spy ace

Chapter 1944 Return to Shanghai

Chapter 1944 Return to Shanghai
In this way, Fan Keqin can break the barrier of having a wife, and make Miss Tong more hopeful.Fan Keqin sat in the office of the director of the Security Bureau and said: "Director, I feel that I should be depressed for a while. After all, Zhang Qing's death will make Wanheng very concerned and caring. If you leave from Shanghai immediately and bring a Zhang check, go to Shanghai to open a new company, it seems a bit wrong."

Sun Guoxin nodded, and said: "It makes sense, but let me remind you, your Wanheng personality is that kind of sunny, artist who loves life, although the accidental death of your wife is a big blow to you, but Wanheng I will still be active and get out of this period of depression. So you have to grasp this speed well."

Fan Keqin said: "Understood, I feel that it will be almost over in a week or so. As for the ashes, I will go to the funeral home and get a jar."

Sun Guoxin said, "Where's the money? How much do you plan to bring?"

Fan Keqin said: "The last report in Hong Kong was yesterday. The two new albums have sold nearly [-] copies in the past two months. The results are quite good. In addition, I once wrote to Miss Tong In the second letter, it was mentioned that Wan Heng’s friend who started a company put all his eggs in one basket and sold all the other properties, cars, and bookstores. So I can actually bring a lot of money. I It feels like $[-] should be no problem."

"Hmm. Reasonable." Sun Guoxin roughly calculated in his mind, and felt that Wan Heng's friend had already put all his eggs in one basket, which showed that this friend had this risk-taking gene in his bones.Therefore, it is reasonable to hand over part of the current earnings and the remaining funds to Fan Keqin and return to Shanghai to expand his business.

Sun Guoxin said: "Who are you going to bring over this time? You know, I personally mean that you'd better bring another person. Because Wan Heng, even if he helped your friend in Hong Kong, it is impossible for this friend to be alone. Pai, I will leave it to you alone. Besides, the most important thing is that Wan Heng's personality and personality are reciprocal. He has established himself in Shanghai, but a friend's telegram for help , still let him set off directly and rush to Hong Kong to help his friend's company tide over the difficulties.

Um?With such a character, even if a friend trusts him and allows him to go back to Shanghai to open a branch office, Wanheng will definitely ask his friend to send a trustworthy person to follow him.For example, Wanheng made an excuse and said: I am too busy to go to Shanghai by myself, you have to send your assistant to help me start a new company.Wan Heng should be this kind of person, what do you think? "

Fan Keqin agreed, because Sun Guoxin's analysis was already in place.This is indeed in line with Wan Heng's false identity.So he said: "I admire the incisive analysis of the situation. I think it should be no problem if you follow this model."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said again: "I plan to take Bai Fengtai with him. Whether it is his appearance or his personality, as long as he packs a little bit, he will have the feeling of a business elite. Echoing Wan Heng's friend's right-hand man status. In addition, before going to Shanghai, I will let a pair of investigators enter Shanghai to investigate the Shanghai Film Extension Production Company, Miss Tong, and the house I rented with Hua Zhang. Happening.

I am confident that after taking action with Huazhang, I should have never shown my face.They have also done some tricks, and it is very unlikely for the little devils and the puppet government to find these places.However, I think it is better for the investigators in the early stage to investigate these places.Once confirmed, it would be safer for me to show up again. "

Sun Guoxin said: "I agree. Then you have to arrange this matter when you go back."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Then I will leave in two days after making arrangements, and I have to trouble you for the Hong Kong side."

"Don't worry." Sun Guoxin said: "I will help you to keep an eye on it personally. After you leave, you can let Zhuang Xiaoman be directly responsible to me during your absence."

"Understood." Fan Keqin said, "I'll tell her first when I turn back."

Sun Guoxin said again: "When you get a foothold in Shanghai, don't you want to set up a company? You can apply for a commercial radio station. In this way, you can send me a report generously. We can use some commercial Language, as a code word to convey the corresponding content. When you send the report, send it directly to the company of Wan Heng’s friend in Hong Kong. In this way, no one can doubt your commercial radio station.

Then they will convey the content of the telegram to me, and I will give you a response according to the real content of the telegram, which is support.In this way, it is more rigorous. "

"En." Fan Keqin said: "This method is good."

Next, the two of them studied the function of code words, alternate contact methods, emergency contact methods, and so on.After the discussion between the two, Fan Keqin left and went downstairs to explain the situation to Zhuang Xiaoman.Then he called Lao Qi again, and asked him to send someone to Shanghai to investigate the situation of Dashanghai Film Concert Production Company, Miss Tong, and the house rented by Wan Heng and Zhang Qing in Shanghai.

Time passed quickly, and it was time to set off in a blink of an eye. Fan Keqin changed into a gray woolen coat, a top hat, and a jar of ashes wrapped in cloth.On the road with Bai Fengtai.

After going all the way, on this day, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai arrived in Shanghai.In the pier, the inspection was similar to the previous time when Huazhang first arrived.However, there was nothing wrong with the preparation of their documents, and the inspector looked at their documents.After looking at the altar of ashes, he even waved his hands, telling them to leave quickly!
After leaving the pier, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai didn't go for a stroll.I went directly to the Whampoa Hotel in front of the pier and opened a suite.

The two checked the situation in the room, and after confirming the safety, Fan Keqin said: "Go, see if Lao Qi is there. If he is, let him come up too."

"Yes." Bai Fengtai replied, turned around and left the door.About five or six minutes later, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.After confirming that the password was correct, Fan Keqin went to the door and opened it.

Sure enough, Bai Fengtai and Lao Qi walked into the room from the outside.Fan Keqin sat directly on the chair in the hall of the room, waved his hand, and said, "Sit. How about it? Tell me about this investigation."

Old Qi said: "After the brothers arrived ten days ago, through this period of inquiry and investigation..."

(End of this chapter)

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