spy ace

Chapter 1995 2 Newcomers

Chapter 1995 Two Newcomers
After smoking, Fan Keqin got up and went out, and went directly to the set.What is going to be filmed today is indeed the highlight, a shootout scene in which the killer is not too cold.It was also the first time for the entire crew to shoot a shootout scene.

In this year's filming, the real guys must be used.In fact, many film crews in later generations used the same real ones, but the bullets used were fake, blank bullets.There was a sound of pulling the trigger, and a long flame shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

It's the same this year.It's just that none of Zhan Ruide and others have any experience in shooting shootout scenes.Don't look at how detailed the script is written, even the drawing board with sub-shots.But it is still necessary for Fan Keqin to come and take a look to feel at ease.

In fact, Fan Keqin didn't do this either.But after all, he has seen too many movies and has a strong memory.He can even remember every detail of each picture.

So when they arrived, they began to guide Zhan Ruide and the others.In fact, how to guide?It means you are here, where are you, and the other party's reaction after a while, so follow the chain reaction.That's it.

In addition, the shot is not a long shot as a whole, but a section is shot here, and then another section is shot.For example, the actor who plays the protagonist Li En, the killer, is hanging upside down in this scene, the camera is on his side, his body is even parallel to the ground, and then under the camera, a group of police detectives come in from the door, and then Li En pulls the trigger , bang bang bang shooting.Then the detectives fell to the ground.

Then Li En relaxed his body, fell into the air, and then shot outside the door.Among them, he was also shot in the arm, and then fired a few more shots with one hand, then turned over and went up again.

This is not a shot.Fan Keqin explained in detail where to stop and how the actors were performing, and combined with the actual shooting environment, Zhan Ruide understood.

After all, his directing ability is still very strong. In fact, without Fan Keqin, he would definitely be able to shoot it after fumbling. After all, the script of the shot is very detailed.But with Fan Keqin here, he can finish with higher efficiency.

In this way, after shooting all morning, most of the shootout scene has been filmed.And with Fan Keqin's initial explanation, Zhan Ruide became more comfortable shooting the later shots.So the progress is fast.

At noon, Miss Tong came to visit the class.Of course, she was a little too frequent in this visit.He came here almost whenever he was free, and brought food and drinks to Fan Keqin.Of course, everyone in the production team also welcomes Miss Tong very much. After all, as soon as she comes, the food of the production team will immediately increase by one section.

Miss Tong is a very generous person. While bringing food to Fan Keqin, she would always buy a lot of other things and distribute them to the entire crew.Well, that's right, the average family can't bear to play like this.But this little money is not even a drop in the bucket in Miss Tong's eyes.

In the afternoon, Fan Keqin was fine again, because Zhan Ruide was already in good shape.This is even better, Fan Keqin and Miss Tong have nothing to do, they are just having fun together for a while.

This studio is in a building in the urban area. They are all rooms, right? It's not easy to build a room.After saying hello to Zhan Ruide, he led Miss Tong to a separate room, and began to get tired.

Miss Tong is now in a state of crazy obsession with Fan Keqin, so she likes Fan Keqin even though he is not at home.So when you get tired and crooked, you can let go.

In this way, we spent an afternoon in the world of the two of them on the set, and it was almost time to see.The two got up and looked at each other, um, they were quite neatly dressed.Then he went out and said hello to Zhan Ruide and fled.Zhan Ruide is in very good condition today, and it is estimated that he will fight until late.

Sitting in Miss Tong's car, she quickly arrived at the agreed hotel.Whampoa Hotel, came to the box on the second floor.Just look at Li Zihao, his wife, younger sister Qin Xunxun, and Chen Lei who have already arrived.Just about to order a pot of tea, where are you eating melon seeds and chatting.

Came in, took a seat, and greeted everyone.Fan Keqin also participated in the chat session.Among them, Qin Xunxun is still young, so she can't hide things. She also didn't enjoy the killer game yesterday.Therefore, she was very eager and kept looking at her watch. In less than ten minutes, she looked at her watch again, and said a little dissatisfied: "Oh, why is Brother Ping still here? What time is it? Eat I stopped eating and said it was a treat, but I came later than anyone else."

Just as I was talking about this, the door of the private room was pushed open, and three people led by Ping He walked in.Smiling peacefully, he patted Qin Xunxun's head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xunxun, it's not a big deal. I made an action when I was about to get off work, and I had to go too. Although it will be over quickly, right?" But yesterday I heard from Aheng, is this game interesting to play with more than nine people? No, I brought two more friends over. So it’s too late.”

He pointed at the two people behind him, and said, "I know you all, so I don't need to introduce you. Ah, yes, you haven't seen Aheng before. This is the son-in-law of my Uncle Tong's family, Xiaofei's boyfriend, Wanheng. Ah Heng, let me introduce to you, this one who doesn’t wear a jacket in the cold weather and pretends to be a ruthless person. In fact, he is called Xu Xiaowei at thirteen o’clock with calf cramps in the cold. The one who is thinner than a monkey is called Neng Dashuang. And Xiao Fei, also There are big brothers and sisters-in-law, Xun Xun has seen them all."

"Crack. You can't talk without hurting people, right?" The two of them complained peacefully, and came to shake hands with Fan Keqin.

After the introduction, Ping He immediately asked the waiter to take the food.Ping He sat next to Fan Keqin, and said: "Hey, Serena, Da Shuang, let me tell you, the killer game is really interesting. I heard from Aheng that he is a very well-known person in Europe. It's a game played in the club. It's not the kind of thing that children play. Is it Aheng, these two boys don't believe me."

It's not easy for Miss Tong to behave next to Fan Keqin. After all, the two parents have a good relationship.Besides, he came here peacefully, so he had no choice but to have no reaction.

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, I learned this in a very high-end club in Switzerland. There are indeed many tycoons, bankers, etc. in this club. They are all members. They are not qualified enough. This club does not accept of."

"Did you hear that? I didn't lie to you." He said peacefully, "Actually, I don't even need to explain. As long as we go to Jinbihuanghuanghuang and start playing, you will know it. It's very exciting."

Is this exciting?Well, it's really interesting for those who like this game.

(End of this chapter)

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