spy ace

Chapter 1996 Reunion

Chapter 1996 Reunion
Facts have proved that it is not unreasonable for this killer game to be popular all over the world.Ping He just finished it once, and it already has the meaning of a teenager with Internet addiction.

Soon, all the food came up.During the dinner, through chatting, Fan Keqin also knew what Xu Xiaowei and Neng Dashuang were doing.

Xu Xiaowei is Ping He's friend, and his family is in the salvage business, and the family keeps a dozen fishing boats.Although he didn't say it clearly, Fan Keqin could infer from a few words that his family had a relatively close relationship with the Wang puppet government.This can be deduced from the fact that he is peaceful and friendly.

The other big double is Ping He's colleague, who also works in the No. [-] Intelligence Division [-], and is the section chief of the intelligence department below.The family relationship also has connections in the puppet government. It is said that his mother is a senior inspector of the Wang puppet government and the police department.

Don't listen to the name of the inspector, it looks like an ordinary employee.In fact, it is not, the level of inspectors is actually very high.Her mother is already at the bureau level.In addition, the most powerful is his grandfather, who is said to work in the puppet government's Ministry of Defense.But he didn't say what he was doing, and Fan Keqin couldn't ask him directly.That would be a little suspicious.

But if Neng Dashuang and Xu Xiaowei can come over, they must be the second generation, or the third generation.There is a saying that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.So Neng Dashuang and Xu Xiaowei, like Ping He, love to play very much.It's just that Fan Keqin can feel it, peace, and Xu Xiaowei, both of them are bastards.

What does that mean?I just have something to do. After all, the family has a strong foundation and is not short of money. I just want to find something to do. I don’t care about my qualifications, and I don’t work very seriously.

But being able to get married, Fan Keqin can feel through the other party's words, deeds, and way of speaking, although this person is also very playful.But when it comes to work, he is the type who cares about his heart.Because when he introduced himself, although "we are all friends, there is nothing we can't say." However, when it came to any specific content, he stopped talking.There is still a gate in the mouth.

For such a person, Fan Keqin believed that the information obtained from him might be even more valuable than that obtained from Ping He, the deputy chief of the third division.

I probably knew it in my mind, Fan Keqin spent most of the time talking with Miss Tong, even when talking to others, he would give Miss Tong two chopsticks or something.Women are all vain.How about there is a word in later generations called basking in happiness?It is because I want others to see how nice my boyfriend is to me. This is the psychology of most women.

After the meal was over, everyone smoked a cigarette and drank a mouthful of tea, and they couldn't wait to be peaceful.Standing up, he said, "Hey, it's almost there. You can drink tea and be splendid. Hurry up, let's go. Let's play and drink. Besides, drinking tea is not as interesting as drinking."

After finishing speaking, Ping He looked at Miss Tong and said, "Xiao Fei, did you say hello to JinbiHuangHui?"

"Yeah." Miss Tong glanced at him and said, "I told you this morning, I asked them to reserve a card. There are also private rooms, so you can go to any one."

"Hey. That's it." Ping He said: "Big brothers and sisters, can you move? Those who should get dressed should change their clothes. Xun Xun, you are really my little ancestor, move a little bit. Come on, brother Give you the coat."

As he spoke, Ping He took Qin Xunxun's coat from the coat rack at the door, put his hands on it, and said, "Come on, Xun Xun, I will serve you to wear it." Following him, he looked at Miss Tong again, and said : "The big card is fine, the private room doesn't have that atmosphere."

Li Zihao laughed, and while putting on his coat, he said to his wife, "Be calm and anxious. But don't tell me, I felt really interesting when I played yesterday."

His wife also put on a women's long coat and said, "Hey, I'm quite willing to play too."

"Look, sister-in-law knows the goods." Talking peacefully, he walked out of the door and said to the waiter, "Quickly calculate the bill, how much is it, I will go down and settle it later."

"Yes sir." The waiter replied and walked downstairs.

After a while, everyone had already put on their coats, left the box, and went downstairs.Neng Dashuang followed Fan Keqin and said: "If Brother Ping had this kind of energy in the unit, he would have been the director long ago."

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Looking at this posture peacefully, you probably don't care much about it."

"Isn't it?" Neng Dashuang said: "But I care, Brother Ping quickly becomes the director, so I can be promoted along with him."

Fan Keqin said: "Then you have to persuade him well, for you, you have to be a little bit more energetic."

Neng Dashuang smiled and said, "I can persuade you to settle. All right, let's do it first."

When everyone came downstairs, Ping He had already settled the bill.Everyone came by car, and after getting in the car, they rushed to the magnificent nightclub which is not far away.

The current Jingbi Brilliant Nightclub has basically recovered its previous customer flow, mainly due to Miss Tong's re-investment, which now accounts for [-]% of the shares. Anyway, once it is renovated, it should be installed well.So the whole nightclub has a new look.Therefore, in fact, the big boss of Jinbihuanghuang nightclub is already Miss Tong. After all, [-]% of the shares have reached absolute control.The original boss has become a minority shareholder.But Miss Tong didn't care about the management, so she let the other party continue to manage it.

The service eye took away the reserved cards on the booth table, and everyone sat down.He said peacefully: "Serve the wine, you look at the arrangements for us people, but come with high-grade ones. In addition, some juice is also available. Snacks, look at it. In addition, bring us the poker and pen first. You After the order is over, you also come over and play games with us."

"Understood." The waiter said, "I'll be here right away." Saying that, he turned and left.

In no time, everything was ready.He said peacefully: "Aheng, there are nine of us today, and you will give us points for what roles we have."

"Okay, wait a minute." Fan Keqin took the pen and paper and began to write the characters on the poker.In a game of nine, there are three killers and six good guys.Three of them are citizens and the other three are detectives.And sniper, doctor, old man of the forest or butterfly.

Fan Keqin used the roles of forest old man, doctor, flower butterfly, and sniper in each round.Because of the new role, Fan Keqin introduced the abilities of several professions, which is actually very easy to understand.After listening to Ping He, I became even more interested...

(End of this chapter)

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