spy ace

Chapter 1844 Deadly Trap

Chapter 1844 Deadly Trap
"There is a high possibility that he did it." Hei Liuqinzhi said: "First, on the street where the Commissioning Office of Yau Tsim Mong is located, a car loaded with bombs directly killed Okada Sentaro, and it was the two people on the street. At the side streets, there are cars loaded with bombs. The pattern of this attack is very similar to the ghost's previous style of doing things."

Speaking of this, Kuroyanagi said: "After the death of Sentaro Okada, he began to attack the underground forces on Hong Kong Island. And because of the death of Sentaro Okada, the National Bureau of Control was shaken, and I guess some secret communication channels followed. It's gone forever, so..."

He didn't continue to speak, but the meaning of it, Yingzuo Fanshi already understood.So he nodded and said: "So you plan, as long as you don't give the ghost a chance to wipe out in one fell swoop, then he will definitely follow the step-by-step strategy."

"That's right." Hei Liu's eyes were like eagles, and he said, "I will try to get him to shift the primary attack target to Chen Gongshu. In this way, we will be able to command those secretly hidden mobile troops at any time, or Either stop, or move. If the ghost makes the attack himself, then immediately surround him with a large force, and capture or kill him no matter what. If, as you said, the ghost is peeping from the side...he will still move, Because peeping itself is an action. Such an action will also help us find him."

"I'm afraid it's hard to find." Ying Zuo Fan said: "A person walks on the road for a long time, and passes through many intersections. But among them, what he sees, or where he can't see, there is a pair of eyes aiming at you. If you touch him, will he find out? This is the situation we are in now, if the ghost really chooses to be behind the action and spy on our actions, it will be difficult for us to find him."

"So, we have to find a way." Hei Liu kissed him and said, "Arrange it better, let Chen Gongshu reveal a flaw that is not obvious, but the ghost can find it. In this way, even when the ghost takes action, choose If he hides behind and peeps, his viewing angle can only be in one direction. We can set up traps in this direction in advance. That is to say, ghosts will be controlled by us in a specific area without us noticing. And he You won't find out by yourself."

Ying Zuo vassal frowned and said, "Are you sure you won't let the ghost find out?"

Hei Liu smiled and said: "Nothing can be [-]% sure until there is a result. Therefore, I can't be sure. But I will try my best to do so. Moreover, Chen Gongshu is true, and the flaws are true. He The detected loophole was discovered by himself. So, will the ghost find it?" After all, he was not sure, but asked the other party.

After hearing this, Yingzuo Fan thought for a while, and said: "I understand, how should our Mei Agency cooperate with you?"

"So..." Hei Liu Qinzhi said: "Chen Gongshu is now on the [-]th, and several strongholds and liaison stations of the military command were destroyed by us. This has something to do with him. And this is Chen Gongshu's Value. But is this the only value? Can it only provide these places? A high-ranking military commander like Chen Gongshu must know other secrets. The Mei Agency and No. [-] are responsible for digging into his value. Therefore Now that the Mei Agency has appeared, it is reasonable to continue to ask Chen Gongshu to provide more things. In this way, you will become in touch. I need the Mei Agency to guide Chen Gongshu to appear in these three places when contacting him. That's it."

Watching, Hei Liuqin waved to his assistant, and the younger man immediately took the map of Shanghai from the side.And put a pen on the ground.

The Yingzuo clansman looked down, and saw that many things had been marked with pencils on the map above, some were circled, some were marked with a few words, and some were marked with crosses and the like.

Hei Liu Qinzhi tapped three of the circled places with his hands.One of them is Golden River Bank Western Restaurant, which is located by the river.The other one is the Splendid Nightclub, on a bustling street.The last one is Chu's Lucai Hotel next to the municipal department in the city center.

Hei Liu said: "These three places are very high-end. For a high-level military commander who has served him, especially one who knows a lot of secrets, no one can see anything wrong with the Mei Agency using these relatively high-end places to entertain him. And this The three places to eat, drink and have fun have a large flow of people and are also very favorable for privacy.

It is in line with the situation of meeting with Chen Gongshu.It is of course okay to take Chen Gongshu directly to the Mei Agency, but, Chen Gongshu's character is a bit soft rather than hard.Therefore, the Mei agency naturally wanted to give him soft food. Even if the ghost knew about this situation, he would think it was reasonable and would not doubt it.Furthermore, the Mei Agency is really exploring the value of Chen Gongshu, so there is nothing wrong with it.Then...you can work as you want. "

Ying Zuo Fan Shi said: "You mean, we only need to be responsible... No, it is really digging out the value of Chen Gongshu, just choose the location in these three places. You will be responsible for the rest of the arrangements?"

"Yes." Hei Liu said dearly: "It's not that I don't trust you, but we are dealing with ghosts after all, so I have to keep General Yingzuo secret when necessary. I hope General Yingzuo can Forgive me."

Ying Zuo Fan said "hmm" and said: "I understand, then I will start to proceed next, and if you have any plans on your side, you should hurry up."

"Don't worry." Hei Liu Qinzhi said: "Actually, I've almost finished the arrangement."

After Kagesa and his adjutant left, Kuroyanagi and his assistant, Mitsui Daisho, came to the next desk.

Mitsui Daixiang said: "Teacher, I have assigned the manpower to the layout of these three places as required. After Chen Gongshu appears, how to control his appearance?"

"Don't control." Hei Liu Qinzhi said: "If you control, there is a chance that the ghost will find that Chen Gongshu's appearance is deliberate. So let the ghost find out by itself. Mitsui Daxiang and I have studied before, all about ghosts, Or it may be that the file files about ghosts all show that ghosts' observation ability, intelligence analysis ability, and action ability are all top-notch. Therefore, we don't want to control it. If ghosts come to Shanghai, his target is really Chen Gongshu , he will definitely find ways to obtain information about Chen Gongshu..."

(End of this chapter)

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