spy ace

Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495
"Yeah." Fan Keqin analyzed: "Yes, if this news is true, then the devil's war preparation storehouse is really in the Southern District, or Xiangfang."

Hua Zhang also agreed with Fan Keqin's analysis. If the little devil's convoy he saw at that time was transporting goods to other places, in fact, it would be better to go directly to the train station. Wouldn't it be more convenient to transport by train?So he said: "Even if some small counties need supplies, it is impossible to go there on the same day and return on the same day. And the information we have now is that they come and go within a day."

While talking, Huazhang looked down at the map, was silent for a while, and said, "Use the method of elimination to find it?"

Fan Keqin pondered for a while, and said: "Wait a minute, the car... and it's still a convoy, it's impossible to disappear for no reason. The reason why we can't find out about the convoy now is because this convoy is still here. Only at the edge of the city can it block the view from the other side."

While talking, Fan Keqin gestured at the edge of the map with his left hand, and said: "Look, my left hand is the convoy. When the car arrives here, which is the edge of the city, then the buildings on this side of the city will be would act as a barrier, blocking the view from this side."

Huazhang let out a soft "huh" and said: "This assumption is quite reasonable. If it is true, it will explain the problem that we did not find out the final destination of the convoy. Because no one saw where the car finally drove. Then... Devil The combat readiness depot should be a large... building? Or a group, so that it can completely block the shadow and whereabouts of the devil convoy."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Assuming this idea is true, then the South District can also exclude most of the area, only the southeast corner, let the brothers confirm it. After all, the south of the South District is Xiangfang , and further east? It’s an extension of the Eastern District.”

"Well." Huazhang pointed at a little spot on the map with his hand, and said, "That's where it is. Only this area less than one mile away is the edge of the city. Therefore, comparing the Southern District with Xiangfang... It is more likely to be Xiangfang. But if it is Xiangfang, then the edge of the city is very large, and we are still a little bit hard to find."

Fan Keqin leaned back, letting his back fully touch the chair, which made him more comfortable, and said, "Well, it's enough to send three or four brothers to investigate the edge of the small southern area. Xiangfang’s city fringe survey, find a relatively large building complex, community, factory, in short, a relatively large building. If there is any doubt, write it down and report it immediately. They may be closer to the little devil if they investigate this way War preparation library, so... be careful, don't rush to investigate further. Just write it down and report it first."

"Understood." Huazhang replied, stood up randomly and said, "I'll contact Captain Wang now."

Fan Keqin also got up and said, "It's almost lunch time. Let's go down together. It's quite normal to have lunch. I can show you what's behind you."

Huazhang smiled and said hello, put on his coat, and handed Fan Keqin's to the other party, who took it and said, "Let's go." The two went out immediately.

When they came downstairs and exited Madil Hotel, they passed through a shopping mall and separated, with Huazhang in front and Fan Keqin in the back.

Seeing that Hua Zhang came to the public phone and started making calls.And Fan Keqin was at a newsstand at the other end, casually chatting with the boss while flipping through newspapers and magazines.

After he finally chose a locally published magazine "Modern Architecture", he paid the money, walked straight forward, and turned into a building door opening, pretending to be waiting for someone, lighting a cigarette, and looking at his watch. , Look at the magazine twice.In fact, he was staring at Huazhang's surroundings.

That's it, after about a few minutes, the phone rang again.Huazhang connected immediately and exchanged news with Wang Zhanyuan.After a while, he hung up the phone and walked out of the phone booth.

Fan Keqin saw the whole process very clearly, no one became Hua Zhang's tail.So he stepped up a little bit, and after a few minutes, he was already shoulder to shoulder with Hua Zhang.When the two turned to another street like this, Hua Zhang had already wrapped Fan Keqin's arm again.Become a couple or a young couple, staying together.

Fan Keqin asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

"I've already finished talking to Brother Yuan." Huazhang replied, "He will arrange it. I didn't say anything else."

I didn't say anything about the rest, that is, there is no special situation to report.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin said: "Okay, let's go eat."

The two walked forward for a while, and saw a steamed dumpling restaurant on the side of the road.Then he walked in and ordered two drawers of donkey meat steamed dumplings.It's not cheap either, especially in this day and age.Fortunately, they are not short of money.

After eating, the two of them went shopping in the afternoon. The main reason was that they needed to wait for a reply. There was no point in being anxious, so it was better to go shopping to make their behavior look normal.After all, if you hide in the Madier Hotel all day long, it is actually easy to attract attention.

Just like that, the next day, the two of them went out again and wandered around the riverside, parks and other places all day long. At the appointed time in the evening, Fan Keqin and Huazhang contacted Wang Zhanyuan again in the same way as yesterday.This time, there is still not much news, just a short sentence: "The South District is excluded."

This shows that Wang Zhanyuan has sent his brothers to scout the city's borderline that is less than one mile away.Besides, he didn't say anything else.It means that Ji Maosong has no information.But this is not surprising, after all, Ji Maosong has just developed into their internal support.In the epidemic prevention and water supply headquarters, if you think about it, you will know that the alert level must be relatively high.

In this case, it is difficult for professional agents to sneak in and obtain useful information in a short time, let alone a non-professional like Ji Maosong.So it takes patience.

In addition, Wang Zhanyuan's "Southern Area Exclusion" also shows another thing, that is, the little devil's war reserve in the Xiangfang area, which may be hidden, they are still investigating.It's just that no useful information has been obtained yet.

After that, another two days passed, and the progress remained stagnant.The little devil's combat readiness library is almost invisible.There was no progress at all.

Although Fan Keqin is very patient, he also has a scruple, that is, if the investigation takes too long, will any flaws be revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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