spy ace

Chapter 1736 Prepare to arrest

Chapter 1736 Prepare to arrest
But still the same sentence, bicycles are indeed, and it is not easy to find if they are stolen in any era.The chance of finding this thing after it is lost is even less than one percent.Although it is a high-end product in this era, the chance of being found is also very low.

Then this kid who pretended to be a gang member returned to his small warehouse.After closing the door, the agents of the Changsha Bureau naturally didn't know how he unlocked the bicycle inside.It is estimated that a large pliers was used inside, or a saw or something, so open it.

After investigating these situations, Fan Keqin and others thought that they could not wait any longer.Even if it is the guy on the other line, that is, the guy who eats noodles back to back, the Changsha Bureau hasn't found out that he has contacted anyone, so he has no conditions to catch any other people on this line, and he can't wait any longer.

Because of Fan Keqin's analysis, these people are now in the big theater, and they have finished picking up the equipment in the rented prop room.That's right, after a follow-up investigation of the Grand Theater, the Changsha Bureau found that it was a member of the spy assassination organization who rented a prop room in the Grand Theater.And when it was rented again, a lot of props were filled in it.For example, props, guns, clothing and so on.

Fan Keqin and others have always believed that this prop room is where they hide their equipment.

And now that they have finished collecting their equipment and getting the transportation and other things ready, it is obvious that they are going to start soon.Not long after Fan Keqin and Huazhang's analysis concluded, another incident happened, which also proved their analysis from the side.

That is, the members of the nine spy assassination organizations, number two among them, met with the leader of the organization again.After leaving, No. [-] met with other members of the spy assassination organization.Although I didn't hear what was said, but after the other members left, they all prepared their own clothes.Moreover, I bought them by myself scattered in several places in Changsha City.

Combined with the previous situation, the act of selling clothes must be changed during the action.So with these points as arguments for analysis, Fan Keqin, Hua Zhang, Sha Qingqing and others all agreed that they couldn't wait any longer.These spies are about to move.Also, while the boy with the number two of the spy assassination organization was shopping for clothes, he also passed by the city defense headquarters building where Nie Shaoyu worked.Then when I went back, I passed Nie Shaoyu's house once.This is to confirm the final target situation.

After deciding to take down these spies immediately, Sha Qingqing immediately listened to Li Jian's preparation work report for the last time.

Li Jian said: "Boss, two special commissioners. The last time Beizhi listened to the monitoring information of the brothers below was ten minutes ago. So it is very effective. Now the No. [-] member of the Spies Assassination Organization and the boy No. [-], They are all alone at home. But number three, and number seven, eight or nine, the four of them have already arrived together.

The place where they are now is the garage of the car thief, that is, the kid who pretends to be a gangster.There are also numbers four, five, and six. These three people are also in their original residences.But number six of them once went to the garbage outside the house.Our monitoring brothers saw that this kid was neatly dressed.Dressing up like this at home is probably going to be ready to go out. "

Sha Qingqing said: "Then, if the attack is ordered now, have the brothers assigned tasks?"

"Boss, don't worry, the two special commissioners." Li Jian is still very confident in his execution ability, and said: "After the last research, the humble job has already been arranged. Every spy has a targeted arrangement The numbers [-], [-], and [-], [-], and [-] that have not been moved now can all follow the original plan. As long as there is an order, the brothers can start at the same time. Of course, there is also the one who lives in the North District, another line spies."

Speaking of this, Li Jian paused for a moment, and then said: "However, the number three that I mentioned just now, and the number seven, eight, and nine are numbered. Now they are gathered together, so I need to redefine where they are. Small garage set up. But it won't take long."

Fan Keqin said: "The small garage has a front door, which is not easy to attack. Moreover, the garage door is a vertical sliding door. Even if several brothers do it together, there will be a process. If the spy inside reacts quickly, it will be easy to raise the gun." If you fight, the brothers will definitely be injured."

"Where..." Li Jian said, "What's the special commissioner's opinion?"

Fan Keqin said: "Tell me first, where are those burdens now? Are they still in the homes of those who took them?"

"It's gone." Li Jian said, "It's in this small garage. The humble staff have reason to suspect that they are responsible for the equipment. After the operation starts, they will rush to the appointed place with their things, and then distribute the equipment."

"Well. That's it." Fan Keqin said: "These people are more sure that they have guns. Normal arrests won't work."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin thought about it quickly in his mind, and said: "This group of people is in charge of equipment, so that is to say, relatively speaking, the importance of these few people in this group of spy assassination organizations is not very important. It's not very high. We only need to keep an eye on the two people numbered one and two, and strive to capture them alive. The rest of them, whether they are dead or alive is not so important.

For the safety of the brothers, I suggest that when attacking this small garage, you can first throw Molotov cocktails or grenades into it from the glass window.Blow people out, or burn them out.And we, in the hidden place in front of the door, set up traps in advance.It is difficult for us to deal with them inside, but as long as they come out, it will be easy to deal with.Just shoot and put them all in. After the force is released, they will die if they die, and if they are alive, they can be sent to the hospital for first aid.In this way, it can also ensure that the probability that the brothers may be injured is minimized. "

Before Li Jian could speak, Sha Qingqing next to him spoke first, and said, "Yes, the key is to number one and number two. For other members of the spy assassination organization, although it is definitely better to live, it is better to die." It doesn't matter."

Seeing that the director of his own family said so, Li Jian naturally had nothing to say, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Fan Keqin asked again: "Leader Li, I would like to hear about the actions against No. [-] and No. [-]."

"No problem." Li Jian said: "No. [-], the humble staff will personally lead the team. Now he has been in our sight. What is clear is that he is very low-key. So this low-key..."

(End of this chapter)

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