spy ace

Chapter 1936 Interrogation

Chapter 1936 Interrogation
Fan Keqin and Huazhang sat on a rock in the weeds, and they ate all the perishable food.The main reason is that there are two large sausages left in it.Other things, such as pancakes, pickles, etc., can be stored for a long time.So don't be in such a hurry to eat.

After the two of them ate the sausage and drank up the remaining water, Hua Zhang stuffed his water bottle into Fan Keqin's bag.Fan Keqin bid farewell to her and went straight out of Weeds.

In fact, this place is not far from Wujiang, and it only takes about [-] minutes to walk.Fan Keqin has strong physical strength and is not afraid of getting tired, so he walked relatively fast and reached Wujiang in [-] minutes.

It is said that Wujiang is next to a large lake, which is very famous, and it is called Taihu Lake.In addition, it is not too far away. It may take less than ten kilometers to go north to reach Suzhou.You can rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to drink water, so don’t underestimate Wujiang, but there are many fishermen who rely on Taihu Lake, and they make a living by fishing. Sell ​​it.Then use the money from the sale to exchange for some food or something.

So Wujiang may not look like a big place, but, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.In addition, when the little devils invaded, they also committed numerous crimes in Wujiang.Many people were killed and many shops and houses were burned down.Later, the little devil adopted a strategy to support the puppet government in order to achieve the goal of real rule.So on the surface, it is a bit restrained, and we Chinese are very hardworking.So, although Wu Jiang still hasn't regained his vitality now.But live in general, right?You can't do nothing, just starve to death.Therefore, there are also some inns and restaurants in Wujiang at this time.

In addition, after the little devil invaded and did a lot of outrageous things, the strategic significance of Wujiang is far lower than that of Shanghai, which is not too far away, so the little devil focused on the metropolis of Shanghai.Therefore, the defense in Wujiang is not as strict as it was when the devils first invaded.It's just that there is a puppet army stationed on the northeast side not far outside Wujiang.About the strength of a platoon.

After Fan Keqin arrived in Wujiang, he saw that the place was not big, so he scouted half a circle around the periphery.After discovering the camp of the puppet army, he walked into Wujiang.After all, it can't be too late. If it's too late, the few businesses on the street may all be closed.If I want to buy some supplies, I have nowhere to go.

After entering the town, the town only has four streets in total.Soon Fan Keqin saw a fly shop next to it, which hadn't closed yet.Because there is still a table of guests inside, who are drinking.Fan Keqin took advantage of the scorched black outside and the poor light from the oil lamp inside to take a look.Just look at the guests drinking inside, all wearing military uniforms of the puppet army.One of them had a half-new rifle standing next to his desk.The other looks like an officer.There is a box cannon in the waist holster.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin didn't go in immediately.After all, the troubles that can avoid the possibility must be avoided.So Fan Keqin wanted to find another place to see if there was any food for sale.But I wandered around and found nothing.It has all the internal organs, but it's just a small restaurant.

Fan Keqin walked around and wandered back.He stepped into the fly restaurant, and as soon as he entered the door, the two puppet soldiers who were drinking and bragging turned their faces away.He looked Fan Keqin up and down.

After entering, Fan Keqin looked around the small restaurant like a normal customer.Naturally, he looked at the two puppet soldiers.Then Fan Keqin nodded generously towards the two boys.Then he turned to a part-time shop assistant who was a shop owner next to him.Said: "If there is anything else to eat, come up. Prepare more dry food, as well as convenient food, I will take it away."

Fan Keqin was still well dressed. Although he was running, he didn't have to dress up as if he couldn't afford to eat.The most important thing is that he is running on a bicycle now. If he meets someone on the road and sees him wearing ragged clothes but riding a high-end bicycle, it is not suitable.

Seeing this, the two puppet soldiers didn't have much doubt, but after looking at each other, they could see what each other looked like.Namely: This kid who just came in is not from the town.But that's all.After all, although Wujiang is a small place, it is next to a big place. Shanghai is a real metropolis, and Suzhou is not far away.Therefore, it is normal to have some outsiders sometimes.

Under normal circumstances, the two puppet troops would just squint.The less trouble, the better.You go up to question, if you meet a member of the martial arts team or the Rangers, and they are killing you and yourself, then you will be fucked.

But now they are a little drunk, and they can't be said to be drunk, but just now they had a lot of fun bragging, so they are much more courageous than usual.Therefore, they exchanged glances, and one of them was the one with the spear next to him.He patted the table lightly with his hand, made a slapping sound, and said, "Hey, you're not from Wujiang, right? What are you doing here?"

Fan Keqin couldn't pretend not to hear at this time, it would appear guilty instead.Hearing this, he turned around, looked at him, nodded, and said, "Ah, not from Wujiang. From Shanghai, contact me for business. What's up with the two bosses?"

"Oh." The person with the long gun next to him looked at the one with the short gun in front.That means: I don't know what to ask, head, what do you think?
In fact, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.If Fan Keqin was wearing ragged clothes at this time, this kid must be much more rude than now.

Why?Because the clothes you wear are more exquisite, the other party will feel that you must not be an ordinary person.These two puppet soldiers are not really fools without brains, they dare to offend someone when they see someone.If he kicked on the iron board, wouldn't he be unlucky?So although this kid was asking questions, his manner of asking was quite normal, at most his tone was a bit suspicious.

Seeing that Fan Keqin answered smoothly, the officer didn't suspect anything, so he continued to interrogate normally, and said: "It's not easy to do business these days. How is it? What kind of business is it, is it easy to do?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "You're right. It's not easy to do any business. But I'm good. I just run errands for the big boss and make contact with the business. He is a big shot. If the business is on track, he will make a lot of money. I will drink it with the mixed soup."

Fan Keqin was taking advantage of his conversation again, that's how Miss Tong fell.

(End of this chapter)

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