spy ace

Chapter 1474 encounter plain clothes

Chapter 1474 encounter plain clothes
"That's about it." Fan Keqin asked again: "Did you see his father, did he work in his unit?"

"Yes." Qian Jinxun replied: "The Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we talked in his office. His father was a little surprised when he saw me at the first moment. I judge that this performance must be true. Then Well, a slightly embarrassing enthusiasm. When I mentioned that his son was looking for me, he even called home in front of me, told his wife to get his son back quickly, and said that he had something to do in the evening He needs to have a good talk with his son. He is showing a bit of suppressed anger and anxiety. I am worried that the phone call at the back is not an illusion. He is acting with me here. "

Fan Keqin said: "The reason why I asked you where we talked is that if we talked in the unit, then no matter whether this matter is what you think or not. As long as the other party has some brains, they will not continue to deal with you. In the end At least I won’t use any too dark means, unless you expose yourself. But this possibility is still like what I said before. If you want to deal with you, you have already been dealt with. The possibility is very low. If you don’t worry, Then give them the means.

Didn't he call his son back?Monitor for a few days to see what's going on and who has been in contact with their family members.I find it easy to investigate.And I feel like the biggest possibility, you know what it is?I get the feeling you're a little paranoid.Did you really do something bad? "

Qian Jinxun rolled his eyes, and said: "I did a shit. If you say that, it proves that you are more suspicious than me, and you still have the face to criticize me. Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. After two days Are you going on a business trip?"

"That's right." Fan Keqin said, "Don't ask around. I can't tell you."

Qian Jinxun said: "I see, I'll ask. There are a few people who have harmed the company's interests and need to be dealt with. Since you want to leave, let me arrange it."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, you can find Jin Manyu, Sheng Jing and the others will do. What's going on? Tell me."

Qian Jinxun said: "In the previous stage, our goods were not able to get in, so we adopted batching and limited supply. As a result, a lot of fake brands sold in the name of our company appeared on the market a while ago. If it’s a good product, I’m still happy. I found them and asked them to supply us for a while, or cooperate with them. As a result, their products are empty shelves, which are actually very bad.

All of a sudden, even our company's products were affected.Moreover, intangible things such as credibility and brand effect have been damaged more seriously.If this is not stopped and punished, the company will lose more and more. "

Fan Keqin was a little puzzled, and said: "No...does anyone still dare to pretend to be our company's products?"

Qian Jinxun looked disdainful, and said: "Are you pretending to be stupid with me? People die for money, and birds die for food. This has been the case since ancient times. For money, what can't people do? Don't talk about shoddy goods. Just last month, in that...Chengdu! A fake national first-level general was caught. As a result, the kid had been pretending to be for almost two years, and he was only discovered now. When he was caught, he lied to himself. Believing that he is a general of the national government, he still yelled at his captors and wanted to send him to a military court."

Fan Keqin was amused, he really knew about this, the other party was the most ordinary little person, at first he got a military uniform for money and started pretending to be an officer.Then he was promoted quickly, and became a first-level general this year.Such nonsense has actually deceived many people, and even many official figures are deceived.

After he was arrested, many people still felt unbelievable.If you make a reasonable guess, if this kid hadn't hypnotized himself deeply, believed that he was an admiral, and stopped in time, he would not be easy to catch him if he just hid anywhere.

Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Okay, you can go to Jin Manyu and the others by yourself. They have good abilities. It should be relatively easy to deal with this kind of problem."

"En." Qian Jinxun said: "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have something to do with the boss. Let's go."

While talking, Qian Jinxun went straight out the door and went upstairs to find Sun Guoxin.

That's it, another two days passed quickly.Fan Keqin has already arranged everything that needs to be arranged in the early stage.On the morning of the third day, after bidding farewell to Lu Xiaoya, she and Huazhang pretended to be husband and wife, and left Chongqing in a low-key manner.

Traveling in this day and age is really strenuous.Even if it is not during the war, it is quite inconvenient even in normal times.Fortunately, Fan Keqin and Huazhang's purpose was very clear. They kept a low profile and hurried on their way. It took more than a week to finally enter the northeast region.

"Woo~woo!!" The train blew its whistle before entering the station, and it didn't take long before it finally stopped in front of the Harbin platform.Fan Keqin and Huazhang each carried a small suitcase and got off the train following the flow of people.

As a result, as soon as he came down, Fan Keqin felt that Hua Zhang's hand around his arm was gently pinching himself.

In fact, without Hua Zhang's reminder, Fan Keqin had already seen it through the window when the train was entering the station.Four black cars were parked inside the platform.And one of the cars had flags of Manchukuo on both sides of the front.A lot of guys in plain clothes, right around the car.

Fan Keqin hugged Huazhang's shoulder affectionately, with a slight smile on his face, but actually said in a low voice: "It's okay, there are no soldiers on guard, so I should pick someone up."

"Yes." Huazhang agreed, followed Fan Keqin and walked on the platform with the flow of people.

Just look at the two people, beside the cars in front, the leading few people should be of high status.The one in the middle is about fifty years old, not tall, slightly fat, with a crew cut.Wearing an amber yellow suit with dark vertical stripes.Next to him was a very handsome man of about forty years old.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, the man was talking to the leader.And this handsome man has a slight hunchback.But this little hunchback didn't affect the opponent's image at all.It even made him more masculine.

On both sides of these two people, there is also a black suit.One of them was about the same age as the attractive man, with a generous face and sharp eyes, but a very strong physique.The other one is of normal build, with a hint of frivolity in his speech.

Around the four people headed by them, there were still many plainclothes standing, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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