spy ace

Chapter 2000 Action

Chapter 2000 Action
Fan Keqin believes that it is difficult to control people like Lian Yishan. On the surface, you may be in control, but in fact, in essence, you don't know what the other party thinks at all.Maybe after he goes out, he will immediately turn his back on him. This situation is very possible.

On the other hand, Xiru looks very powerful.But in fact, this kind of toughness is actually a childish expression.He is an act expressed by emotional outbursts.He cares about his family very much, so if you control this kind of person, he will turn against him because he cares about his family and so on.

Just when Fan Keqin was thinking about it and had already made a choice in his heart, Xiru.There was a knock on the door, and Miss Tong walked in.Once in, close the door.The food box was placed on the table, and without taking anything, he hugged Fan Keqin and started making out with each other.

This is because the kitten smelled fishy and couldn't control it.Fan Keqin must not let her succeed, he must hang on.So, start to fight back.

The two got bored for a while, Miss Tong took out something, handed the chopsticks to Fan Keqin, and said: "Brother Heng, my father is going to Nanjing for a meeting, and it will take several days." Look at Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin didn't understand either, so he said very purely, "A world for two?"

Miss Tong's complexion was rosy, delicate and shiny, she nodded and said, "Well, why don't you come and live at home?"

Fan Keqin said: "If I go to live in your house, then your father will know when he turns around. Aren't you afraid?"

Miss Tong said: "Then what should I do? Go live at your house?"

Fan Keqin said: "I'm sure it doesn't matter, but your father will know."

Miss Tong understood what Fan Keqin meant, thought for a while, and said, "Brother Heng, you should come to my house, the housekeepers don't dare to talk too much."

Fa Ni and Qin Qin understood what she meant. Tong's father had gone out, but no matter whether he went there by himself or Miss Tong didn't come home.The housekeeper and the servants must know about it.So if they reported it to the Tong father who came back, then the Tong father would definitely know.But the problem is, this is tantamount to snitching.When you report, you will definitely consider the consequences of making a small report.And those who listen to the small report may not be happy to listen to your report.

But there is another possibility, and that is the housekeeper, not the servant.But, Father Tong will ask when he comes back.If he really wanted to ask, the housekeeper and the servants couldn't help but answer.

Miss Tong said: "It doesn't matter, we are aboveboard. And my father can't ask such a question." Then he fed Fan Keqin a wonton, and said: "How about it?"

"That must be good." Fan Keqin said: "It's not too late, let's go there tonight."

In fact, Fan Keqin wanted to refuse, because he wanted to go directly to the Confucianism at some point.But it's the same for Bai Fengtai to hand over this matter.It's just that Fan Keqin asked him to bring a few more talents. In addition, he also needed to get a few guns.But the best thing is to go there yourself.After all, although Xiru has a true temperament, this kind of person is also easily impulsive.I was afraid that in the first meeting, the other party would suddenly make a move just as he showed his intention.

If this is the case, Fan Keqin can rest assured that Bai Fengtai and the others will be able to escape unscathed.But it is likely to shoot.If Xiru is shot, no matter whether Xiru is killed or not, the next step will not be possible.

But Fan Keqin still agreed, because he thought that even if he wanted to go to Miss Tong's house, it would be at night.Xiru took a day off last day, and Lian Yishan was on shift.So it's the same when I go by during the day.And during the day, I can take advantage of the time to go to the set to do this matter.Then there is no problem.

After eating, I got bored with Miss Tong for a while.Miss Tong left the office and went upstairs to do her own business.Before going to the film crew, Fan Keqin went to Bai Fengtai and told him his thoughts.Let Bai Fengtai arrange it.The latter stated that guns and manpower are readily available and ready to act.

Fan Keqin said: "That's good. Let's take action next Xiru's rest day."

Bai Fengtai said: "Okay, we are ready, anytime."

Fan Keqin immediately came out of Bai Fengtai's office and went to the crew.That's it, two days passed in a flash.In the past two days, Fan Keqin came to the company to have a meal with Miss Tong in the morning, but at eleven o'clock, Fan Keqin went out.Then, I found a restaurant on the street, and after a leisurely lunch, I went to the set.In the afternoon, follow the filming of the producer, and then go home with Miss Tong in the evening.

Fan Keqin did this on purpose. On this day, after he and Miss Tong had breakfast prepared by the butler at home in the morning, the two of them went to work arm in arm.Then wait for Miss Tong to go upstairs and run the business.Fan Keqin greeted Bai Fengtai: "Leave at eleven o'clock and start working."

Then Fan Keqin worked as usual, and went out on time at eleven o'clock.But this time, it's not about finding a place to have a slow lunch before going to the set.Instead, he skipped lunch and went directly to the address where Xirujia was located.

The alleys of old Shanghai are good if they say they are good, but they are also bad if they are not good.The good thing is that it is very lively, and the neighbors and neighbors have a good relationship, and they can lend a hand to help out if there is anything.But the disadvantage is that it extends in all directions and is quite chaotic.Xiru's home is in this kind of alley.This is the house left by his father. The area of ​​the house is actually not small, with two floors in total.Adding one piece up and down also has a usable area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

Fan Keqin was walking forward on the street outside the alley, and after passing a restaurant, he had followed Bai Fengtai who came out of the checkout.

Bai Fengtai said: "There are two more brothers, in the teahouse diagonally opposite the entrance of the alley. After passing by, they will come out when they see us."

Fan Keqin still walked forward normally, and said, "Have you brought all the guys?"

"Bring it." Bai Fengtai said: "I use a Colt, and one of them has a silencer. If there is an accident, I will use this silenced gun to fire. In this way, the sound can also be lowered. No As for that, all the neighbors in the neighborhood were alarmed on the spot."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "Is Xiru at home?"

"At home." Bai Fengtai said: "His wife, Feng Mantong, is also here. The eldest daughter is studying in No. [-] Middle School. The second and youngest are also attending Yumiao Primary School. Normally, if Xiru has no classes, he will We set off at four o'clock in the afternoon, first to pick up the second and youngest, and then go to the Sixth Middle School to pick up the eldest daughter..."

(End of this chapter)

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