to determine which direction Zhang Zhikai and the others ran.Only when the position is determined can the pursuit be pursued.

After Zhang Zhikai and others attacked these three places, they drove away quickly.At the beginning of the retreat, there may be some witnesses, but after driving out of the range of these three targets, who will pay attention on the street after the car turns a few turns?
Although there are cameras for filming movies these days, surveillance cameras are like listening to fairy tales, there are no such cameras at all.Even if an expert comes over, it is possible to determine the direction only after a detailed investigation.

Therefore, after Zhang Zhikai crossed the waterway and crossed the Huadi River, he entered the Xijiang River Basin within two days. Liuzhou.

At this time, Zhang Zhikai was already safe, so he followed Liuzhou to take the waterway again, passed Rong'an, and went to the song.Following the change of land route, I finally arrived in Guiyang, and then from Guiyang, passed ZY, went south, and finally arrived in Chongqing, the accompanying capital.

When Zhang Zhikai returned to the intelligence office, it was already more than [-] days later.The main reason was that when he was traveling from Guiyang to Chongqing, it was really hard to find a car, and he wanted to keep a low profile, so it was impossible to grab a car or something.Sometimes it takes half a day to walk on foot.Therefore, the danger was not encountered, but the suffering was not less.Fortunately, I finally arrived in Chongqing.

Zhang Zhikai retreated from the southwest direction of Guangzhou, but those who retreated from other directions felt much better than him.After all, that's the reason, Guangzhou's water network is indeed developed.The little devils and the puppet government can't block it at all, so some team members, for example, go to Qingyuan, enter Changsha, and then return to Chongqing along the waterway from Changsha City.Not as much trouble as Zhang Zhikai.

Therefore, Zhang Zhikai was almost the last one to come back from the Guangzhou operation.But in fact, although the road Zhang Zhikai took was the most tossing, it also had the highest safety factor.So toss, let alone no pursuers, even if there are pursuers, he can only be pulled further and further away by him.

After Zhang Zhikai returned to Chongqing, it took only a few days for all those involved in the Guangzhou operation to arrive.When Qian Jinxun was the last person to report to him, he was really happy...

(End of this chapter)

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