spy ace

Chapter 1843 Ghost Mode

Chapter 1843 Ghost Mode
But the lips are very thin, giving people a feeling that they are always pursing their lips and thinking.This guy is the adjutant of the Kagezu clan, with the rank of Major.

Another thirty-five or six-year-old devil is Kurosawa's confidant.It was the Deli assistant he brought in Japan after he decided to come, and he was also a student who followed him all the time.

Yingzuo Fan said: "You mean to create an illusion, use Chen Gongshu as a bait, and let the military commander assassinate him continuously?"

Kurosawa Chiuyuki nodded, and a pair of eagle eyes scanned everyone who was doing it.He did not directly answer the question of Ying Zuo feudal man, but directly said: "The activities of the military command in the local area have decreased. On the surface, it is because of Chen Gongshu's arrest, and we have destroyed several important strongholds of the other party. Contact station However, I think that these factors are only one of them. The other part, I believe, also has the meaning of confusing us.

In terms of the style of the military command, once a person like Chen Gongshu surrenders, he will inevitably carry out an assassination operation.However, there is no disturbance now.Therefore, using us to destroy the opponent's stronghold, the contact station, and the incident itself to confuse us has become a seemingly very reasonable method.In fact, sending people to sneak into Shanghai secretly and wait for the opportunity will become very secretive. "

The Ying Zuo vassal frowned and said, "Did you find out anything? What's the basis?"

"Nothing was found." Kurosawa said: "So there is no basis. But this conjecture is indeed reasonable. If I were Dai Yunong, I would definitely do this."

The Kagezuo vassal nodded and said: "The conjecture that Kurosawa-kun said is indeed logical. But now we just wait like this?"

Kurosawa said, "That's right, just wait."

"Too passive?" Ying Zuo Fan said: "What else are you waiting for? Waiting for the military commander's assassination team to come to your door?"

Fan Shi Yingzuo paused, and said after a few seconds: "Maybe. But, I'm actually waiting for another big fish."

"Big fish?" the vassal Yingzuo repeated, but immediately agreed: "Yes, after all, Chen Gongshu is a general-level agent of the military command, and the meaning of the representative itself is different. So it is reasonable to send big fish to carry out the mission."

"General Kagezuo misunderstood." Kurosawa said: "The big fish I'm waiting for doesn't refer to another high-ranking military commander, but a person. General Kagezuo knows this person better, ghost!"

"Ghost." Ying Zuofan said: "Do you think he will come?"

"Of course." Hei Ze said: "Just because Chen Gongshu is here now, he already has a reason to come. No way, he is already in Shanghai now."

Yingzuo Fan said: "What are you going to do?"

"I just said." Kurosawa said: "Just wait, we are more patient than him. I have found through research that he is very involved in the actions that are known to be involved in or suspected of being involved in ghosts." Be patient. He is a very good hunter. He will observe the opponent very carefully, and he will only move when he finds a real opportunity, and as long as he moves, it will be a thunderous blow. Therefore, we must compare him And patience."

The Kagezuo lord frowned, and said, "Can Kurosawa-kun be more specific?"

"Yes." Kiosawa said: "As I said just now, he is patient and wants to observe his opponent, so we let him observe. So if we don't do anything, it is equivalent to observing for him Opportunity. And this kind of opportunity, because we didn't do anything, so no matter how clever the ghost is, he can't find our flaws at all. So he will make a move after all. And as long as he makes a move, it is our opportunity .”

"Well. I kind of understand what Kurosawa-kun means." Yingzuo Fan said: "Because, no matter what, the target of the ghost is related to Chen Gongshu, so as long as he makes a move, he will definitely be in Chen Gongshu's area. So... Just a while ago, you secretly arranged mobile teams in those places. You also provided them with a lot of supplies, allowing them to hide for a long time without moving. If you don’t move, it is absolutely impossible to reveal your flaws. They are as if they don't exist. And once the ghost makes a move, the hidden mobile power of those few points will immediately block the accident site as a whole."

"General Yingzuo is brilliant." Kurosawa said, "Although not all of them, but almost."

"I'm a little worried." Yingzuo Fan said: "The ghost doesn't need to do it himself. If we really sealed off the accident site in time, then we might not catch the ghost. No way, it's just a time for him to test our firepower The investigation is not necessarily, he may hide in a certain place and observe all this. Instead, he will know our means against him."

"General Yingzuo is very considerate." Kurosawa said: "So I just said that the general guessed most of it right, but not all of it."

Yingzuo Fan said: "Do you still have a backup?"

Kisawa Kurosawa said: "It can't be said to be the second hand. As I said, I read in detail all the actions that ghosts participated in, or all the action files that ghosts were suspected to have participated in. Among them, I found a situation, that is, ghosts. A habit, he likes to do all the work in one battle. The seaplane carrier, the robbery of the financial industry, assassinated our officials. The seaplane carrier was all attacked. During the financial robbery, senior foreign officials were killed at home at the same time. Tianjin Important people from several agencies also died within a certain period of time... There are many such examples.

What does this mean?Explain that the habit of ghosts is that as long as the conditions allow, he will do so.I like to maximize the results.

And if the ghost really came to Shanghai, did he really just want to kill Chen Gongshu alone?I believe not.Apart from Chen Gongshu, he must have several targets.For example, Director Chen Daqun who was also on the [-]th, me in the Ministry of Industry Bureau, and even General Yingzuo in the Mei Agency were all his targets. "

"Hmm..." Ying Zuo Fan nodded and said, "I understand, so at the same time, he will find a good opportunity for our assassination. But... aren't you afraid that he will succeed?"

"He won't." Hei Liu said dearly: "When I was studying the dossiers of ghosts, I also discovered a situation, that is, when the targets are scattered, but there is really no chance of assassination, He’ll do it in parts. For example, what just happened in Hong Kong.”

"What do you think about Hong Kong? Did he do it?" Ying Zuo Fan asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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