spy ace

Chapter 1494 Chapter 1494 War Readiness Depot

Chapter 1494 Chapter 1494 War Readiness Depot

The Security Bureau agent went on to say: "You just take the initiative to help out or something, so that you can talk to the other party quietly. If the other party doesn't take the initiative to speak, you don't ask. But after a long time, the other party They will trust you and open up the chatterbox."

Ji Maosong nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. We used to take the initiative to help each other before, so there will be no problems."

"Okay." The Security Bureau agent said: "The main purpose today is to send you photos. It's getting late, so you should go to bed early. Don't make a mistake tomorrow because of lack of sleep. I'm leaving too. When the appointment , let's get in touch again."

While talking, the agent stubbed out the cigarette butt, bid farewell to Ji Maosong and went out the door, and disappeared into the night after a while.

The next morning, Fan Keqin got the news that Ji Maosong should have stabilized, but he still needed to be prepared.After all, the opponent has not received professional training, so he is afraid that something will happen at that time, so he has to take precautions.

After Wang Zhanyuan conveyed his arrangement to Huazhang, Fan Keqin felt relieved.After all, he had asked Wang Zhanyuan to send several groups of people. If something really happened to Ji Maosong, they would be able to know the situation immediately.

In the next few days, apart from Wang Zhanyuan's investigation, Fan Keqin and Huazhang also took a stroll around the city or even around.

The main thing is to understand the local railway network.It should be said that Harbin is indeed an area with a relatively developed railway network.There are railways in and around the urban area.Therefore, it took them a lot of time to combine with each other to enrich the detected situation bit by bit.

Fan Keqin synthesized the information into a map by himself.This map is a very ordinary local map, but he has drawn all the local railway networks on it with a pencil and a ruler according to strict proportions.There are various labels on it.For example, where a section of railway passes, what kind of buildings are there beside it, and the altitude difference of the terrain, etc. are also clearly marked in detail.

This is what they have gained during this period of time, and they are still very successful.After Fan Keqin and Huazhang woke up these days, they began to study this picture.Up to now, it can be said that wherever there is a railway, almost all of them have been imprinted in their hearts.

Huazhang frowned slightly, and said: "If you destroy the unloading point in the railway station, as well as the Binjiang freight station, Xiangfang railway station, and the surrounding railway network, as well as the anti-epidemic water supply headquarters in the bungalow, any of these points, the little devil may They will be particularly vigilant, so we still have to do it together this time."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin nodded, looked at the map, and said, "Two of these key points can be said to be more important. One is the internal freight station of the railway station. The other is the Xiangfang Railway Station , if these two points can make it paralyzed, then it is basically impossible for the little devil's supplies to be transported out by railway, and it is basically impossible for things outside to get in."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "Transportation by car is like a drop in the bucket. But it can only last for a while, and the little devil will definitely rush to repair it. As for the train tracks, in fact, if they are erected, If there are tracks, it is not difficult to repair. Like the last time, we heard about the section of the railway that was bombed by the Anti-Japanese League in the Pingfang area. It shows that there must be a lot of war preparations on the railway tracks of the Japanese and puppets here."

"Then what should we do?" Huazhang said: "We can't destroy all the railways, then we need too much manpower."

Having said that, Huazhang stopped talking, thought patiently for a while, and said again: "Brother, let's see if we can get the supplies?"

Fan Keqin said: "Then we need to wait for an opportunity. For example, there is a lot of supplies. If we see it, we will destroy it directly. Or it is best to directly destroy the little devil's combat reserve."

"That's right." Huazhang said, "But where is the little devil's war preparation stored? These days we just delineated a rough range. The specific location is too secretive, and there is no news at all."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin stared at the map for a while, and said, "The Southern District and Xiangfang are not a small area. Where can the little devil and the Puppet Manchukuo put the war preparation depot?"

He didn't ask Huazhang again, but he was thinking about this question himself. If he stood on the other side's point of view, where would he put the combat readiness library properly.

Huazhang said: "I think it should still be in Xiangfang. As far as the southern district is concerned, the terrain and environment there really have to be too suitable. How should I put it, it's too peaceful. It's impossible for a little devil to conjure up a big warehouse out of thin air." Come out. Even if it is a basement, it is impossible, he has to dig the ground. As long as there is such a similar movement, it is impossible for no one to see it. And the terrain of Xiangfang is actually similar, and it is relatively flat overall, which is a bit strange. There is no news at all.”

Fan Keqin said: "Didn't Wang Zhanyuan say that he only heard about brothers in this approximate area? Maybe they are not in these two places?"

"You mean... rumors?" Huazhang was naturally not sure, and recalled: "Brothers just heard that someone in the Southern District and Xiangfang District had seen the devil's transport convoy. It was almost out of the city, especially It is Xiangfang District, which is the outermost district in the south, and it is beyond Harbin. It is possible that the people I saw at that time, and the devil transport team I saw, came out of the urban area."

Fan Keqin said: "It's possible what you said. But when you think about it carefully, it's not quite right. You see, there are a few towns in the south of Harbin, but the railway network in these towns is not very developed, and the war supplies Although it is secret, one of the requirements is that the transportation also needs to be convenient. Looking at it this way, it is impossible for these villages and towns to have the conditions to store combat readiness materials. From Harbin to the towns... When it is really necessary, transport them back from the towns? Then enter Harbin and send it to the railway station, and then transport it to other places? This is a bit too much trouble."

Huazhang nodded, obviously agreeing, and said, "Did the devil transport convoy use the convoy to transport it directly to Jilin at that time, and it was misunderstood by people who saw it... It's not right! If this is the case, it is better to transport it directly by train. This is comparable to the convoy. The transportation is much faster. If you say that, the few people who saw the devil's transportation convoy are really not talking nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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