spy ace

Chapter 1735 Car Thief

Chapter 1735 Car Thief

Huazhang went on to say: "But at the same time as we took out the spy assassination team, we also secretly started to arrest this guy in the trading company? We might have at least a few hours to pry him open." Q."

After hearing this, Sha Qingqing agreed very much, and said: "Well, this plan is good. It can ensure that the Nie family will not have any accidents, and at the same time, there is a relatively high possibility of taking down the spies on the other line."

Li Jian said from the side: "Should we say hello to the Nie family? After all... General Nie's status is extraordinary."

Sha Qingqing thought for a while, then looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Special commissioner, this General Nie is a veteran. Let's inform them, and if they cooperate, we may risk being detected by spies. I feel, don't you?" ...in secret."

Fan Keqin thought for a while and said: "Well, indeed, the Nie family is not professional after all. If they are notified, if they show their feet, it will make these spies prepare. If this is the case, if we don't notify, we will It must be concealed deeply. The news of this incident, even after the fact, must not be detected by people. They will only think that we have detected it normally. But we just caught the spies before they were about to attack the Nie family. "

Sha Qingqing nodded, he understood what Fan Keqin meant.After all, the Nie family, especially Nie Shaoyu's father, has a strong background in the military.If he didn't notify, he would be putting their family at risk.Therefore, after attacking the spy's assassination organization, you must also pay attention to the method and method, and you must not let the other party feel that you are deliberately concealing it.

Therefore, Sha Qingqing, who understood this, immediately looked at Li Jian and said, "So, aren't these spies all in our sight? You can make arrangements for the brothers in the field team to cooperate and add a group of mobile Power, match them with the cars in the bureau. It is also necessary to establish a way to contact them at any time, so that as long as we give an order, they can do it at any time. They will wipe out all this group of spy assassination organizations.

But you should also pay attention to one thing, that is, try not to do anything near Nie's house as much as possible.Once the spy assassination organization has any signs of action, it must be reported to me immediately.Try to hold them down before they move. "

"Understood." Li Jian said: "The humble job will be arranged now." After speaking, Li Jian turned and walked out of the director's office.

Their discussion this time was a turning point and a crucial step in dealing with this group of spies.Because after Li Jian finished arranging this matter, it was the third day.The spies really started to move.

The first point is that the two groups of spies monitoring Nie Shaoyu have stopped monitoring.This is what Fan Keqin thought they were about to do.And the plan has been completed.

For Nie Shaoyu, the time to go home is very unstable.The spies don't even watch now, so how can they not miss it when they act.

Fan Keqin also analyzed that this group of spies either did not intend to kill Nie Shaoyu, or they had already gotten along with each other in some way.In fact, it is not difficult to control Nie Shaoyu to go home.As long as you try to control the Nie family, let them make a phone call, and ask Nie Shaoyu to come back, there is a great possibility to trick Nie Shaoyu back.

Then came the spy assassination organization, with the leader of No. [-] and the previous two groups of spy spies monitoring Nie Shaoyu's family.Several other people also moved.Because the spy number two, that is, the kid who was shadowed by the guy at the Xiangrou restaurant, moved first.He met these spies.

And after he finished meeting these spies, they moved in the afternoon.These few went to the big theater.When they came out of the big theater, these people were either carrying or carrying baggage.What's inside these bags can't be seen.It is speculated that it may be some equipment, but it has been camouflaged, so it is impossible to judge from the outside of the baggage.

Afterwards, several agents from the Changsha Bureau also sneaked into the theater. After investigation, it was found that the previous few people were seen by backstage staff in the direction of the prop room.But I can't find out more.After all, this group of spies is also quite cautious.If it weren't for the detailed interrogation of their identities, although these witnesses saw the spies walking towards the prop room, who would have thought that they were spies?

Strictly warn the two witnesses not to reveal anything, and register them all in detail.The agents of the Changsha Bureau just left the theater.

After taking the burden, one of the spies pretended to be a member of the gang in Dafu District.He drove a truck that was about [-]% new and stole a few bicycles.And put it in the warehouse.

The so-called running order gang is actually a kind of businessman.For example, he knows where a batch of goods is needed.He immediately contacted others, saying that he could get this batch of goods, and then he really went to buy a batch of goods at a low price through people he knew, or some buyers and sellers who had these goods, and then provided them to people in need. .to earn the corresponding price difference.To put it bluntly, it's no different from Bin Seam.It's all a kind of speculation.However, this business has never been cut off since ancient times.In this day and age, it's actually everywhere.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this spy who pretends to be a gangster.There's a van, and a little warehouse of its own, all very status quo.And this kid is indeed actively running his business these days.Either chatting with the boss of some grain and oil store, or chatting with people in some restaurant or store.Behavior looks perfectly normal.

This guy is really good at listening. He stole the bicycle on the road when he seemed to be in normal contact with business.

For example, once, the agents of the Changsha Bureau saw that after he had just contacted the owner of a food store, he went out and turned two streets, then parked in a corridor, and when he came out again, he had already moved out of a locked car. bike.Then just throw it in the back of your truck.After finishing the work, I drove away, and came to a small canning workshop to load four boxes of canned oranges.

Then when this kid came out, he saw a man riding a bicycle and parked just downstairs of an editorial department. The lock must be locked.Then the kid stopped the car, got out of the car, put the man's bicycle in the back compartment, and drove away.Stealing a bicycle is called slipping.

You must know that bicycles are definitely high-end products in this era. In fact, even after a few decades, for example, the 80s, or even the 90s, can be considered relatively high-end things.

(End of this chapter)

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