spy ace

Chapter 1938 Accident in Zhongtong

Chapter 1938 Accident in Zhongtong
After finishing the work, another pot of rice was stewed.After everything is done, half an hour later, the key rings.As soon as the door opened, Lu Xiaoya walked in from the outside.

After Lu Xiaoya saw Fan Keqin, the chick was very excited. In fact, Lu Xiaoya really cared too much about Fan Keqin.Although Fan Keqin's business trips are not once or twice, but for the man he believes, every little farewell is definitely better than newly married.

It is necessary to do a full set, what is the mandarin duck bath, what is eating together, what is the living room, these situations are not a problem.

When the next morning, Fan Keqin didn't plan to go to work directly, but had a good rest at home for a day.It was not until the third day that I packed up and returned to the Security Bureau.

"Virgin." Zhuang Xiaoman greeted Fan Keqin with a smile.As far as this chick is concerned, her ability is indeed improving by leaps and bounds.During Fan Keqin's absence, Zhuang Xiaoman was basically handling the big and small affairs of the investigation office.Fan Keqin is not the kind of leader who doesn't let his subordinates play their role, he must grasp everything in his hands.That's really useless.In Romance, how did Zhuge Liang die?That was exhausting.Grasp the big and small things, what are you doing?

Fan Keqin is really different from Zhuge Liang in Romance, he pays attention to the core strength.As long as the core strength is in your own hands, there is no problem at all.For example, Fan Keqin may not do anything for a year or so, but as long as he says a word, the whole department will still hang around him.This is what he wanted, and he did it.

But in doing so, if you want to achieve results, you must have great prestige.When the order is given, everyone has to obey.And how can it have such a great prestige?It's also very simple, Fan Keqin accumulated his own prestige with one almost omnipotent case after another, with his achievements.As long as he is still the leader of the group of people under his command, then these people under his command will have a backbone in their hearts.Subconsciously, you will think: Our big boss is omnipotent.No matter how difficult it is, as long as the big boss comes forward, it will definitely be settled.

With such a mentality, how could everyone be dissatisfied?So at this time, if you properly delegate power, you will be able to mobilize the enthusiasm and efficiency of your subordinates.The subordinates also have the confidence to do things, so no matter what is in front of them, the first thing is to have a good mentality and not be afraid of trouble.In this way, you can do better than others.In this way, the efficiency will come up.

Zhuang Xiaoman first reported to Fan Keqin about the work of the investigation office and the field team during his business trip during this period.Everything is on the right track, in fact, it is much easier to manage.During this period of time, there were nearly [-] agents from the investigation office and field corps that came out of the training base.Has been sent to various parts of the country to perform tasks.Either to supplement the branch forces in various places, or to become an action team alone.

It is also worth noting that a major case occurred locally.But it's been done.There was a leak on the Zhongtong side, which made the old man very dissatisfied.However, the Zhongtong side may be due to the attitude of the old man, so the efficiency is higher than before.It didn't take a week to investigate the leak.

It was a spy disguised as a businessman who approached a middle-level family member of the Central Unification Bureau.He is the brother-in-law of a director of the confidential department.This brother-in-law, also relying on his brother-in-law's relationship, did a good job in business.Then met a partner.He did make some money, too.Then the businessman disguised as a spy got acquainted with the director of the confidential department through this brother-in-law.

In fact, the director of this confidential department of the Central Committee also has a guard in his mouth.But I can't stand the opponent's analysis.On the sidelines, inadvertently passed some words and phrases he said.For example, when inviting a chat, a polite sentence: Tomorrow we have a small meeting in our office, and the leader will also come.I won't be with you anymore.

Is this actually a leak?It's really not a leak, but it's completely different to the ears of Japanese and puppet spies.He can analyze many things.For example, you may have some important action.So can some of our destructive actions have a chance?Or, through these words, you can grasp some whereabouts of your department's tie and so on.This is the role of a spy. Sometimes an unintentional sentence may have extremely important intelligence value.

For nearly a week, this Japanese and puppet spy disguised as a businessman has left the local area and fled to Wuhan, and is about to report to Nanjing.Fortunately, the Zhongtong was lucky this time, and the action was really decisive.A group of members of the action team were excluded, and they hurriedly boarded the truck.Just as the Japanese and puppet spy posing as a businessman got off the train at Nanjing Station, he happened to catch up and blocked the way.In the square in front of the train station, a random shot was fired.Beat this Japanese and puppet spy into a sieve on the spot.The dead can no longer die.

And after killing the Japanese and puppet spy, the train station was originally an important strategic location.In this day and age, it is definitely a very important target for any city's railway station.Coupled with the gang of traitors Wang Puppet, the so-called return to Nanjing.This place itself is the capital of the puppet Wang.Railway stations are even more important.So near the train station, there are many plainclothes spies.There are also some puppet police officers and even puppet soldiers.Even the little devil has a small military police station four streets away from the train station.

Therefore, these four Central Command gunmen have completed their tasks.But just after killing the target, it was immediately blocked.They were meant to disperse and flee.However, several plainclothes puppet Wang had already seen them when they shot.This time, he almost bit it firmly.

Therefore, none of the four gunmen from the Central Committee ran far. Within a three-day block near the train station, they were blocked by Japanese and puppet secret agents, police officers and so on.Three were killed on the spot.One of them also surrendered without hope of escape after being shot.

Fortunately, according to the response from the Central Committee, these four gunmen are purely operational personnel.It means that he does not know some confidential information, so although one of the boys surrendered to the Japanese puppet, he himself does not know any secrets.

After listening to Zhuang Xiaoman's report, Fan Keqin did not comment on this matter.His attitude is, what happened to the central government, don't care about our security bureau?However, although the Security Bureau is independent, it can be said that Boss Dai is responsible for it...

(End of this chapter)

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