spy ace

Chapter 1475

Chapter 1475
Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang didn't look too much, but walked out from the exit together with the flow of people getting off the train.Came to the station square.

There are many taxis here, there is no doubt that the taxi industry has existed for a long time.For example, in Shanghai, the most representative city, there are nearly [-] taxis in the concession alone.Can't think of it?
The city of Harbin is also an extremely important big city in the northern region, and there are not few taxis in it.Of course, it definitely cannot be compared with later generations.Moreover, the little devil's supplies are too scarce these days, so fuel is an important military resource.There are taxis, but there are very few companies that can obtain operating qualifications.Because of high oil prices.

This has led to the fact that taxis in this year cannot stroll around the streets to solicit customers like later generations.Instead, they waited for customers in several important locations, such as train stations, a few relatively prosperous streets, or certain very high-end hotels or guesthouses.

After Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang got out of the train station, they got into one of the taxis directly, and said "Central Avenue".Started tilting up in the backseat.

Of course, this greasy way is different from Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya's greasy way.Belongs to verbal greasy crooked.Fan Keqin turned into a man who wanted to win the favor of his girlfriend, as if to show his knowledge and insight.When passing by a certain place, introduce it to Huazhang.Disguise yourself as "Harbin Tong".

Central Avenue is not too far from the train station, and there are few cars running on the road these days, so there will be basically no traffic jams except for the traffic lights.So very quickly, the car arrived at the intersection on the side of Central Avenue.

After paying the money, the two got out of the car and walked all the way inside.You know, the entire street of Central Avenue is still very prosperous.The buildings on both sides are basically all Russian style, or French style, German style European style, which is relatively trendy.What kind of restaurants, tailor-made clothing, relatively large shopping malls, one next to the other.Therefore, people here come and go, but there are quite a few pedestrians.

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang, who were strolling around, did not walk so fast, but blended into the flow of people.After all, the speed of shopping is much slower than the normal walking speed.Therefore, it took more than half an hour to walk about three-fifths of the way from one end of the street to the intersection on the other side of the river.

Because they have arrived at the destination of their trip, namely: Madier Hotel.The grade of this hotel is still very high-end.There are three floors up and down.The first floor is the restaurant, and the second floor has meeting rooms, banquet halls, and private rooms, and nearly half of the space is guest rooms.The third floor is basically all guest rooms.

Moreover, there are other spaces on the first floor of the Madil Hotel.For example, the north side is connected to another restaurant through a hall, and this restaurant is connected to a dance hall, and further north is a cold drink hall.The east side of the living room is connected to a theater after passing through the main stair hall.

The interior decoration can be described as magnificent. After it was completed and opened, it has been crowded with people and the business is booming. It is definitely second to none in this year.

But later, after the little devils invaded, the Madier restaurant was destroyed by the Japanese puppets, so the current Madier restaurant is not as resplendent as before.Of course, in this year, it is still very classy.

In order to achieve the goal of ruling, the little devil gradually learned to show some hypocrisy. Therefore, although the Madil Hotel has declined a lot compared to the original, it still exists.

After Fan Keqin and Huazhang entered the hotel, they paid the money directly at the front desk and opened a high-end suite.Then ask the waiter inside to send the luggage of the two of you up first.Fan Keqin himself came to the restaurant with Huazhang.Ordered some food and started eating and drinking.

They hurried all the way, although they also ate and drank, but they really didn't eat well.Now that we have reached our destination, we can naturally enjoy a good meal.

Appetizing pickles, butter chicken rolls, Moscow sausages, Ukrainian sauerkraut soup, Kazakh rib steak, Siberian stewed meat cubes,
A few traditional Russian dishes, all in one order.Anyway, the two of them are not short of money. If it weren't for the fear of not being able to eat, Fan Keqin would like to order a very expensive roast suckling pig.

After an elegant meal, everything on the table was swept away.In fact, although the dishes seem to be quite a lot, the more you eat in high-end places, the less there are.After eating the last bit of food, the two of them felt almost full.

Following Fan Keqin, he ordered another Madier sorbet, which was regarded as dessert after the meal. The two of them were talking and laughing, like a young couple with a real relationship, and finished the sorbet one bite at a time.

Then, holding hands, they came to the third floor, suite [-], and entered it.

As soon as the door was closed, the two of Fan Keqin immediately changed their expressions and began to divide their work to check.

This room is still relatively large, with a living room in front and a relatively large bathroom on the left.There is also a small study on the right side through the square hall.The bedroom can only be reached through the study.As for the bedroom, there is also a slightly smaller bathroom.

There were quite a lot of decorations inside, so in the end, it took Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang almost twenty minutes to check the room.Make sure the whole house hasn't been tampered with.

This is also a normal situation. After all, Fan Keqin and Huazhang are coming to Harbin, and where they want to live is decided by them on the road.That is, completely random.So naturally, the chances of something wrong with where they are going to live will be very low.

In the wine cabinet in the living room, Fan Keqin looked at the several bottles of wine inside, took out one bottle, and poured two glasses respectively.Got it in the study.

After handing Huazhang a glass, Fan Keqin lit a cigar, then took a sip of the drink, and said, "It's finally here. Don't do anything today, just have a good night's rest."

"Okay." Huazhang also took a sip of the wine, but he didn't seem to like this taste very much, so he frowned and said, "I'll go collect information tomorrow, the brothers who are active here came a lot earlier than the two of us God, they should have found out the general situation."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said, "This time, we still need to take a step-by-step approach, first collect general information, and then find key points to target."

(End of this chapter)

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