spy ace

Chapter 1937 The Return

Chapter 1937 The Return
With this sentence, Fan Keqin echoed the other party's question, and at the same time pointed out calmly that he was running errands for the big boss and the big man.And after pointing out this question, there is no edge at all.It's not that I rely on someone on my back to overwhelm you.Instead, he said it naturally, as if he agreed with the other party's words that "business is not easy this year".

Sure enough, after hearing this, the officer nodded and said, "Yes, those who are not easy to do business are the people at the bottom, the real big shots, that's a big deal." After saying this, the puppet army officer "Hey", smiled and nodded Fan Keqin with his hand, and said: "You, cunning. You haven't said what business you are in yet? Don't misunderstand and ask normally."

Sure enough, seeing that Fan Keqin was well dressed and there was a "big shot" in the conversation, although this guy didn't stop asking immediately, he took the initiative to explain to Fan Keqin, "Normal inquiry."

Fan Keqin said: "Oh, our boss has a lot of business. But this time I'm in charge of the cloth business."

"Oh." The puppet army officer nodded, and said, "The boss? The cloth business is a big business. Is it convenient for Fang to talk about the boss? Let our brothers also learn a lot?"

Fan Keqin walked over with a smile when he heard the words, looked around, and said, "It's from the Tong family."

"Tong's family?" The puppet army officer frowned and recalled, "Wanhe Xiangtong's family? Didn't their family run a pawn shop? Are they also in the cloth business?"

"Tsk." Fan Keqin looked to the side again pretending to be mysterious, and said, "Miss Tong!...Don't know yet? The daughter of Director Tong's family."

"Hey." The puppet army officer nodded and smiled: "It's Miss Tong, of course I know that. I blame me for not forgetting that side. No, where are you going, brother? Why are you passing by such a crappy place? Come, sit down, let's go together." Have a drink."

"Be polite." Fan Keqin said: "Jiaxing, there is a boss over there, and the silk he makes is very good. After the samples were brought over, our eldest lady saw it and thought it was very good. So no, send me there Do you want to run errands and look at the goods?"

At this point, the shop owner has already started filling him with pancakes, pickles, and two salted fish.He also helped Fan Keqin fill up even a kettle with water.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin paid the money directly and carried the things on his back.He nodded again to the two boys, and said: "Let's go, drink slowly." The two puppet soldiers also nodded to Fan Keqin.

After Fan Keqin went out, he immediately walked to the side for a while.However, after looking back and forth, there was no one there, so he turned around and walked back.The movements are generous, but the feet land silently.And it was at the other end of the fly house, still looking at the situation inside through the gap between the inside and outside of the light.

Seeing that the two puppet soldiers inside did not move, they sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, still drinking.Fan Keqin was like this, observed for a while, and found that the two puppet soldiers seemed to be in a state of drinking again, smiling one by one, bragging about some bullshit.Anyway, he looks happy when he is in the state.

Very good, very good, this appearance shows that he really did not doubt himself, nor did he take himself seriously.Otherwise, if these two boys really wanted to deal with him, it would be impossible for him to continue drinking and bragging after he came out.

So Fan Keqin was still not at ease. After coming out of this small street, he observed for a while at the corner of the street, in the shadow, and found that the two puppet soldiers did not come out, so he left with peace of mind.

After leaving Wujiang, go back the same way.He walked fast when he came, and even faster when he went back.Twenty minutes were useless, and I returned to the grass.Huazhang has also been hiding inside to observe the situation outside.Seeing Fan Keqin coming, he took the initiative to push two cars in the middle and walked out.Fan Keqin directly took one of them, and said: "I met two puppet soldiers in a small restaurant. It should be fine. I watched it outside for a while, and wasted some time. Are you okay?"

"It's okay. Everything is quiet, but there are a lot of mosquitoes. I feel a little itchy all over now." Huazhang said with a smile.

Also, it's autumn every time at this time, but it's almost here.It was the last period when mosquitoes were rampant, so hiding in the grass was equivalent to hiding in a mosquito nest.If you don't bite her, who will you bite?Just visible to the naked eye, there are two red bags on Huazhang's exposed neck.There is nothing on the face, which may be the reason for always chasing it with hands.

The two rode on the bike, and Fan Keqin was still leading the way, and the two walked along the edge of Taihu Lake without resting all night.Arrived in Changxing the next morning.

However, the two of them did not go inside to rest just to be on the safe side, but found a hidden place outside, hid the car, ate something and began to eat and drink.After eating, the two of them rested in place.Until the evening, began to continue to set off.

That's it, when the two of them were short of food and drink, Fan Keqin went to a small town or a small county to get some supplies.but do not live in these places.Just resting in the wild, or in places like the outskirts of the city.It took about a week to arrive in Wuhu along Yixing, PY, and Gaochun.

It will be fine when you arrive in Wuhu. There is a pier here, and many people who take the water will get on and off the boat again.In addition, Wuhu is less conspicuous than Nanjing.After all, Nanjing is now the capital of the puppet Wang.So after the two bought some supplies in Wuhu, they finally got on the passenger ship in the Yangtze River.

All the way down the river.After passing Wuhan safely, it will be easier to go later, such as Yueyang, Fengdu, Wushan and other places.In short, it is faster after entering the waterway.Finally on this day, I returned to the companion capital Chongqing.

Entering here is equivalent to arriving at the base camp, and the two of them have relaxed a lot.The two of them didn't go home at first, but entered a relatively large-scale restaurant, and ordered several hard dishes.I also ordered a bottle of Fenjiu and drank it together.

Along the way, I ate some pancakes with dead noodles, pickles and the like.Now back to the base camp, it is still necessary to break the fast.

After eating and drinking, I found two rickshaws and sent them back to Huazhang first.Then Fan Keqin quickly returned home by himself.At this time, Lu Xiaoya is not there yet.

Shortly after entering the house, the phone rang.After connecting, Fan Keqin was his bodyguard.They saw it when they came back.Just confirm it.

I wandered around the kitchen at home, got some bacon, and some vegetables.Well, okay, Fan Keqin looked at the time, it was almost time, he was busy for a while, and prepared two dishes...

(End of this chapter)

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