spy ace

Chapter 1945 Meet again

Chapter 1945 Meet again
Lao Qi went on to say: "I didn't find any problems with the Great Shanghai Film Singing Production Company. According to the time you provided, the brothers found out that after you left Shanghai last time, no police department from the puppet government came to your door, only one The tax officer of the local municipality was once entertained by Zhang Shan, the boss of this company. After investigation, that person was indeed a tax officer of the local municipality of the pseudo-government. The rest are gone.

The apartment you mentioned to me was also monitored just after arriving here.It has been a total of ten days since the current position, and no abnormalities have been found.We pay special attention to the surrounding neighbors and so on, there are also suspicious places.

And there is Miss Tong.We found out that since your last visit, Miss Tong seems to have been running almost at two o'clock and one line, either at home or in the company.In addition to going to the Great Shanghai Film Concert Production Company once, I went to the Splendid Nightclub once.We found out that this nightclub, Miss Tong, is the majority shareholder. After the last bombing incident, this nightclub was closed for more than a month.Then it was redecorated for a period of time, and it was not reopened until about half a month ago.But business is no longer what it used to be.According to inquiries from the brothers, in the past Jinbihuanghuang had an attendance rate of almost [-]% to [-]% every night, but now only [-]% to [-]% are left.

The local police department, the Mei agency, the special high school, and the agencies of these little devils, we will monitor them from the side when we come again.Don't worry, they are all watching from a distance, or taking a look at them in the way of passing by from time to time.The brothers haven't made repeated appearances either, they've relaxed.But now, after our inspection, the Mei agency has a closer connection with No. [-].

Some people from Mei's agency often haunt No. [-].It may be the death of Hei Liuqinzhi and Chen Gongshu that caused this result.

In addition to these, the brothers have also made various efforts, and the direction of investigation is also relatively diversified.However, we only detected these cases.This shows that it should be the only cases that happen.Therefore, there should be no problems and it is safe. "

Regarding Lao Qi's ability, Fan Keqin was naturally at ease, but he couldn't be careless.He nodded and said: "It's done well, so from now on, remove all investigations, surveillance, etc. Let the brothers leave Shanghai separately, and you can go back too. Before leaving, I want you to do one thing , you are in SH City, find a relatively hidden place, hide two sets of equipment, and give us spares. Then tell me the detailed address."

"Okay." Old Qi said: "Boss, don't you want to leave two brothers as support?"

"No need." Fan Keqin said, "Leave."

"Understood." Old Qi said: "Then I'll go back."

Seeing that Fan Keqin had no other orders, he turned and went out.Bai Fengtai helped Fan Keqin light the cigarette, and said, "Boss, do you want me to visit these places again?"

Fan Keqin took a puff of cigarette and said, "Let's go for a walk together. Besides, I will find a good opportunity to show up in front of Zhang Shan, and then, don't show up. I had a face-to-face meeting with Zhang Shan After that, they will separate soon. Then you stare at Dianzhang Shan to see what he does. If he has nothing else to do, it means that there is really no danger in the dark."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "But boss, if you have met Zhang Shan face to face, what if this kid makes a move, you may be in danger immediately."

"Don't worry." Fan Keqin said: "Isn't there you? After I meet him and leave, I will immediately go to Nanjing Road. There is a telephone booth there. I will wait for your news in the telephone booth. If Zhang Shan has any questions , I will immediately steal a car and leave Shanghai. It is very convenient for me to go alone. Even if they want to close the city, they cannot go faster than me alone.

And I think, there is a high probability that it is not the closure of the city.They don't know your existence, so they think Zhang Shan's actions are not clear to me.In this case, the Japanese and puppets will only make small moves.For example, sending a team of people to approach Zhang Shan and try to hold me down directly, this is what they would do. "

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "Go to Nanjing Road first, and write down the phone number of that phone booth."

The two discussed it in this way, and they did the same.It's only noon now, and I happened to go to Nanjing Road for a meal when I went out.By the way, the phone from the phone booth arrived.

Then Bai Fengtai, led by Fan Keqin, went directly to a coffee shop diagonally opposite the Great Shanghai Film Singing Production Company.Just waiting like that, Fan Keqin whispered to Bai Fengtai again, for example, how long after he saw Zhang Shan, he would probably be able to rush to the phone booth.If there is a situation, ask Bai Fengtai to call after this time or something.

After waiting for an hour or so, Fan Keqin threw himself through the window and saw two people walking out from the gate of the Shanghai Film Concert Production Company. One was the company's boss Zhang Shan, and the other was Zhen Qiang.The two men were talking to each other while going out.

Fan Keqin got up immediately and said, "I'm going." He said, carrying his own things, as if he had just arrived in the local area, and walked out of the coffee shop quickly.

Zhang Shan and Zhen Qiang were talking in front of Zhang Shan's car. Zhang Shan seemed to be very happy, and opened the car door with a smile, wanting to get in.

But at this moment, "Boss Zhang, Manager Zhen." Someone called them two.Zhen Qiang immediately turned his head to look, and Zhang Shan also stopped getting into the car.looked over.

"Hey." Zhang Shan smiled immediately after seeing Fan Keqin: "Mr. Wan, you are back. Hahahaha, this is... just arrived?"

"Teacher Wan." Zhen Qiang also smiled and said, "It's been hard work, how did you come back? No letter."

"Just arrived, just arrived." Fan Keqin said: "I was a little hungry after getting off the boat, and I took a car. I didn't know the address, and the driver brought me here directly. This one, I just had dinner .I think I’m right in front of you, so I’ll come over to take a look. What’s the matter? Are you going out?”

"Yes." Zhang Shan nodded, and said, "Ah Qiang and I went to the Great Shanghai Cinema and made an appointment with the boss. In fact, it was supposed to be released half a month ago, but the boss of the Great Shanghai Cinema went on a business trip, and the staff made an appointment. No Lord. He just came back yesterday, and we made an appointment to discuss this matter today. I guess..."

(End of this chapter)

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