spy ace

Chapter 1469 Midway Island

Chapter 1469 Midway Island
After all, the operation in Guangzhou this time was miraculous, and no one was lost.It was nothing short of a miracle.Therefore, Qian Jinxun directly distributed a large amount of bonuses, and in the end everyone was very satisfied with him.

The celebration banquet must be indispensable. Qian Jinxun handled everything well. First of all, he celebrated with the people from the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau, even Boss Dai.And took the opportunity to express his loyalty to the other party, and when Boss Dai asked about the details of the matter, he picked up a few key words.Especially the role played by Han Qiang.

Afterwards, Qian Jinxun was not in a hurry, and did not report the plan immediately, but typed the mission report normally and asked for a list of credits.There is also Han Qiang's appreciation report.

So after a month, Han Qiang finally became the deputy director of the intelligence department, still in charge of telecommunications, monitoring, and technology.

He was originally Qian Jinxun's person, and now that he became the deputy director, not only would it have no effect on Qian Jinxun's intelligence department, but it could be said that the intelligence department was more firmly in Qian Jinxun's hands.

Han Qiang was also very happy to be the deputy director, and invited Zhang Gengquan, Zhao Hongliang, Ma Chaoqun and others.Then, two brothers Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun were invited separately.This is a way for Han Qiang to express his position.In the end, everyone was quite satisfied.

In such a flash, many days passed by in a hurry.Fan Keqin had just arrived at the Security Bureau that day, and Zhuang Xiaoman told him to go to the director's office.

Fan Keqin went directly upstairs and walked into Sun Guoxin's office.Seeing Fan Keqin coming in, the latter immediately waved and said, "Come, sit down."

Fan Keqin sat on the chair opposite Sun Guoxin, and said, "What kind of happy event did you meet?"

Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "It's a happy event." Then he leaned back comfortably, and then said: "You know? In the previous three days, that is, between the fourth and seventh of this month. On the Pacific battlefield In the Midway Island area, the little devil's navy suffered the heaviest blow in history. According to reliable sources, the little devil's navy department lost four aircraft carriers, a heavy cruiser, and more than [-] fighter planes. Huh? The little devil is at sea I’m afraid it’s about to enter a weak stage.”

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "The little devils attacked Pearl Harbor before, in fact, they also know the industrial production capacity of the Meidi family, so they want to directly force the Meidi family to enter the negotiating table, and quickly end the dispute with the Meidi family. War. In fact, the little devils have been caught in a dilemma before. The consumed war potential of their battlefields on our side is almost too much for the little devils. That's why they set such a goal. But... also because This point, the little devils have already doomed their failure from the very beginning."

"That's right." Sun Guoxin said: "Japanese chess players like to play chess very much. They always want to turn things around with a good move. Sometimes a good move can play a big role. But in this war, especially Up to now, it can be said that this step has completely failed. After the Midway naval battle, the little devil will probably switch from offense to defense in the Pacific Ocean."

Fan Keqin said: "From offense to defense... especially the Meidi family, they must be very happy to see this situation. The longer the time drags on, the stronger the military strength of the Meidi family will be. The little devil is really too I underestimated the war potential of the Meidi family. I believe that within a year, the aircraft carrier of the Meidi family will be several times, or even ten times the size of the current one. By then, there will be no chance for the little devil to make a comeback at sea. Here's the chance."

Sun Guoxin said differently: "Ten times? Is it possible?"

It really cannot be said that Sun Guoxin is ignorant.In fact, in this day and age, the whole world does not know how terrible the industrial capabilities of the Meidi family are.For example: In the European battlefield, the Meidi family frantically gave blood transfusions to the Yingguarans. After all, the Yinggualans were indeed no match for the Germans.His nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the beating, but he was just not dead.

However, the blood transfusion ability of the Meidi family is too strong, which leads to the fact that although Germany always wins, such as Rommel in Africa, the tanks and other military supplies of the opponent eliminated are several times the losses of its own side.The only opponents who also hit him were scurrying around.

But in the later period, no matter how Rommel fought, the Inguarans fought more and more tanks.When you wiped out a tank from the Yingguarans, the Meidi family had already produced two to three tanks, and then vigorously transfused the blood to the Yinggualans.

This thing is too powerful. In the words of later generations, if the other party hangs B, the harder you fight, the more enemies you will have. Even Rommel, a military genius, will not be able to play in the end. Let Montgomery pick up a Big deal.There is a saying, it's not that we don't work hard, but the other party has a B.

The battlefield at sea is the same. In the very beginning, the little devil and the Meidi family fought well because of their proper tactics, and even had a certain advantage.But the opponent's aircraft carrier, all kinds of large ships, are as crazy as their mothers who don't want money.The more you fight, the more you will have the same effect as the African battlefield.

But having said that, these things are only seen from the perspective of future generations, so that they can clearly understand how terrifying the war potential of the Meidi family is.But in this day and age, although some people must know that the Meidi family has strong industrial capabilities, it is still impossible to see things as clearly as the people of later generations.After all, the limitations of the age are here.

For example, the current Yinggualan people are still recognized as the most powerful country in the world.Although it has been beaten badly by the Germans, at least in name, it is still the world's most powerful country.Even Meidi's family dare not deny this.Fan Keqin is probably the only one who can fully understand it.

Therefore, it is really not surprising that Sun Guoxin is so capable, but he still asks such words.Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, boss, I have no doubts about how great the war potential of the Meidi family is. The Meidi family has the most complete industrial system, and it has not been damaged at all. Plus It is almost impossible to destroy the natural advantages in geography, and once we enter the state of war with all our strength...the production of various military weapons will reach a frightening level."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "I really hope what you said is true. In this case, the pressure on the domestic battlefield can be relieved to some extent."

Actually, that's the problem.age limitations.Many people in later generations think that the little devil has entered a disadvantage in the war on the water, thus relieving the pressure in our country.But in fact, on the contrary, the little devil became even crazier in the Chinese battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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