spy ace

Chapter 1929 Blocked again

Chapter 1929 Blocked again
Fan Keqin went on to say: "When there are more pedestrians, you will be able to mislead people better."

While speaking, Fan Keqin lowered his head to search, and he was already on the side, picking up a stone.Then he picked up the bicycle with one hand and said, "Let's go out of the arch first."

As he spoke, he brought Huazhang and Shi Dalong through the arch.Then Fan Keqin bent down, picked up the chain with his left hand, and hung the lock in the air.Then his right hand took aim and swung down suddenly.With a click, the lock was directly smashed open.

He tore off the chain and threw it on the roof of a bungalow.Pushing the car towards Shi Dalong, he said: "Let's go quickly. Don't delay."

Shi Dalong put the Thomson submachine gun in the long canvas bag he was carrying all the time, took the bicycle with both hands, and said, "What about you?"

"Don't worry about it." Fan Keqin said, "We will definitely escape."

"En." Shi Dalong said: "Then I'll go first." Saying that, without further delay, he trotted forward two steps, stepped on the pedal with his left foot, slipped two steps, and sat up with his right leg up.Pass through a slanted alley to the right.

Fan Keqin hugged Huazhang and said, "Let's go, can you run for a while?"

"Yes." Although Huazhang was panting a bit, he was not unable to run.Follow Fan Keqin and turn left, and continue to run forward from another road.

Of course, this time there is no need to sprint.The two of them moved forward at a faster speed than trotting. After passing through this alley, they turned into another alley again, but they continued to run in this direction.

In this way, Fan Keqin and Huazhang walked through several alleys in a row without saying a word.In fact, during the journey, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang could still hear the roar of some cars above the city.It sounds like it's relatively close.Even far away, Fan Keqin could still hear the siren.Don't doubt, there are sirens this year.

Since there are bungalows nearby, and the highest one is on the second floor, Fan Keqin can see some taller buildings in the distance.Fan Keqin felt that it was almost done. At this time, he was at least a kilometer away from the pursuers behind him.Therefore, with light steps, He Huazhang changed from a running state to a walking state.

It happened that Huazhang could still catch his breath.In fact, the most important thing is that at the beginning of the sprint, it turned into a trot, but the physical strength slowed down.

Fan Keqin said: "We have to go a little further after we get out of this alley-style community. The sky will not be bright for at least four hours, so let's find a building to hide for a while."

"Okay." After Huazhang finished speaking, he began to adjust his breathing while walking.So that I can recover more physical strength as soon as possible.

After the two of them passed through the alley, they came to the entrance of the alley.Ahead is a horizontal road.But at this moment, the two of them heard the sound of the engine on the right side, and they knew that the car was not driving slowly by hearing the sound.As soon as Fan Keqin pulled Huazhang, he immediately stuck to the heel of the wall and hid on the wall on the right.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, a black car whizzed past on the right side of the street.Fan Keqin said in a low voice: "The whole city is moving. Now at the intersection of the city, the wharf and so on, the checkpoints may have almost been established. Let's find a place to hide."

"Okay." Hua Zhang said: "Is this distance almost? It should not be blocked in a certain area."

Fan Keqin walked with her and said: "Well, it's almost there. In fact, the low alley residential area we crossed just now should be the focus of investigation. The terrain is complicated and the composition of people is relatively mixed. If it is an after-the-fact investigation If so, it may be combined with the location where we left the group of little devils, and it may be speculated that the area just now may be convenient for us to hide."

Huazhang nodded and said: "Well, you are right. Let's go as far as possible."

While talking, the two of them had checked that there was no one on the left or right, crossed the road, and walked into the compound of the community in front of them.

But just when the two of them came to the middle of the courtyard, they were about to go forward and go out through the doorway formed between the buildings in front of them.It was from this door that three people came face to face.

After these three people came in, they looked around wildly, and they happened to see Fan Keqin at a glance.Seeing this, Fan Keqin didn't panic, and continued to walk forward according to their speed, and wanted to say something to Hua Zhang, for example: "It's a bit early to come out, are you hungry?" Effect.

And why do you want to do this, because Fan Keqin can tell from their wait-and-see attitude that these three people are definitely not simple.Plus there were still four hours or so before dawn.It's a bit problematic to come out so late.

But before Fan Keqin could speak, Huazhang beside him held Fan Keqin's hand, as if he didn't see the three people who just turned around in front of him.He spoke in a normal voice, but he was acting coquettishly, and said in a coquettish tone: "It's all your fault, it's so late, he must be thinking wildly..." After speaking, Huazhang seemed to have just seen the three people opposite, his voice Involuntarily lowered his voice and stopped talking.

What Huazhang said can easily confuse people.The content makes people have some very ambiguous associations.Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Oh, it's okay, didn't you say that he was on duty yesterday, don't be afraid, maybe he hasn't arrived home yet. Let's go quickly."

There is nothing wrong with answering these words, if it is placed elsewhere, it is easy to get away with it.But the three boys who had just transferred in on the opposite side, although they also lowered their vigilance a little.But, the bad thing is that the three of them are together.When they heard this, they looked at each other with a hint of laughter in their eyes.

At this moment, the kid on the far right didn't know what to think, and shouted, "Stop, what are you doing?"

As soon as he finished asking, Fan Keqin's reaction was still normal, he was in a daze, with a feeling of "what's going on?" on his face.He asked, "What's the matter? Is there something?"

"From the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Police Headquarters." The man in the middle opened his mouth and said, "Didn't you hear me? I think you guys are anti-#Japanese terrorists!!"

"Oh, no, no." Fan Keqin seemed to be a little flustered when he heard the words "anti #日#死亡#", and immediately stopped, a bit like a cowardly person who has no responsibility, and immediately let go of his pompous words Hands, raise your hands slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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