spy ace

Chapter 1496 Information at hand

Chapter 1496 Information at hand
You know, the existence of the combat readiness library is the key to the key.Then its degree of secrecy must be very high.Coupled with the surrounding eyeliner layout, it is almost inevitable.So if we conduct a long-term investigation, will we be noticed by these very likely eyeliners?

Once or twice is okay. For example, if someone passes by your house on the street, then at the end of the day, there will definitely not be only one person passing by on this street.Many people will pass by.So if a certain one passes through once or twice, it's really fine.But what if a certain person always passes by?Even if you are not an agent, but just an ordinary person, the possibility of someone being noticed by you will also increase accordingly.

In the past two days, plus the previous investigation, it has been almost a week. Except for the approximate scope of the possibility, there is no news at all.So Fan Keqin naturally began to worry.

Fan Keqin sat in the Madier Hotel, thought about it carefully, and said: "Well, wait another day, let's get the results of their investigation this afternoon. If there is still no news, I will personally go to the Xiangfang area tomorrow Let’s do some investigation. The devil’s combat readiness library cannot be invisible even if it is concealed. There must be some clues.”

Huazhang said from the side: "Actually, brother. I feel that today is almost the same. Even if the combat readiness depot is still not detected, but the investigations of the past few days, the city borders in the Xiangfang area should basically be figured out. What is there? Large buildings will definitely be recorded by the brothers."

"Well." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Actually, I feel that it is almost the same. After all, although the city boundary of Xiangfang is not too small, it is only a district after all. Let's take a look, and go to the agreed mailbox in the afternoon See if there is any information passed back.

If not today, you can contact Wang Zhanyuan and ask his brothers not to investigate for the time being tomorrow. I am afraid that if the chief investigator, the little devil has noticed those brothers before he knows it.And if the brothers found out, they weren't too passive, I'm afraid they didn't realize that they were being noticed.

If this is the case, it would be very bad for the little devil to follow them in the dark.We must take precautions against this point. "

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin thought for a moment again, and said: "Well... even if there is news in the agreed mailbox today, you have to contact Wang Zhanyuan to suspend the investigation tomorrow. Let's wait a little longer before we talk."

Hua Zhang naturally knew what Fan Keqin meant, so he said: "Okay, after checking the agreed mailbox, no matter if there is any news, I will stop by and contact Captain Wang."

After the two of them discussed it, they waited until lunch time to go out, strolled outside for a while, and found a restaurant for lunch.Then they went shopping again, they were really shopping.Even Huazhang bought some things.In this way, no one can see anything suspicious from the outside.

Even if anyone really noticed, they would only think that they were just like everyone else on the street, a couple in a normal relationship or newly married.

In this way, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost four o'clock.Fan Keqin and Huazhang seemed to have finished their shopping and came to a residential area. When they passed by on the street, they turned a corner naturally and walked in through a doorway formed between residential buildings.

After going in, I went to the inside of the community, turned again, and quickly entered a unit door of the building on the right.

This is not a later life, the unit door also has a lock.But anyone who wants to get in can get in.

This is a four-story concrete building. After two people entered the unit door, they listened carefully. Well, there was no movement.So Fan Keqin and Huazhang quickly came to the second floor from the stairs.

From a nearby wall where masonry was leaking, a piece of cement that had been loosened was pulled out by hand.It is the cement that needs to be bonded between the masonry.And this piece of cement has lost its bonding effect.So it's like a cement strip.

Take out the cement strip, the inside is hollow, Huazhang is a woman, and her fingers are relatively thin, so there is no need for tools such as sticks.Inserting fingers into the gap, fiddled lightly twice.A piece of paper rolled into a small paper tube had already reached her palm.

Huazhang didn't look at it anxiously, but handed it to Fan Keqin instead.Then he raised his other hand and stuffed the cement strip into the gap again.

After Fan Keqin took the paper tube, he opened it immediately, but kept moving, and he and Huazhang walked half a floor down.The stairs are in a zigzag shape, go up half a floor, then turn a corner and go up half a floor before you have reached a floor.

And their current location is on the first and a half floors. This has the advantage that no matter whether it is upstairs or downstairs, if there are residents coming out, they can quickly hide to the opposite side.so as not to be discovered.Then, according to the situation at the time, decide whether to go upstairs or downstairs.Thereby completely avoiding the sight of the residents inside the building.

After unfolding the note, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang saw that this piece of paper was not too small, it could be as big as a quarto.There are even some simple street maps drawn in pencil.In addition, there are street numbers and other information written down next to it.A whole sheet of paper, both front and back.

Since there is a lot of information, Fan Keqin and Huazhang only read the outline.Then refold the note into a small square and hide it in the interlayer of the inner pocket.Then he and Huazhang went downstairs quickly.

He walked out of the community quickly, and returned to the appearance of going shopping and returning home again.But still don't be in a hurry, after getting the information in the dead mailbox, this is a dangerous point, who knows if the person who put the information will be followed.So just be careful.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang turned around on the street a few times, then passed through two shopping malls, and even the back door of a hotel, and passed through a residential area before finally confirming the security situation behind them.Only then did he contact Wang Zhanyuan, and then he returned to the Madier Hotel on Central Avenue.

As soon as the two entered the room, they immediately took out the information, unfolded it and began to read it.Fan Keqin also took back the map hidden in the gap outside the window frame.Spread it out on the table, compare it with the information you got, and start to mark it with a pen little by little.

About twenty minutes later, after marking everything clearly, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette, and then directly burned the information taken out of the dead mailbox to ashes by lighting the fire.Pointing at the map, he said, "Any doubts?"

(End of this chapter)

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