spy ace

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740
But the standard action in the current situation, how should I put it, is too slow.

After all, the standard drawing of the gun to shoot, there is an action of raising the arm and stretching out after drawing the gun.Although it doesn't look like it's going to be a waste of time.But now that the people behind him are almost in front of him, it must be too late.

So Sailboat Rinnin chose an instinctive, rapid-fire method.Although he hadn't systematically practiced the technique of drawing a gun quickly, at this moment, his instinct allowed him to draw the gun extremely quickly.As soon as he pulled the gun out of the back waist, his wrist was raised, and he started shooting.

The bigger the movement, the longer it will take to complete. This is a truth that can never be changed.Now he only relies on raising his wrist, although he may not be able to aim accurately, but it must be much faster than raising his entire arm.

In addition, he had loaded the chamber beforehand, so he didn't need to move the slide at all. He moved his fingers repeatedly and fired three shots in a very short period of time.

When the opponent was shooting, the agent who was the first to rush into the house was actually less than one meter away from the sailboat Riren, and his body was already in the air, and he made a grabbing motion with his hands forward and backward.The length of the arm almost made up for the distance, and the distance between the fingertips and the body of Sainbune Rinin was extremely small.

But the bullets were faster. The first shot directly focused on the crotch of the Changsha Bureau agent, and the second shot made a big gash in the flesh on his waist.The third shot hit his lower abdomen.

The role of the first shot, and the role of the third shot is the greatest.Because these two shots are the most accurate.However, this is a relative situation.After all, Sailboat Renin was an instinctive reaction in a very short period of time, and there was no time to aim.Furthermore, he has never really practiced the technique of drawing a gun quickly.Just by instinct.So these two guns are more accurate, and they are only relatively more accurate.

In fact, this kind of gunshot wound, except for the slightly more dangerous shot in the lower abdomen.As long as they are treated in time, they are basically not life-threatening.After all, the most serious thing is to break off a section of the intestines without hurting any major organs.As for the broken intestines, as long as they are treated in time, the bleeding is controlled, and cleaned up, the risk of infection is relatively low.

But these three shots, although the lethality is not high, the stopping effect is not low.The swooping action that could have fit and knocked down the opponent.Because these three shots almost offset nearly half of the inertia of flying forward.

People still have a kind of fierceness in this situation, like two sides fighting fiercely, one side will kick your lower body at once, even if the force is very heavy.But in a short period of time, your actions are actually unaffected.You can still fight back.Don't be fooled by the descriptions in some movies or literary works.Why is it that one person kicked another person in the lower body, and the other person stopped all movements in an instant, and fell to the ground, clutching his crotch and crying.it's out of the question.

If you want people to lose their combat power instantly, only hitting the head, such as the chin, temples and other vital points, will cause the brain to shut down in an instant.Lose control of your body.If it is an ordinary part, even if the seemingly scary part of the lower body is hit hard, it is impossible to lose combat power in an instant.

Because when the human body is fighting, it will naturally secrete adrenaline and other secretions that make the body extremely excited.In addition to hitting the brain and shutting you down, if the seemingly scary part of the lower body is hit hard, you can still make some moves in a short period of time.Unless it is, two acquaintances are playing around, and the other party is touched, but they don't really want to kill you.He might immediately become a cover-up faction and stop fighting back.Otherwise, when you are actually fighting, if you hit the opponent's crotch, you will immediately think that you have won, then you are really not far from death.

This is the situation now, and the two sides are enemies.Therefore, he was shot in the body, but due to the adrenaline secreted in his body, he was still able to control his body in a short period of time.Although the inertia was shot, most of it was offset.But the body is still moving forward after all.

Therefore, the first agent, after being shot a few times, clasped his still very brave hands together.He directly hugged the body of the sailboat that was about to "fall" out of the window.With a bang, the two hit the wall below the side of the window.

"Touch!" It was another shot. Fengchuan Riren was really powerful. In this situation where he thought he could "fall" out of the window, but was pulled back, after being hit by the wall, he still didn't hesitate at all.He pulled the trigger decisively again.

This shot was more accurate than before.Because the first agent closed his arms tightly, encircling his gun-holding arm and body.So this shot hit the middle of the stomach of the first agent who rushed in.

But that's it, the second agent rushed over extremely fast.He just arrived when his accomplice hugged the spy directly and threw him against the wall.

Moreover, the body of the first agent just blocked the muzzle of Sailboat Riren, so that the second agent was not threatened at all.The hands are linked together, and the two fists are bumped down.Basically all hit the head of Sailboat Rinnin.

Speaking of which, the first agent was indeed very brave. Even now he was shot again, but at this moment, his hands still did not lose much strength in hugging him.It was also because of this that although the sailboat blade was powerful, his whole body was hugged by him, so there was no room to dodge at all.He just tilted his head instinctively during the first punch, but he still didn't completely dodge it after all.

The circle that should have hit the triangle of his mouth and nose hit him on the cheek.Although this punch was a bit sideways, the head was different from other parts.Although he wasn't as powerful as a professional boxer, he was also a systematically trained agent, and his strength was not small.So when he punched down, there was a "buzz" in the head at that time.

And the second agent had a series of double fists. After the first punch, a big straight punch followed, and then flew out.At this time, the sailboat Riren had limited evasion space.Plus the brain is still buzzing.It was a subconscious dodge, or he didn't even make a move to lower his head, but he was punched on the chin.

The jaw is connected to the central nervous system and balance system of the human body.As long as it hits, if the force is enough, the brain will instantly disconnect from the body.But now the agent punched him with his right hand, no matter how powerful Fengchuan Riren was, it would be useless.Immediately, he rolled his eyes upwards, and immediately passed out.

When the third agent rushed over...

(End of this chapter)

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