spy ace

Chapter 1932

Chapter 1932
These three boys are patrolling for the Lord.Therefore, it is possible to infer that the group of oneself may pass through the inspection area of ​​the three pseudo-police officers.It is impossible to say that he will be able to guess one of his routes in the end.

So Fan Keqin and Huazhang passed through many residential areas in a row, then turned in another direction, traveled a long way again, and finally stopped at the unit door of a residential building with a better environment.

Fan Keqin stretched out his left hand, turned slowly towards the window, and looked at the time by the faint moonlight outside. It was okay, and there was still some time before dawn.He waved his hand, signaling Huazhang to follow.

The two of them went up all the way to the top floor.The two looked up for a while, and sure enough, there was a patio on the top of the ceiling.Several curved steel bars were embedded in the wall next to it, like a ladder.But the last one was about three meters four off the ground.

Fan Keqin took out the small iron piece from his pocket and handed it to Hua Zhang, and said in his ear: "Use this small iron piece to unscrew the screw on the ring next to the lock. Then you go up first."

After Huazhang took it, he nodded, put his pistol on his waist, and pressed his lips against the small iron piece.Fan Keqin squatted on the horse, put his hands together, and gestured.While Huazhang stepped on it, Fan Keqin exerted his strength to push it up.Huazhang jumped up in an instant.

After grabbing the steel bar, I pushed it with one hand at night, and it was indeed locked.Then, without rushing, after touching the lock, following the feeling, I touched a ring that was screwed.He took off the small iron piece in his mouth and began to twist it.

It may be that when I first got it, I wanted to save trouble, so only two screws were screwed on the ring on one side.Soon, Huazhang unscrewed all the screws.The lock and the two rings are temporarily put in the pocket.Push the manhole cover again.This time it was completely fine.

Seeing that Huazhang was going up, Fan Keqin also jumped up from the spot, grabbed the steel bar, flipped his hands back and forth, and quickly climbed up from the patio.

Turn around and cover the well.The two didn't stop.Instead, he walked forward until he reached the other end of the building, and squatted next to another patio manhole cover.Huazhang took out the small iron piece again, touched the hinge, and started to screw the screw.The current environment should be relatively safe.So Huazhang said: "Brother, what shall we do when the sun rises? Leave Shanghai directly? I think tomorrow's inspection may be the strictest."

Fan Keqin understands what Huazhang means, and now Hei Liuqin is dead.There must be checkpoints at various intersections and docks outside the city. It is not clear how long the little devils and the puppet government will set up.Theoretically speaking, the day after the old devil's death must be the strictest time.

Fan Keqin moved the burden on his back to the front of his body, sat down beside him, and said: "Well, in fact, this operation was a success overall. We killed the old devil, although we were almost held back for a while. But we I still got rid of the other party. The entrances and exits tomorrow... No, in fact, the entrances and exits should have been set up now. It's just that we didn't go to these places and didn't see them. And the old ghost of Hei Liuqin just died, so tomorrow's inspection will definitely It is extremely strict. But we cannot stay on the roof for a long time.

Let's find a safe house when the sky just dawns tomorrow.During the day, we can go to the west, southwest, or northwest, and go to the edge of the city. We can get out of the city without using the real road.Shanghai is very big, even if the little devils want to block it, it is impossible to block it.Don't worry, it's okay, even if it doesn't work, we still have a useless backup. "

Huazhang said with a "hmm" and said: "Okay, just take a break. You are right, Miss Tong will be very happy to see you go. But... it is still a bit risky. You go, It means that the identity issue is confessed in front of her. This is not good after all."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "If possible, use it as much as possible. That's why it's the last mover."

While talking, Huazhang had already unscrewed the screw and lifted it with his hands.very good!able to open.So he also turned around and sat next to Fan Keqin, saying: "Just now I have been running again, and my physical energy is really exhausted. Phew, I can finally rest for a while."

Fan Keqin said: "There are still three hours before dawn, you can actually sleep for a while." As he spoke, he took out a spare piece of clothing from his bag, handed it to Huazhang, and said, "Cover it, the season is coming soon." Here, the wind in the morning and evening can be a bit hurtful."

Huazhang took the front of the clothes and covered his body unambiguously, and fell asleep leaning on Fan Keqin.Otherwise, lying down completely, or leaning against the low wall on the edge of the building, will suck away the temperature of your core.Fortunately, it's not quite autumn yet.

That's it, Huazhang tried hard to get rid of distracting thoughts, she knew that if she didn't hold Fan Keqin back, she needed to recover as much as possible.So get rid of distracting thoughts and start sleeping.

Of course Fan Keqin is fine, he is too strong.Continuous sprinting is probably fine.What's more, it was just running at a constant speed later.In addition, although this environment is relatively safe, it is only the roof of the building after all, open air.Just use this time to receive the information well.

Until the daytime, in the distance, the sound of some cars entering and leaving, and even occasionally a human shouting from afar.Car horns, police car sirens, things like that.Every now and then it would enter Fan Keqin's ears.

He judged that this was the little devil and the puppet government, and sent a large number of people and cars to patrol the streets of the entire city.Many people who walked at night last night were probably unlucky.As for whether he would be arrested, or even vented by the little devil, Fan Keqin really couldn't care less.But he estimated that although this possibility is not completely impossible, the probability is relatively small.

Because Hei Liu Qinzhi is already dead, no matter what happens, he will not be able to come back to life.The frontal battlefield has become a seesaw state again, and the rear requires more stability.If they retaliate at will at this time, it is possible to kill one or two.However, large-scale operations will seriously affect the stability of the rear, thereby affecting the front-line battlefield.

Fan Keqin poked his head out slightly and looked at the situation in the distance.There are indeed quite a few streets.There are lights that shuttle back and forth, which are the lights emitted by vehicles such as cars on certain roads when they are driving.

That's it, it's getting brighter.When he could see people clearly, Fan Keqin glanced at his watch, it was just five o'clock.In another hour or so, the sky will be completely bright.

(End of this chapter)

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