spy ace

Chapter 1931 Hiding the Corpse

Chapter 1931 Hiding the Corpse
Under such circumstances, Fan Keqin naturally used the greatest malicious speculation.That is: the third person on the other side can reflect it immediately.If he rushes up to fight with him, he can take advantage of the situation.But what if the other party deliberately distanced themselves?The opponent at least has the possibility of shouting.In this case, it is not ruled out that there are other unpredictable events.

That's why Fan Keqin said: "Follow your rhythm."

As soon as this sentence was finished, he caught a glimpse of Huazhang rushing forward while the other party was slightly startled.So, Fan Keqin's right hand looked towards the pseudo-police officer on the right.However, this probe is just a trick to confuse the other party.In fact, the pinning hook of the left hand hit the boy on the left, that is, the head of the man among the three pseudo-police officers, with a whoosh.

This was a slap in the face, and the pseudo-police officer on the left knew something was wrong when he saw Hua Zhang pounced on his accomplice on the right.Almost at the same time, he saw Fan Keqin reach out to the accomplice on his left.These two circumstances made him choose to draw the gun first.Gram is exactly this choice.Let him think he is safe for the time being.Because neither Huazhang's pounce nor Fan Keqin's probe came to him.

And in such a defenseless situation, how could he dodge Fan Keqin's extremely fast left uppercut. With a "touch", this punch just hit the opponent's chin on the side, where it meets the neck.Just hit him in the head like a rattle.Fan Keqin's punch was indeed too fierce, and the kid didn't even tense his muscles.With a click, the cervical spine was broken by the impact.This punch directly killed the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Keqin let out a low sweep with his right foot.In the previous probe, the boy on the right was shaken, and raised his arms, trying to block Fan Keqin's attack, but at the next moment, there was a crisp click on his left leg.Immediately swept away by Fan Keqin.

For pain under normal circumstances, the human body may scream directly.But at the moment of the severe pain of bone fracture, the human body did not scream out, but opened its mouth and took a deep breath.

While the boy gasped, his hands went down naturally, wanting to hold his wound.But how could Fan Keqin give him a chance to let that breath out?Isn't that a chance for the opponent to shout.He stretched out his hands and hugged the opponent's head that had already bent down, and it might have fallen when he was about to fall.Lift the left leg, bend the knee and hit the knee hard.

You know, if you hit the opponent's head with a normal punch, you don't have Fan Keqin's strength.The human body will fall to one side when it receives an impact.In fact, this is also a process of unloading force.And if the opponent's head is leaning against the wall, and you punch down at this time, the opponent's head cannot move backwards. If so, you will inevitably receive more powerful damage.Because this kind of attack will put all the power on the opponent's head without any loss.

At this time, Fan Keqin hugged the opponent's head with both hands, and led him towards his body.And the knee of the left leg is pushed forward, so the damage suffered by the opponent's head against the wall is greater.Because it's a two-way force.It is the same as the collision of two cars.

With a muffled bang, Fan Keqin kicked this person directly on the knee, killing him in an instant.In other words, the knee and elbow attack does the most damage.This was even stronger than Fan Keqin's left hook before, how could the opponent still be alive?

After killing the two men, Fan Keqin looked to the left and saw Hua Zhang was still lying on his back on the ground, holding the rolled clothes of the other with both hands, like a thick rope, strangling the other's neck.However, the fake policeman's body was soft, his hands were already on the ground, and he didn't move at all.Fan Keqin understood that this kid had been fainted by Hua Zhang.

Fan Keqin strode up to him, and said, "Look in the yard to see if there is a well mouth." As he spoke, he reached out with his left hand, and he had already circled the neck of the fake policeman who was lying face down.Pull him up.Huazhang turned around and looked at the courtyard. Fortunately, there was no one there.So he immediately turned his attention to the surrounding ground and found the mouth of the well.

After Fan Keqin reined in the opponent, he grabbed his left palm with his right hand, stepped on the opponent kneeling on the ground with both feet, and fell back on his calf.Then he jerked his whole body upwards.The strength of the legs, waist, and arms act on the opponent's neck at the same time.There was a crisp cracking sound, and a "pulling carrot" came directly and broke the other party's neck.

"Brother. Here!" Fan Keqin had just killed the last kid, and Huazhang tapped a spot on the ground with his foot, about a meter away.Fan Keqin turned his head and saw that it was a circular wellhead.

Very good, Fan Keqin pinched the boy's head under his armpit, took two steps to the side, then squatted down, reached out with both hands, and grabbed the belts of the two guys who had been killed before.He picked it up and walked quickly to Huazhang.

At this time, Huazhang had already bent over, and he didn't think it was dirty. He dug his fingers into the hole on the side of the manhole cover.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin didn't care what kind of manhole cover it was, and threw the three boys into it.Of course, there are pipes under the manhole cover, so when Fan Keqin put the first boy down, he took it as far forward as possible, so as to make room for it.Throw down the second and third bodies, and there will be plenty of room.

Huazhang kicked the manhole cover back.Stepped on it, and it was indeed covered.Said: "Brother, leave now."

Fan Keqin nodded, pulled Huazhang, trotted, and went out directly through the door that the three pseudo-policemen turned in.

Along the way, many people were killed in succession, which was almost unprecedented before.It can be said that the old devil Hei Liuqin really has two tricks.Even after he died, he caused so much trouble for Fan Keqin.

After that, Fan Keqin and Huazhang kept walking in this direction, and walked a long way.After all, they shouldn't guarantee when the three bodies will be found.Even if they were not discovered, but the three of them lost contact for a long time, their accomplices in the police department would definitely notice.Plus, it's impossible for them not to know...

(End of this chapter)

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