spy ace

Chapter 1928 Leaving

Chapter 1928 Leaving
With his own accuracy, Fan Keqin pushed the little devil back again.Also taking advantage of this time, Huazhang and Shi Dalong ran across the road one after the other and entered the alley where Fan Keqin was.

Fan Keqin said: "Keep running, I will catch up with you in five seconds."

Huazhang knew Fan Keqin's ability.So when I passed by, I agreed and continued to run back.Shi Dalong picked Thomson off and said, "Go on." While talking, he had already thrown the Thomson submachine gun towards Fan Keqin.Then I also ran forward.

Fan Keqin stretched out his left hand and caught the submachine gun.But I didn't use it immediately, and I used my left hand to do things.The right hand fired a few shots again and again.Hearing a few bang bangs immediately came from tens of meters away, but it was Fan Keqin who shot down a few times, and when he emptied the pistol magazine, he had blown the tire of the devil's military troop truck.

The gun in his right hand was inserted into his waist, and when he lifted it up, he was already firmly holding the Thomson submachine gun, and aimed at the little devil's military troop truck.He discovered that the little devils behind the two trucks did not come out immediately this time.Still hiding behind the truck, never showing up.

Silently counting a few numbers in his heart, Thomson in Fan Keqin's hand didn't fire a single shot, he directly hung the gun on his shoulder, turned around and began to chase Hua Zhang and Shi Dalong at a fast pace.At the same time, he pulled out the pistol again and replaced it with a new magazine.

It is said that Fan Keqin has a total of four magazines.At this point three magazines have been used, and this is the last magazine.

Fan Keqin's sprint speed was very fast. It didn't take long for him to catch up with Huazhang, Shi Dalong and others at the head of the alley. Fan Keqin controlled the speed, passed them and ran a little ahead of them, saying : "After passing through the two residential areas, we will separate according to the plan. Is Dalong okay?"

"No problem." Shi Dalong replied while running: "I have a solution."

Fan Keqin took the Thomson submachine gun from his shoulder, threw it back to Shi Dalong sideways, and said, "This gun is still a bit conspicuous, so it must be hidden before leaving. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to leave Shanghai with it. But think about how to get there, if you hide somewhere safe, I personally suggest that you can hide for a while, and then leave the local area."

"Don't worry." Shi Dalong said, "No problem."

After these words, the three of them stopped talking.Fan Keqin led the way ahead, leading them to run sluggishly.Does that mean that the little devils behind won't chase after him?
In fact, chasing is certain, but it is impossible for them to pursue fiercely regardless of their care.Unless it's a stunned young man who doesn't know anything, otherwise, no one with a little bit of experience dares to chase after him regardless.

You catch up and come across a small alley, do you dare to show your head directly?If you don't observe, your whole body is exposed to chase?Not afraid of being ambushed and shot black?
In addition, now that you have opened up a certain distance, after chasing out of the residential area, there is a horizontal road in front of you. Do you continue to move forward and enter other residential areas, or chase to the left?Or chase to the right?You know the way others run, and you don't have drones staring at each other all the time.Under such circumstances, unless the other party is always within your visual range, otherwise, as long as you are out of sight for a short while, and there are so many fork roads around, how do you chase after him? Commenting on your intuition, you really think you have a sixth sense Gold Saint Seiya.

The best thing to do is, call for support.Then, after the accomplices came over, they blocked the residential area or the road on a large scale.After that, you can catch the turtle in the wind and check it bit by bit. As long as the blockade is tight, you can find it sooner or later if you spend some time.

But now, Fan Keqin and the others are constantly moving, changing from different alleys, streets, narrow passages between buildings, building door openings, etc., the first is to get rid of the pursuers behind them, so that they can't touch them. Where did he go to.The second point is to stay as far away from this area as possible, and be able to get out before the opponent's accomplices rush over and block this area.This is what tracking and anti-tracking do.

Although the little devil was dropped by Fan Keqin and others, they fired guns into the sky every once in a while.He is calling his friends to come over as soon as possible.

The shooting sound of the three big-capped rifles is still very unique.It was a "crack" sound!Fan Keqin heard another gunshot behind him.Said: "The straight-line distance is about [-] meters. They have basically left them behind. But they are calling for their accomplices with gunshots. We have to stay away as much as possible again. Run forward for two blocks."

The physical strength consumed by sprinting is definitely not comparable to that of jogging. They passed through two residential areas in a row, more than [-] meters, Hua Zhang and Shi Dalong were already a little immobile.Just like a [-]-meter sprint, every time you come down, even athletes who train every day have to breathe for a long time to recover.

Fan Keqin noticed this and slowed down a bit. When they entered the courtyard of a residential building again, the sound of the [-]-type rifle bar ditch sounded again behind them.Fan Keqin said: "It's more than three hundred meters away. It means that they didn't find the right way, and we have already distanced them. Hold on."

Huazhang and Shi Dalong didn't speak, they just kept up with Fan Keqin silently, expressing their understanding with actions.

This time it went smoothly. About twenty seconds later, they had already entered another alley under the leadership of Fan Keqin.This alley is a typical block of old Shanghai. It extends in all directions. If strangers come in, it is really a bit like a maze.It is really very difficult to find people in this area.The buildings on both sides are not very tall, with a second floor and bungalows.

Fan Keqin was about to run out of this alley ahead, there was a road to the left but slightly behind.On the right side is a building similar to an arch, you can walk left and right through the arch, and it is still a small alley like an alley.

But at this moment, Fan Keqin had good eyesight and saw a bicycle against the wall on the right.Fan Keqin immediately stopped and said, "From here we parted ways, passed through the arch, and walked in different directions. Dalong, you are riding a bicycle, remember. Don't take the regular road. You still have to walk in such a residential area. Intersperse among them, stay away from this direction as much as possible, go out of the city if you have the opportunity, hide in a secret place if you don't have the opportunity, wait until dawn, and there will be more pedestrians on the road..."

(End of this chapter)

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