spy ace

Chapter 1739

Chapter 1739
Lao Luo is very careful, this is Fan Keqin's first feeling.He first used the hand that was holding the door to gently test it.Because although the door lock is open, what if there is any latch inside?So it is very important for him to test lightly whether it is on or not.

Then Lao Luo felt in his hands that the door had been completely opened, so he added some force and opened it suddenly.With a whoosh, the door was completely pulled open.

The agents of the Changsha Bureau ambushing on the other side had nodded to Lao Luo to confirm the situation before, so the door was opened at this time, and they were already prepared in their hearts.With a flick of his legs, he jumped out suddenly.

The same is true for the agents behind them, diving into the door of the house one after another...

Sailboat Riren was in the bedroom of the house at this time.There was a small table beside the bed, and he was sitting on the chair in front of the table, looking at a piece of paper.

What is written on this piece of paper is neither Hanzi nor Japanese, but a special symbol.Some are a star, some are a triangle, and some draw a circle and extend a small wavy tail, shaped like a tadpole.These symbols are very dense, almost covering the entire paper.

It turned out that these things were written by him himself, using a language that he only knew and compiled.Of course, it is impossible for him to rewrite all the words that humans can use.But for professional things, such as the direction of southeast and northwest, the number in the number represents the target.As long as these professional things are written by oneself, then the basic actions can be completely written in this secret language.In this way, even if it is really seen, there will be no possibility of leaking the secret.

At this time, these symbols are the action plan he wrote.That's right, this evening is time for action.Although the entire plan has been arranged through his liaison officer, he needs to go through it again while there is still time.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if there are any omissions, you can make up for them in time.

Sailboat Riren was looking at the plan while thinking about the overall plan in his mind.It stands to reason that when a person is so focused on doing one thing, other things that happen will naturally become weaker, or even ignored.

It's like when you are chatting with someone until you are happy, and someone next to you calls you, but you may not even hear it, it's the same reason.

However, Fengchuan Riren is an agent who has received professional and systematic training after all. Although his energy is basically concentrated on the plan, the "tower" sound of the door being opened all of a sudden made his alcohol-trained head still the first one. Time to call the police.And agents, when encountering emergencies, especially at this time, must first prepare for the worst.This is also a reaction given to him by systematic training.And this reaction, after repeated training, has formed an instinct.

Therefore, Sailboat Riren felt bad for an instant!dangerous!Standing up abruptly, while sprinting forward to the left, he touched his lower back with his right hand.

It sprang forward to the left because the rear window of this room was in this direction.And on his back waist, there is also a self-defense weapon.It was a pistol, also known as a Browning pistol.

In fact, when agents are lurking, weapons are generally not carried with them.Especially when you're hiding among a crowd of civilians and also pretending to be an ordinary citizen, it's not possible to carry a weapon.Because in this case, if something happens to you, for example, the person checking, even if it is the most normal, whim-like checking of documents, if you have one, they will let you go after looking at it.

However, you are carrying a gun, and people wanted to make a routine inquiry, so you have pretended well.But as long as the other party finds that you have a gun, you can say that it will be exposed in an instant.So under normal circumstances, when an agent is lurking, unless conditions require, otherwise, under normal circumstances, he does not carry any guns on his body.Because carrying a gun seems to be able to defend oneself, but it will greatly increase the risk of exposure.So in most cases, not carrying a gun is actually much safer than carrying a gun.

But today, Fengchuan Riren is because he will start to act in the afternoon, and he is at home at this time.And he is the leader, and he acts very low-key, and doesn't go out much at all, so it is relatively safe at home.It is precisely these factors that Sailboat Riren just carried a weapon with him today.

He got up and ran to the window, his hand completely grasping the handle of the gun.At the same time, he pushed the window with his left hand, turned his head, and looked backward.

It has to be said that these few actions have fully demonstrated the quality of Fengchuan Riren, and he is indeed the elite of the elite.But he is fast, and the agents of the Changsha Bureau are not slow either.Open the door and rush in with all your strength.

How big can a house be?It is only a few meters from the door to the bedroom inside.This is not a big villa, and it takes a long walk from one end to the other.So the first agent from the Changsha bureau who rushed in rushed into the bedroom in a little over a second.He saw a person standing up and fleeing to the window in front of him.

However, the other party was sitting before, and he was just starting out. No matter how explosive he was, it was impossible for him to be as fast as he was already fully up to speed.With the full strength of his legs, he slammed on the ground and rushed towards the figure in the room.He is sure that he will catch up with the other party before the other party jumps out of the window.

But Sailboat Riren didn't jump out of the window at this time.Instead, he drew the gun like lightning, didn't even raise his arm, raised his wrist, and fired with a bump.

To achieve this level, Sailboat Rinnen is already quite powerful.The reason why he didn't jump out of the window was because the window was a certain distance from the ground, unless he had enough run-ups to jump out directly.Otherwise, even if you have the ability to jump up, you have to bend your legs before you can do it.

Therefore, he chose to use the inertia of his body, especially the upper body to move forward, so that the whole body can use the inertia to "fall" out of the window.But this speed is definitely not as fast as the people rushing behind since I have just started.That's why Sailboat Riren shot without hesitation.

Under normal circumstances, the action of drawing a gun and shooting is to draw out the gun, raise the arm to be level with the head, and aim at the same time during the leveling process.Then pull the trigger and fire the bullet...

(End of this chapter)

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